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Analytical and computational aspects of a batch arrival retrial queue with a constant retrial policy

ABSTRACT This article analyses an M X / G / 1 retrial queueing model with a constant retrial policy. Customers arrive in batches with a compound Poisson process, while the service time is generally distributed. If the server is idle, the first customer in a batch starts service immediately upon arrival, while the rest joins the orbit. However, if a customer occupies the server, the entire batch is required to join the orbit. Customers retry for service from the orbit in order of arrival with a retrial time that follows an exponential distribution. We utilize the roots of the associated characteristic equation of the probability generating function to determine the steady-state orbit length distribution at the post-departure epoch. The orbit length distribution at random epoch is also derived with the help of differential difference equations. The most challenging part of this article is to execute the waiting time distribution of an arbitrary customer of a batch in a closed and compact form. We also perform a cost analysis aimed to minimize the total operational cost of the system. Finally, some numerical results are shown in the form of tables and graphs that take account of the behavior of model parameters in order to validate our findings.

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Factors of academic mobility influencing the formation of civil identity of future teachers

The article analyzes the factors of academic mobility that influence the formation of civic identity of future teachers. In the context of globalization of education, academic mobility is becoming an integral part of the process of professional training of students, including future teachers. In the presented study, the authors use both quantitative and qualitative research methods that allow us to assess the restraining and resource factors of academic mobility in matters of forming civic identity among students of pedagogical universities, as well as their professional interests within the framework of these educational opportunities. The study involved 396 full-time students of pedagogical universities from 24 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of which 122 students participated in academic mobility programs and 274 students did not participate in such programs. The author's questionnaire ‟Specifics of student participation in academic mobility” was used as the main methodology for studying the mechanisms of academic mobility of students - future teachers, and the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test was also used. The results of the study showed that students who took part in academic mobility programs give a positive assessment of such educational experience in their professional development, while students of pedagogical universities, regardless of their experience of participating in such programs, demonstrate a responsible and serious attitude towards academic mobility programs, which is associated with fairly high expectations regarding the results of their participation and a focus on the development of civic identity.

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Integrating electronics and data analysis for movement recognition in Chinese traditional dance performances

ABSTRACT With the collection of a wide range of ethnic dance data with different styles, how to reasonably organise and support exploratory browsing of ethnic dance data and effectively analyse the relationship between dance movements and performances has become a hot topic in Chinese traditional dance performance research. This research combines data mining, pattern recognition, action interaction and other technologies and proposes extraction and recognition methods for dance actions and performance videos in traditional Chinese dance performances. First, the dance video is divided into frames. Then, optical flow is calculated on each image with good frames to obtain the movement characteristics of the dancers in the image. Then, the image entropy is calculated using the optical flow image to get the entropy sequence. Finally, the sequence is used to extract key frames. Continuous iterations are needed to select the best threshold, obtain high-quality keyframes, and analyse the iterative relationship between dance action and performance. The experimental results prove that the similarity-matching model constructed in this study considers the factors of time order, granularity, interference, and other factors. By comparing the similarities, it can fully analyse the correlation between the dance action and the performance effect, performance time, stage scenery and other elements.

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Criteria and indicators of adolescents' readiness for military-professional activities

The article considers the problem of assessing the degree of formation of adolescents' readiness for military-professional activity; the author's express questionnaire for its diagnostics is presented. The criteria of adolescents' readiness for military-professional activity are described: value, cognitive, emotional and behavioral; the main empirical indicators of their formation are characterized. The study sample consisted of 120 students of 10 grades of schools in the city of Kostroma (69 boys and 51 girls). The results of the study showed that the value and emotional components of readiness for military-professional activity are most developed in modern adolescents. Students have value orientations associated with the military profession, realize the importance of protecting their homeland, and also have an emotionally positive attitude to military service, experience feelings of pride and patriotism when talking about a military career. The behavioral component of readiness for military-professional activity in adolescents is developed to the least degree. Today's adolescents are a resource for the development of society in the near future. That is why a timely assessment of the formation of their readiness for military-professional activity is extremely important in the context of an unstable military-political situation; it allows you to build an individual profile of military-professional development and provides an opportunity to organize targeted career guidance work with adolescents.

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The relationship between chrononutrition profile, social jet lag and obesity: A cross-sectional study of Chinese college students

ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the associations between chrononutrition profile, social jet lag (SJL) with obesity-related indicators (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHTR), and percentage of body fat (PBF)). This cross-sectional study was conducted among college students in a university in Hunan Province, China, from 14 September 2023 to 8 June 2024. This study employed the Chrononutrition Profile – Questionnaire (CP-Q) along with physical examinations. SJL was defined as time difference of midpoint of sleep between the workdays and freedays. Sleep-corrected SJL (SJLsc) is the absolute difference between the sleep onset on free days and workdays. Average evening latency is the time between the last meal of the day and bedtime. Eating jet lag is the difference in the midpoint of the eating window between workdays and freedays. Logistic regression was utilized to assess the associations between chrononutrition profile, SJL, and obesity-related indicators among college students. A total of 805 participants were recruited, of which 695 have complete data after excluding those who did not meet the inclusion criteria. After adjusting for potential covariates, average evening latency <4 h was related with lower risk of high BMI, WC, and PBF [OR (95% CI) = 0.435 (0.285–0.663), 0.508 (0.305–0.848), 0.564 (0.402–0.792), respectively]. Average eating window >12 h was associated with a lower risk of high BMI, WC, and PBF [OR (95% CI) = 0.511 (0.327–0.800), 0.485 (0.277–0.851), 0.651 (0.456–0.930), respectively]. Last eating occasion jet lag >1 h was a higher risk of high PBF [OR (95% CI) = 1.554 (1.018–2.371)]. SJLsc > 1 h was associated with high PBF [OR (95% CI) = 1.527 (1.073–2.174)]. Circadian rhythm disruptions, including SJL and eating jet lag, are prevalent among college students. Long eating window, short evening latency, is associated with low risk of obesity, while short sleep duration, last eating occasion jet lag and larger SJLsc were associated with higher risk of obesity among youths.

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