
The expediency to use cryopreserved fetal liver cells (cFLCs) for preventive treatment of breast cancer (BC) is proved by a wide range of produced by them biologically active substances with immunomodulatory and antineoplastic activity. Revealing cancer stem cells (CSCs) in the mammary gland (MG) and determination of the immune system (IS) status are the methods of early diagnosis and evaluation of preventive treatment efficiency of breast cancer. The experiments were performed in 16-month-old C3H/He mice which in 6 months were injected by cryopreserved or native FLCs of 14 gestation days at a dose of 1×106 or 5×106 cells. Probl Cryobiol Cryomed 2014; 24(3):238-248.


  • Our study shows that in C3H/He mice prior to visual manifestation of tumor there is an imbalance in the subpoplation composition of lymphocytes, expressed with a decrease of CD3+ cell number, CD4+ (T-helper cells) and an increase of CD4+CD25+ number (T-regulatory cells (T-reg)) compared with the control (Fig.1)

  • These changes of immune system (IS) T-cell link can be caused by suppressor effect of T-reg on them, which number increased in all the groups, probably under the influence of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), ones of the producers of which are tumor cells [25]

  • Preventive treatment of C3H mice by introduction of fetal liver cells was shown to contributed into restoration of T-cell link of immune system

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На теперішній час є досвід успішного застосування при лікуванні онкологічних захворювань препаратів плаценти [40], суспензії стовбурових ембріональних клітин [25], фетальних клітин тимуса [21], головного мозку [10] та печінки [8, 20, 22]. Thereby for diagnosis and analysis of the efficiency of preventive treatment it is necessary to use the methods for determining IS status and the occurrence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in recipient’s organism. For this purpose in experimental practice there are used C3H/He mice with genetically determined development of BC, induced by the virus MMTV (mouse mammary tumor virus), which is transferred with a mother’s milk [7]

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