
The purpose of the article is to consider the image of the prophet and the prophetic word in the works of the poets of the Silver Age in comparison with the previous tradition presented in the text of M.Yu. Lermontov. The transformation of the poet-prophet noted by researchers, which occurs in the lyrics of the Silver Age, is clarified in our article by considering the change of functions of the prophetic word. In conclusion, it is found out that with numerous motivational and semantic calls, the prophetic word in the lyrics of K. Bal’mont and V. Bryusov indicates a different direction. In the “Prophet” M. Lermontov’s dramatic conflict between the world and the truth is fundamentally insoluble, the prophet Moses in the work of V. Bryusov formally realizes his purpose, but loses the meaning of life, in the works of K. Bal’mont, the prophet denounces the gray and boring life of people, putting forward the ideals of play, creativity in contrast to it, opposes the rational and ecstatic.

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