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Nanofluid-peroxydisulfate integrated volumetric solar interfacial evaporation system for water evaporation and organic pollutant removal

Solar evaporation exhibits significant potential for the treatment of high-salt organic wastewater. However, it's also confronted with challenges due to the accumulation of organic pollutants and salts in the concentrated wastewater following evaporation, which compromises the long-term stability of evaporation unit and complicates subsequent treatment processes. To address these challenges, a volumetric solar interfacial evaporation (V-SIE) system by integrating Fe3O4-H2O nanofluids and peroxydisulfate (PDS) were proposed in this study. In V-SIE system, Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared as solar receivers to form a volume-absorbing solar energy interface and enhance evaporation efficiency. The results show that the evaporation rate was 1.412 kg/(m2·h) and the solar efficiency reached 93.75% as the temperature rose to 57.2 ℃. Additionally, the high thermal conductivity of Fe3O4 facilitated the effective heat transfer to the fluid and provided sufficient thermal energy to activate PDS, thereby removing 99.3% of Rhodamine B (RhB). Fe3O4 NPs effectively promoted the generation of reactive species including SO4•−, •OH, O2•− and 1O2 from PDS and the four main stages including N-de-ethylation, chromophore cleavage, ring-opening, and mineralization were proposed as the possible degradation pathway of RhB. This study provides a reference for developing V-SIE system and highlights the positive effect of nanofluids in advanced oxidation processes.

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Dual-purpose elemental sulfur for capturing and accelerating biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in anaerobic environment

Hydrophobic organic pollutants in aqueous environments are challenging to biodegrade due to limited contact between microorganisms, the pollutants and the electron acceptor, particularly under anaerobic or anoxic conditions. Here, we propose a novel strategy that uses inexpensive, dual-function elemental sulfur (S0) to enhance biodegradation. Using petroleum hydrocarbons as the target pollutants, we demonstrated that hydrophobic and nonpolar S° can concentrate hydrocarbons while simultaneously serving as an electron acceptor to enrich hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria. The permeable reactive barrier filled with S0 effectively removed petroleum hydrocarbons. In addition to rapid adsorption, we discovered, for the first time, that petroleum hydrocarbons underwent efficient biodegradation through the reduction of S0. Specifically, n-alkanes were degraded by 80 % to 90 % and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by 40 % to 95 %. These degradation rates were 17 % to 30 % and 26 % to 43 % higher, respectively, compared to those observed without S0. Consecutive subcultures combined with untargeted metabolomics analysis revealed that bacteria capable of dissimilatory sulfur reduction enhanced the fermentation process. These bacteria provided electrons to the metabolic network, which facilitated the mineralization of petroleum hydrocarbons. Our findings highlight the significant potential of S° for removing hydrophobic organic pollutants in oxygen-free environments, demonstrate the feasibility of integrating adsorption, biodegradation, and electron supply to enhance pollutant removal.

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Making waves: Harnessing anammox bacteria coupled with dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium for sustainable wastewater management.

Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) which converts nitrite and ammonium to dinitrogen gas is an energy-efficient nitrogen removal process. One of the bottlenecks for anammox application in wastewater treatment is the stable supply of nitrite for anammox bacteria. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) is a process that converts nitrate to nitrite and then to ammonium. Significantly, it has been reported that some anammox bacteria can perform DNRA by reducing nitrate to nitrite and ammonium nitrogen with little low-molecular-weight organic acids such as volatile fatty acids. Here, we propose an innovative nitrogen removal process, i.e., nitrification and anammox coupled with partial DNRA (i.e., NPDA), and make a theoretical comparison with previously accepted partial nitrification and anammox (PNA) and partial denitrification and anammox (PdNA) for nitrogen removal. Under similar conditions of oxygen consumption, removal efficiency, external carbon source addition, and greenhouse gas emission, the novel NPDA process can better facilitate resource-effective and environment-friendly wastewater treatment. Thermodynamic analysis indicates that partial DNRA-anammox appears to be preferred, oxidizing per mole of NH4 +produces higher energy gain than that of conventional anammox alone. The carbon source limitation rather than nitrate limitation is the key to the realization of NPDA process. This perspective highlights the positive role of DNRA for sustainable wastewater management.

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