
The preparedness of the Russian health care to react to emergency situations, issues of organization and provision of medical care and medical evacuation in emergencies are inextricably linked to the activities of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Ministry of Health, the main component of the All-Russian Disaster Medicine Service. Since March 1, 2021 day-to-day administration of the All-Russian Disaster Medicine Service and of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Ministry of Health is performed by the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine of National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov. The aim of the study is to define the priorities for the year 2022 for the Federal Disaster Medicine Center, for Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Ministry of Health and for the All-Russian Disaster Medicine Service as well as for the whole system of population medical support in emergencies. The priorities will be defined based on the analysis of the 2021 year activities for the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine, for territorial centers of disaster medicine, for regional centers of emergency and disaster medicine and for regional centers of disaster and emergency medicine. Materials and research methods. Regulatory and methodological documents governing the organization and functioning of the All-Russian Disaster Medicine Service and of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia, documents setting the procedure for medical care and medical evacuation of victims in emergencies; reports of territorial centers of disaster medicine, of regional centers of emergency and disaster medicine and of regional centers of disaster and of federal disaster medicine centres on the medical and sanitary emergency response activities in 2021 as well as other documents; scientific papers and publications on current issues of medical care in emergencies, on development of the Disaster Medicine Service information environment and on digitalization of healthcare. Research methods: analytical statistical, method of direct observation, logical and informational modeling. Research results and their analysis. The main results of activities of Federal Disaster Medicine Center and of Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2021 were considered, including information interaction with the operational services in conference mode, monitoring of the medical and sanitary situation, emergency data, measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, etc. The structure of Disaster Medicine Service at the regional level was analyzed. The main directions of Federal Disaster Medicine Center and Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Ministry of Health activities for 2022 are presented.

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