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마을교육활동가의 정체성 및 행위자성 형성에 관한 생애사 연구

The purpose of this study is to explore the identity and agency of village education activists through situated learning and to expand discussions for supporting their capacity enhancement. The research method used for this study is based on Mandelbaum’s (1973) life history study, which analyzes three areas: ‘dimensions of life’, ‘turning points’, and ‘adaptations’. The analysis results in the ‘dimensions of life’ area are as follows: First, the economic crisis in the family during childhood served as a cause to form an identity of self-reliance. Second, early employment during youth led to the exploration of identity. Third, experiencing family adversity caused a period of identity confusion. Fourth, acting as family problem solver helped to discover her self-motivated behaviors, which acted as the driving force for village education activists to obtain agency. In the ‘turning points’ area: Personal conditions such as assimilation with the village community became a turning point in identity formation and the manifestation of agency as a prepared village education activist. Social conditions, such as acquiring matching skills to connect the village and people, and people with people, became a turning point in finding one’s position. In the ‘adaptations’ area: Being a complete subject from a peripheral object based on a self-directed community activities, participation in self-directed learning processes, growing together with participating members, and learning in professional community networks formed the basis for the identity and agency of village education activists. Through the results of this life history research, discussions for supporting the growth of village education activists in regional education innovation and development were presented.

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Cooper 등의 다차원 정책분석 모형을 활용한「고등·평생교육지원 특별회계」정책 분석

This study aims to comprehensively understand and systematically analyze the policy-making process of the 'Special Account for Supporting Higher and Lifelong Education' by taking a multi-dimensional approach. To achieve the research objectives, various materials such as national laws and regulations, government policy documents, press releases, research papers, and internet portal articles were collected. The multidimensional policy analysis model of Cooper et al. was utilized to analyze it in normative, structural, constituent, and technical dimensions. First, at the normative level, the Special Account was promoted with the goals of optimizing education finance and supporting university innovation. Second, structurally, the Special Account was influenced by institutional structures such as tuition freezes and the vulnerability of higher education financing. Third, in terms of its constituent dimension, the policy-making process of the Special Account revealed interactions among the central and local governments, higher education institutions, and elementary, secondary, and middle education institutions. Fourth, the technical dimension discussed the adoption of a temporary operation and funding method as a compromise, and it highlighted that the government's vision was being realized through the budget size and utilization process. Additionally, the urgency of policy evaluation for securing sustainable higher education funding was emphasized. Based on the findings, it is suggested that establishing a long-term financing measure, such as a Higher Education Finance Grant, is essential to enhance the stability and predictability of higher education funding.

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교육에서 글로컬 개념에 대한 고찰

The term glocal, a blend of "global" and "local," is increasingly prevalent in educational settings and policies. However, its meaning and pedagogical implications remain underexplored. This study aims to analyze the concept and applications of glocal in education to establish a foundational framework for glocal education. To achieve this, the study first examines the concept of glocalization and then analyzes its usage in education through media reports and prior research. Prior studies predominantly focused on two areas: using glocal as a keyword and exploring "glocal competencies." Media analysis revealed that glocal is often associated with universities outside the metropolitan area and government-initiated policies, such as the “Glocal University 30” initiative. This research defines glocal education as "education that fosters glocal competencies—such as global citizenship, understanding and engagement with local communities, and contributing to humanity and the broader community—based on regional and local contexts." Glocal competencies include global citizenship, understanding and engagement with local communities, community-mindedness, multicultural competence, and global skills. In education, glocal is actively practiced in higher education but is also applicable to school education, community-based education, and lifelong learning. It can be approached from the perspective of global citizenship education rooted in regions and places. Glocal applies to all regions and should not remain merely as a keyword for "Education in non-capital regions" or policy project titles.

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대학 상담센터에 대한 재학생 수요 및 인식 연구: 비수도권 B대학 사례를 중심으로

The purpose of this study was to focus on college students in their 20s, the best time for preventing, early detecting, treating, and managing mental health problems, and to identify the demand and perception of college students for university counseling centers as a mental health support system. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, an online survey was conducted and analyzed on 1,923 students enrolled in B university in the non-metropolitan area. As a result, nearly 70% of the students knew the name and location of the counseling center. Only 17.4% of the total respondents used the counseling center's services and were somewhat satisfied with the counseling center and its programs. Regarding the future plans to use the counseling center, more than 80% of students said they would try to use the counseling center, but 15.1% said they would not use it at all, because they did not think it would be helpful, did not want to be seen as a problematic person, and were afraid that people around them would know. Career and employment issues were overwhelmingly selected as the topic they wanted to receive help, with female students reporting higher rates and satisfaction levels than male students in all categories. When it comes to improvement requirements for the counseling center, thorough confidentiality was identified as the most important. Based on the results of the study, implications were drawn so that the university counseling centers could actively accept the rapidly changing needs of the times and play a pivotal role and function in promoting the mental health of university students, and follow-up research was suggested.

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계획도시 일반고등학교 설립 과정에서 나타난 입학전형의 쟁점 분석: 혼합 연구 방법 접근

This study was conducted to analyze the issues related to the admission process of general high schools established in planned city. To achieve the research objectives, a convergent and equal-status mixed research method approach was employed, utilizing both qualitative(interview and focus group interview) and quantitative(online survey) investigations. The study results revealed several issues in school districts: ‘Integration with existing school district: diluting the original purpose of establishing new high school’, and ‘Separation from existing school district: differences in cut-off scores among school districts’. In the realm of student choice, issues identified included ‘Mutual support between school districts: allowing mutual support vs. restricting external support’, ‘Granting district choice: balancing cut-off scores between school districts vs. equity issues between school districts’, and ‘Expanding beyond quotas: minimizing students who don’t have admission vs. declining quality of high school education’. Regarding the admission methods, the characteristics identified were ‘Middle school academic performance: the most fair and acceptable selection’, ‘Self-directed learning admission: concerns about fairness’, and ‘Lottery assignment: too much advantage and disadvantage left to luck’. Based on the research results, this study discusses the issues in the admissions system for general high schools in planned cities and suggests plans for designing admissions system.

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재학생 맞춤형 고용서비스가 연계된 저학년 대상 대학 진로교과목 운영의 효과: 대학생 진로역량을 중심으로

The purpose of this study is to generate basic data for improving career curriculum by analyzing the results of the first operation of university career course for lower grades linked to undergraduate students-customized employment services. The subjects of this study were 93 university students of A University who took the career course for the lower grades in the first semester of 2024, which was linked to the undergraduate students-customized employment service. The course was developed in four stages of planning, composition, implementation, and evaluation, including the process of restructuring for the selection and introduction of the project. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, university career courses for lower grades linked undergraduate students-customized employment services showed statistically significant positive effects on the overall career competencies of undergraduate students and the sub-competencies of reflection competence, communication competence, and behavioral competence. The effect size of the sub-competencies was in the order of behavioral competence, communication competence, and reflection competencies. Second, university career courses for lower graders linked to undergraduate students-customized employment services showed statistically significant positive effects on all sub-factors of career competences of undergraduate students. The effect size of the sub-factor was the largest for networking. Third, the average scores of career competence, sub-competencies, and sub-factors in the post-survey results of this study were above the normal level. Sub-competencies were in the order of reflection competence, behavioral competence, and communication competence.

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인천광역시교육청학교지원단에 대한 교원의 인식 및 요구사항 분석

This study aimed to analyze teachers' perceptions and demands for school support focused on Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education School Support Center. A self-reported survey was conducted among elementary and secondary school educators (principals, vice principals, and teachers) within the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education. A total of 653 participants responded to the survey. The results of this study were as follows. First, 62.56% of respondents prioritized the reduction of unnecessary works commonly assigned to all schools as the primary meaning of school support. Only 21.57% of respondents reported having experience with school support center. Those with experience expressed general satisfaction and positive outcomes from the support received. However, more than half of those (78.43%) without experience in receiving support were unaware of the existence or role of school support center. Second, teachers generally demanded human resource support and administrative assistance from school support center. The desired works varied depending on their position, such as homeroom teachers, department heads, and (vice) principals. Based on these findings, this study suggested policy implications to explore the development of school support center.

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프랑스 교육행정체제 및 교육감 제도의 특징 및 시사점

This study aims to analyze the key characteristics of the French educational administration system and the superintendent(recteur d’académie) system, and to explore the implications for improving the system in Korea. For this purpose, the study primarily utilized a literature analysis method, collecting and analyzing French government documents, European Union reports, and academic papers. The analysis yielded the following results: First, the French local education administration system ensures the unity and consistency of national education by harmonizing centralization and decentralization through a dual administrative structure that vertically distributes responsibilities between central and local governments and horizontally divides roles among local entities. Second, the title and role of the the French superintendent of education(recteur d’académie), the highest authority of the academy (académie) were established by the decree of 1854. Third, the recteur d’académie holds a dual status, within the academy as both the representative of the central government and the highest authority of the academy, overseeing all levels of education from early childhood to higher education. Fourth, a requirement for the appointment of the French superintendent is the highest academic degree in higher education, known as the 'habilitation' (qualification to supervise doctoral research), although a certain percentage of exceptions are permitted. Fifth, the recteur is a high-ranking public official appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Minister of Education. The position has no set term, and academic and administrative competence are considered more important than political affiliation. Based on these findings, implications were presented.

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