
In the article, the authors investigated and analyzed the aspect of the depiction of women in art during the "thaw" and "stagnation" as a key element of the Soviet ideology of those times. The purpose of the article is to study the role of heroine-worker, mother-heroine, and modern woman in the image of socialist realism. Based on this, the authors drew attention to their symbolic significance in forming ideological concepts and social values in this period. The methodological basis of the research is the use of the principles of historicism, systematicity, and comprehensiveness, as well as a combination of problem-chronological methods of induction and deduction. The scientific novelty. The authors make an essential contribution to understanding the role and portrayal of women in Soviet art during the periods of "thaw" and "stagnation". By analyzing heroine-workers, heroine-mothers, and modern women in the context of socialist realism, the article highlights new aspects of their symbolic significance, which contributes to expanding the understanding of Soviet ideology and influencing the perception of the role of women in society. Conclusions. Under the influence of Soviet ideology and communist propaganda, the changed image of a woman was like an allegory of the Motherland, contributing to educating patriotism and love for the native land and the entire Soviet state and socialist society, especially in the younger generation. The result of this process came to be completely new aspects in the perception of the role of women, which were widely reflected in works of art and testified to the modification of traditional stereotypes and social roles in the Soviet socialist society. Women's participation in various spheres of the Soviet economy, supported by ideological influence, was reflected in their new image in art, positively highlighting various aspects of their daily lives and roles in a socialist society.

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