
In recent years the problem of rational use and protection of the country’s groundwater resources has become increasingly important. This is due to want of reserves of groundwater and surface water, their depletion with technological progress and the ever increasing influence of human economic activity. The growth of cities, industry, expansion of water consumption for various economic needs significantly change the water balance regimes on the surface, in soils and rocks.The northern part of the West Siberian Artesian Megabasin (WSAMB) is located on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District (YNAD). Now the district is an intensively developing region of the Russian Federation. Here, oil and gas are extracted, large transport communications and residential areas are located. The district is characterized by extreme landscape, climatic and geoecological conditions that determine the nature of development of dangerous natural processes, the interaction of surface and groundwater and the migration of pollutants. The anthropogenic impact on the fresh groundwater of WSAMB and the increase in the residential load in the developed territories, which is intensified as a result of oil and gas production, requires an in-depth study of the regional hydrodynamics of the Upper Eocene Quaternary hydro-geological complex.The article provides calculations of mass flows of the main pollutants in groundwater and provides a preliminary forecast of the possible change in the quality of fresh water under the influence of anthropogenic factor.


  • За последние годы все большее значение приобретает проблема рационального использования и охраны водных ресурсов страны

  • The growth of cities, industry, expansion of water consumption for various economic needs significantly change the water balance regimes on the surface, in soils and rocks.The northern part of the West Siberian Artesian Megabasin (WSAMB) is located on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District (YNAD)

  • The district is characterized by extreme landscape, climatic and geoecological conditions that determine the nature of development of dangerous natural processes, the interaction of surface and groundwater and the migration of pollutants

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За последние годы все большее значение приобретает проблема рационального использования и охраны водных ресурсов страны. Усиливающееся в результате нефтегазодобычи антропогенное воздействие на пресные подземные воды ЗСАМБ и увеличение селитебной нагрузки на осваиваемых территориях требуют углубленного изучения региональной гидродинамики верхнего эоцен-четвертичного гидрогеологического комплекса.В статье приводятся расчеты массопотоков главных элементов-загрязнителей в подземных водах и дан предварительный прогноз возможного изменения качества пресных вод под действием антропогенного фактора. (2018) Гидрогеоэкологическая оценка состояния пресных вод Надым-Пурской и Пур-Тазовской нефтегазоносных провинций Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа в связи с интенсивной разработкой месторождений углеводородов.

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