
This article is devoted to the description of the still functioning explosive laboratory created in the structure of the Expert and Technical Department of the Criminal Militia Service of the Central Government of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The main tasks carried out by the employees of the 10th department of the State Economic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (department of explosive and fire and technical expertise) are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the participation of these employees in crime scenes investigation of offences involving using explosive objects with subsequent explosive expertise. The author provides examples of high-profile criminal cases. In addition, the author underlines the significant role of interaction of the laboratory under consideration with various law enforcement services for highly efficient expert support in the investigation of crimes related to the illicit trafficking of explosive objects, as well as in solving complex and far from secure operational tasks in order to further scientific and practical development for needs of law enforcement agencies (emphasis is placed on scientific researches of the employees of the 10th department of the Forensic Center).

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