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Peran Teman Sebaya dalam Menumbuhkan Adversity Quotient Santri

Living life in an Islamic boarding school is not an easy thing for teenagers. The difficulties experienced by teenagers at Islamic boarding schools are certainly very different from the difficulties experienced by teenagers outside Islamic boarding schools. During the observations, the author found several cases where there were santri (Islamic Boarding School Students) who had run away from the Islamic boarding school with the aim of being expelled, but the students still continued to live in the Islamic boarding school. Another fact, is that there are students who violate the regulations in Islamic boarding schools with the same goal, namely to get them expelled from the Islamic boarding school, but in fact the students still remain in the Islamic boarding school. The aim of this research is to examine in more depth the role of peer support in growing the Adversity Quotient in Santri. As well as knowing the role of peers for students at the Raudhatus Salaam Islamic boarding school. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method using a phenomenological approach with case studies. The author's data collection method uses interview techniques, documentation and also field observation. The subjects in this study were 5 students who had low Adversity Quotien experience, namely, CPR, RARK, H, INAF, and RF. The results of the research show that the Adversity Quotient description of the students at the Raudhatus Salaam Islamic boarding school is fairly good. This shows that the students are able to control themselves when they have problems. Meanwhile, regarding the role of peer support in growing the Adversity Quotient in this research, it has an important role. The factors that support students to remain in Islamic boarding schools in this research are the support of friends and the environment. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are friend problems and also financial problems.

Open Access
Peran Guru Kelas Menanamkan Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Bimbingan Konseling Sosial

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the classroom teacher in instilling character education at the elementary school level through counseling. The method used is descriptive qualitative research approach. The results of the study show that first, at the Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School, monitoring of student’s uses the habit of using parents to send photos, for example photos of children praying at home and doing assignments according to the goggle classroom. In this way, students will be more focused on learning and worship. Second, at the Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School 29 BSB Semarang City, every day the teacher records for children who violate the rules and records the orderly children to fill in the values of Core Competency I and Core Competency 2. Third, at Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School 29 BSB Kota Semarang the way the teacher anticipates unfavorable conditions according to external factors that can affect the character of students is by holding religious coaching activities at Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School holding puberty activities for students who are menstruating. Regarding motivation that aims to direct students to good things. For class 6 specific learning activities there is a specific plan for building school character calling resource persons to fill in the program. The contribution in this study is expected to increase knowledge related to social counseling at the elementary school level. 

Open Access
Hubungan Keterampilam Komunikasi Interpersonal dengan Tingkat Kepercayaan Diri

One aspect of improving communication is self-confidence and relationships between individuals. This research aims to determine the relationship between interpersonal communication and self-confidence in students at SMP Negeri 17 Palembang. This research is a quantitative correlational research with a research population of 272 and a research sample of 72 which was determined using a simple random sampling technique using the Slovin formula. The data collection technique in this research uses a psychological scale. The data collection method in this research is an interpersonal communication scale and a self-confidence scale obtained through direct distribution of instruments. Data analysis in this research used Pearson Product Moment. The results of data analysis show that the level of interpersonal communication is in the medium category with a percentage of 34% (25 students) and the level of self-confidence is in the low category with a percentage of 32% (23 students). Then the correlation coefficient (r) = 0.792 and sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 or > 0.05, which means there is a significant positive relationship between interpersonal communication and self-confidence. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between interpersonal communication and students' self-confidence at SMP Negeri 17 Palembang.

Open Access
Identifikasi Konseling Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Interaksi Sosial Siswa

This research is motivated by the importance of social interaction in the development of students at Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Insan. Healthy social interaction can shape character, enhance cultural diversity understanding, and provide vital adaptability skills in a social environment. However, preliminary studies have shown a lack of adequate group counseling services and insufficient student understanding of the concept of Group Guidance Counseling. The purpose of this research is to identify existing issues and provide constructive solutions to enhance the students' social interaction facilities by developing a Group Guidance Counseling program that involves collaboration with BK (Guidance and Counseling) teachers and students at Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Insan. The research methodology employed is qualitative research with a field study approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings reveal that group counseling services have not been given priority in this school. BK teachers have a limited understanding of group counseling concepts, and the existing programs are still general. This situation creates a gap in students' social interaction skills. In conclusion, the role of BK teachers needs to be strengthened, and group counseling services need to be improved as an integral part of students' social interaction development. It is expected that this will contribute positively to improving students' social interactions, helping them overcome difficulties, and building healthier social relationships at Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Insan.

Open Access
Profil Resiliensi Mahasiswa Broken Home (Studi pada Mahasiswa BK Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat)

 This research is motivated by the observation that students from broken homes often exhibit avoidant behavior when discussing their family, struggle to regulate their emotions, including crying, when talking about their family, and frequently withdraw from social situations.. This study aims to determine the level of resilience in students broken home seen from; 1) emotion regulation, 2) impulse control, 3) empathy, 4) a optimism, and 5) problem analysis that contribute to student resilience profiles. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with a research population of 60 students selected by the method total sampling with the number of samples taken 60 students. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The aspects of resilience studied include emotion regulation, impulse control, optimism, empathy, and problem analysis skills. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively to describe the resilience profile of BK students with different backgrounds broken home. The results of the analysis show that the profile of student resilience is based on background broken home in the PGRI University West Sumatra BK study program are in the medium category. Here are the details; 1) the emotion regulation aspect is in the medium category, 2) the impulse control aspect is in the high category, 3) the empathy aspect is in the medium category, 4) the optimistic aspect is in the moderate category, 5) the problem analysis aspect is in the medium category. Even so, all aspects of resilience have variations in students who have family backgrounds broken home. This research can provide information about the resilience profile description, and this description can be a reference in improving student resilience profiles as well as being a benchmark in developing student resilience profiles broken home become even better.Keywords: Student Broken home, Resilience

Open Access
Optimasi Peningkatan Self-Control melalui Teknik Self-Hypnosis

The improvement of self-control is a key factor in enhancing academic achievement and the quality of students' lives. Therefore, this research aims to explore strategies for enhancing self-control through the application of self-hypnosis techniques among students. The research employed a random sampling technique by randomly selecting classes as samples. The total number of participants involved in this study was 60 individuals. Statistical analysis was conducted using the ANCOVA method. The results of the study revealed that the application of self-hypnosis techniques significantly increased the level of self-control among students. It was found that the experimental group, which received the self-hypnosis technique, experienced a significant improvement in self-control compared to the control group. This finding remained significant even after controlling for initial variables that may have influenced the results, such as the participants' initial level of self-control before the intervention.The findings indicate that self-hypnosis techniques can be an effective strategy for enhancing self-control among students. By utilizing these techniques, students can develop the ability to regulate themselves, manage their emotions, and overcome distractions that may hinder their academic performance and daily lives. The implications of this study highlight the importance of introducing self-hypnosis techniques as part of personal development programs for students.

Open Access
Penerapan Terapi Menghardik Halusinasi Terhadap Pasien Eks Psikotik dalam Rehabilitasi Sosial

Along with the rapid development, modernization and industrialization efforts, social changes and problems are growing. So that people who are unable to make adjustments, can experience mental turmoil, mental disorders and even mental disorders called psychotics. Therefore, this study aims to describe the application of hallucinatory rebuke therapy in the rehabilitation process of ex-psychotic patients at the Dosarso Shelter House, Kebumen. This research method uses a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. This study had 4 subjects, namely 2 ex-psychotic patients who were still experiencing hallucinations, 1 nurse and 1 administrator who worked at the Dosaraso Shelter in Kebumen. The results of this research show that rebuke therapy at the Dosaraso Shelter Home in Kebumen is carried out in groups and individually. The social rehabilitation service model provided by Dosaraso includes the Institutional Based Rehabilitation (IBR) service model. Then the type of psychotic experienced by TS patients is schizophrenic functional psychotic with auditory and visual hallucinations, while patient D is paranoid functional psychotic with auditory hallucinations. This rebuke therapy is carried out through several stages, namely starting from preparing the place, explaining the therapy, agreeing to the therapy, time contract, implementation, and finally asking the patient's feelings. This research can also help counselors in carrying out therapeutic steps for ex-psychotic patients so that it is very helpful in overcoming social problems in society.

Open Access