Partial replications of experiments reported by Cai et al. (Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(4), 1217-1226, 2017) on the so-called Horizontal-vertical illusion confirmed that dissecting L-figures into two separate lines yields greater overestimation of (near-)verticals than do intact Ls. However, contrary to Cai et al.'s findings, which had been obtained with a staircase procedure, with the method of constant stimuli, the amount of illusion was much smaller. This divergence is explained by the self-reinforcing nature of adjustment procedures. Another finding, already reported by Cormack and Cormack (Perception & Psychophysics, 16(2), 208-212, 1974), that obtuse angles between an L's lines yield greater bias than acute angles, was also replicated in one experiment but tended to be reversed in another. Mixing dissected, upright and top-down inverted Ls and laterally oriented Ts, both with tilted lines, within one experiment confirmed that the bias for Ts is opposite to the one for Ls: For Ts, the effect of (virtual) bisection dominates, yielding an overestimation of the length of the undivided line, whereas for Ls, the horizontal-vertical anisotropy dominates, yielding an overestimation of the length of the vertical line. The differential gap effects can possibly be explained by interactions within the neural substrate between orientation-sensitive and end-inhibited neurons, and the method effects by perceptual learning.
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