
<p style="text-align: justify;">Determination of skills and capabilities of the individuals with mental disorders and speech disabilities is an impor­tant task for specialists. At the experimental stage, 50 respondents were interviewed to reveal the possibilities of their participation in the follow-up evaluation of the independent living skills and level of required support. The methods of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and visual support were used. The study of the process of development of special conditions for the interview was carried out in the setting of psychoneurological residential institutions. We identified conditions, which are required for the participants: establishing of the primary contact, determining the communication means and the level of understanding of oral speech etc. Methods of directed obser­vation, learning game situations, and practical tasks were used. The case study method was used to analyze the opti­mal choice of AAC and visibility means. A productive contact was established with 92% of respondents, they agreed to participate in the interview. Full understanding of the interview’s objectives was achieved in 33% cases. 74% of respondents were able to complete the interview. It was determined that the development of special conditions for the participation of the respondents in an interview and the choice of AAС methods involves the following factors: assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the communicative abilities; available means of communication; pos­sibilities of using AAC symbols and teaching the respondents to use them etc. The results can be used in carrying out further stages of research to determine the skills and capabilities of persons who do not use speech as the main means of communication.</p>

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