Purpose: The principle of local wisdom is one of the legal principles contained in the Law on Environmental Management andProtection (UUPPLH). This principle implies that environmental management is not only based on modern values or modern Western philosophyrelatedto human rights and globalization,but also places the wisdomoflocal communities or indigenous peoples, as part of it. The management and protection of the environment that has been oriented towards the principles of modern development principles has created acute problems for environmental management and conservation, namely the problems of exploration and exploitation, conservation or logging, which have resulted in environmental damage. Retracing the meaning of the principle of local wisdom, helps to explain how local wisdom becomes the lifeblood of environmental management and conservation. Through a multi-disciplinary approach or using a mixed legal approach (mixed method), namely the use of more than one approach, namely the philosophical approach, conceptual approach and statutory approach, this model is more triangulation approach. The results obtained, that the principle of Local Wisdom is not a mere formal meaning, or only textual recognition, but explains further about the way of life, mindset, values, and culture, idiology that manifests in the behavior - ethical Indonesian society, about its relationship with the environment guided by spiritual rules, or something that forms and leads to "cosmic consciousness". Through this cosmic consciousness, cultural pluralism becomes an invaluable wealth in protecting and maintaining the environment. In the midst of the onslaught of globalization and digitalization, the cosmic consciousness of indigenous peoples is the main foundation of local wisdom, which actually rests on what is referred to as "pre established harmony". Method: First is the philosophical method, which examines and analyzes the position ofprinciples in the EnvironmentalManagementand Protection Law,this methodis used to obtain the essence or meaning (essential) and function of principles for the Development of Environmental Law; (2) Conceptual method, this method helps explain theconcepts usedas the basis for research/writing by presenting currentissues related to the principles in UUPPLH, and (3) Regulatory method, this method is used to explain normatively the essence of UUPPLH, especially the substance of several provisions reviewed in this paper/research. Data analysis uses analytical triangulation, namely various analyses used to explain one particular phenomenon, namely the principle of local wisdom will be studied and dissected through philosophical analysis. Results: The principle of local wisdom in the Law on Environmental Management and Protection has several meanings that philosophically touch the inner aspects of Indonesian society, that (1) The principle of local wisdom in UUPPLH, is not just formally interpreted, but is an essential meaning that describes the reality of Indonesian people's thinking about their relationship with their lives and the environment, namely thinking that is cosmic, integral and intact. (2) The meaning of the principle of local wisdom is the driving force and struggle of the people who have struggled to get recognition from the state, that the rights of indigenous peoples are important things to continue to be protected and maintained (3) The principle of local wisdom in UUPPLH, illustrates the diversity of the values of indigenous peoples spread in many regions, is a wealth owned by the community with a diversity of cultures, values and religions that underlie their lives with the surrounding environment, which forms a plural consciousness. (MIFR) (AFS) (AS).
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