
Abstract The study aims to identify the coping strategies with stress during quarantine, as well as to pinpoint the differences of coping strategies with stress according to the variables of (gender, age, marital status, degree, number of family members, and family economic status). For this purpose, a questionnaire was employed by the researchers with 28 items included, and the characteristics of psychological measurement were extracted from the questionnaire (validity based on surface validity and reliability based on the Cronbach Alpha). Later, the questionnaire was distributed online, and eventually, the number of research samples responded were 420 part. participants. Then, T.Test and ONE WAY ANOVA were used to analyze the data statistically and the results showed: The study sample uses positive coping strategies with stress. Additionally, there are no significant differences according to the number of family members. However, differences were noticed in the other variables (For sex was in favor of females, for the age, it was 38 years and above, for the marital status, it was the married couples, for the degree, it was in favor of doctoral holders, for the economic status, it was in favor of the ones with good economic status. In conclusion, based on the results, a number of recommendations and suggestion have been presented.

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