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Mokytojų perdegimas darbe ir perfekcionizmas

Today, our society and school are looking for the most effective means of implementing the ever-increasing changes in the education system. Special attention is paid to teacher’s profession and personality and specific requirements for the teacher (Nasvytienė & Balcaitytė, 2009; Stockus, 2014; Kim, Youngs, & Frenk, 2017). This causes permanent emotional tension that can lead to teachers’ burnout at work. The article deals with the problem of job burnout and its relationship with perfectionism as a personality trait. The presence of perfectionism as a teacher’s personality trait and job burnout is acknowledged on a theoretical level (Flett, Hewitt, & Hallett, 1995; Friedman, 2000), however, the number of empirical studies on the issue is not sufficient. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between teachers’ burnout at work and perfectionism. The study involved 136 informants – teachers from general education schools and special education institutions. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – Educators Survey was used to analyze job burnout, while the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale was applied to study perfectionism. Analysis of the survey data showed that the researched teachers experience burnout at work and that self-oriented perfectionism is most common to teachers,– while other-oriented perfectionism and socially prescribed perfectionism are less common. Analysis of general education school teachers’ and special education teachers’ burnout at work and perfectionism revealed that there are certain differences in general education school teachers’ and special education teachers’ job burnout. These results support Nasvytienė and Balcaityte’s (2009) conducted review of teachers’ experience which showed that teachers who work with children having emotional and behavioral disorders feel complex internal experiences that fray them. The research disclosed that special education teachers more frequently experience emotional exhaustion. The research also demonstrated that self-oriented perfectionism correlates with all the scales of job burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment). A multivariate regression analysis showed that such variables as self-oriented perfectionism and age predict 60.3 percent of emotional exhaustion variation. Keywords: job burnout, emotional exhaustion, perfectionism, self-oriented perfectionism, teachers. DOI:

Open Access
Korean Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Comparison with the German Sample

The aim of this study was to investigate Korean pre-service teachers’ knowledge of ADHD and to compare it with a previous German study (Lee, Lammers, & Witruk, 2015). Pre-service teachers’ characteristics (e.g. demographics and ADHD-related experiences) were compared by differentiating between their sub-groups. In total, 441 pre-service teachers participated in this study. Data collection took place from January to March in 2015, and SPSS 22.0 was applied for data analysis. The results showed that Korean pre-service teachers’ overall knowledge is rather low (42.28%). They are highly aware of ADHD characteristics (e.g. Students from any walk of life have ADHD; correct answer: true; accuracy: 79.8%), but lack knowledge of the cause of ADHD (e.g. Family dysfunction can increase the likelihood that a student will be diagnosed with ADHD; correct answer: true; inaccuracy: 68.9%), and have less knowledge of the prevalence of ADHD (e.g. Approximately 5% Korean school-aged students have ADHD; correct answer: true; no information rate: 56.7%). Moreover, their level of knowledge differs depending on ADHD-related experiences (e.g. whether training on ADHD has been provided in university). When compared with German pre-service teachers’ situation, the results of this research were remarkably similar to those from the Korean pre-service teachers’ sample. In conclusion, this study emphasized the importance of ADHD-related experiences, which can be a positive outlook on how to improve pre-service teachers’ accurate knowledge of ADHD. The more such experiences pre-service teachers have, the higher the level of their knowledge of ADHD will be. These experiences can help pre-service teachers to successfully prepare themselves to manage students with ADHD in the future. Keywords: knowledge of ADHD, pre-service teachers, Korea, Germany. DOI:

Open Access
Consistency between preconventional and conventional moral judgments and behaviour among 15–17-year-old adolescents living in foster care: Four case studies

The present research was aimed at assessing consistency between moral judgments and real behaviour of adolescents living in foster care institutions. Instrumental case study research was chosen for its potential to reveal the role of the context and to detect individual peculiarities. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development was chosen as a theoretical basis for its strength to detaile adolescents’ moral judgment. Problematic aspects of under-representation of gender issues and sensitivity to the context were also addressed. Moral Judgment Interview (Colby & Kohlberg, 1987b) was carried out to assess the issues, norms, and elements of moral judgment, while a semi-projective Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (Jaworowska & Matczak, 2008) was applied to evaluate the subjects’ attitudes toward rules and emotionally significant concerns. There were 4 participants of the research (2 females: one characterized by rule-obedient behaviour, the other – by rule-violent behaviour; the same criteria were applied for 2 males). Their biographic data sequences were set up (Wengraf, 2008). The research findings revealed that the conventional level of moral judgments is consistent with both rule-obedient behaviour and rule-violating behaviour, and preconventional reasoning is characteristic of the rule-violating girl. The structure of moral judgment is similar both to the boys and the girls, while their subjective concerns differ: the girls are preoccupied with family issues, whereas the boys’ preoccupation deals with wider interpersonal relationships, hobbies, and personal boundaries. Keywords: Kohlberg, Moral judgment interview, preconventional and conventional moral stages, instrumental case study. How to cite: Juskėnienė, G., & Nasvytienė, D. (2016). Globos namuose gyvenancių paauglių moralinių sprendimų lygmens ir pagarbos taisyklėms dermė: keturių atvejų analizė [Consistency between preconventional and conventional moral judgments and behaviour among 15–17-year-old adolescents living in foster care: Four case studies]. Ugdymo psichologija, 27 , 5–34.

Open Access
Lack of Learning Motivation or Inner Drama

Jau bent gerą desimtmetį mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos, o tiksliau – mokymosi motyvacijos neturėjimo tema vis dar yra neisspresta. Ir, regis, kiekvienais metais, nepriklausomai nuo įvykdytų prevencinių ar intervencinių priemonių, vis labiau pleciasi nesimokanciųjų ratas, tėvai puola į paniką, o mokytojai – į neviltį. Kas gali padėti spresti sią problemą: psichologai, socialiniai pedagogai, tėvų svietimas, svietimo reformos? Ką si problema atskleidžia? Ar sakydami „nenori mokytis“, „žema mokymosi motyvacija“, „tingi mokytis“, „nesimoko“ teisingai įvardijame problemą? O gal tai yra tik pasekmė, rezultatas, antrinė problema? Sios refleksijos tikslas – praplėsti suvokimą apie mokinių mokymosi motyvacijai įtaką darancius veiksnius kaip tiesiogine galimybe tinkamai įvertinti bei isspresti sią problemą. Taip pat pasidalyti patyrimu ir atradimais, kad mokyklos psichologas nesijaustų vienisas ir pasimetes, „prispaustas“ kitų primesto visažinancio ar pats save „prispaudes“ visagalincio vaidmens. O tik ramiai, atsakingai ir kiekvieną kartą naujai pažvelgtų į atsiradusį simptomą, kuris pasireiskė per mokinio mokymosi motyvacijos prizme. Esminiai žodžiai: mokinių mokymosi motyvacija, mokyklos psichologai, amžiaus tarpsniai, psichologinė branda, svietimo sistema. Cituoti: Arlauskaitė, Ž. (2016). Mokymosi motyvacijos trūkumas ar vidinė drama. Ugdymo psichologija, 27 , 86–96.

Open Access
Lithuanian Psychology Textbooks for General Education Schools in the First Half of the 20th Century

The article presents assessment of Lithuanian psychology textbooks for general education schools published in the first half of the 20th century in the historical and education contexts. The research methods applied here included analysis of scientific literature, bibliographic data and professional periodical press, and comparative analysis of the textbooks. The research implies that chronology of Lithuanian psychology textbooks in the analyzed period was mostly determined by certain historical and political circumstances. Shortly after gaining Independence in 1918, two autonomous translations of Russian Georgy Chelpanov’s “Psychology textbook” were published in Lithuanian. One of them, prepared by Mecislovas Reinys, was adapted and supplemented with an original list of additional readings as well as a subject index. Another, performed by Juozas Gedminas, matched the original. “Psychology”, a textbook for secondary schools, written by Boris Teplov, was translated by Alfonsas Gucas and published in 1947. The fact that all the textbooks were translations of popular Russian textbooks can be explained, first of all, by peculiarities of psychology teaching in general education schools in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century. The educational system in Lithuania was not transformed immediately after 1918, and Georgy Chelpanov’s textbook matched it well. Besides, under the Soviet occupation, psychology as a science and as a school subject was strictly regulated by the Central Government of the USSR, and Alfonsas Gucas was not free in his choice. Keywords: history of psychology, psychology textbooks, teaching of psychology, Mecislovas Reinys, Juozas Gedminas, Alfonsas Gucas, Georgy Chelpanov, Boris Teplov. How to cite: Almonaitienė, J. S. (2016). XX a. pirmosios pusės psichologijos vadovėliai bendrojo lavinimo mokykloms lietuvių kalba [Lithuanian psychology textbooks for general education schools in the first half of the 20 th century]. Ugdymo psichologija, 27 , 69–85.

Open Access
Perceived Satisfaction of Psychological Needs in School: How Does It Predict School Adjustment Among 13–18-Year-Old Students?

School adjustment and satisfaction of basic psychological needs are widely analysed constructs in psychological studies because of their relevance to students’ psychological well-being and overall success in school. The links between two out of three basic psychological needs as defined by the Self-determination Theory – the need for autonomy and competence, and school adjustment are almost universally acknowledged, however, the impact of the need for relatedness is less obvious. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between perceived satisfaction of basic psychological needs in school and school adjustment. 306 (150 girls and 156 boys) 13-18-yearold students from four Lithuanian schools were tested using nine items (three items from each scale) from the Perceived Autonomy in Life Domains Scale, the Need for Relatedness Scale, and the Perception of Competence in Life Domains Scale, and twenty-two items from the Student’s Adjustment to College Questionnaire. The results proved significant relationships between perceived satisfaction of all the three basic psychological needs and social, academic and personal-emotional adjustment in school. In addition, the results suggest that perceived satisfaction of different basic psychological needs can predict different school adjustment dimensions. Keywords: adolescence, self-determination theory, psychological needs, school adjustment. How to cite: Raižienė, S., Gabrialaviciūtė, I., Ruzgaitė, U., & Garckija, R. Suvoktas psichologinių poreikių patenkinimas mokykloje: kaip tai prognozuoja 13–18 metų mokinių prisitaikymą mokykloje? [Perceived satisfaction of psychological needs in school: How does it predict school adjustment among 13–18-year-old students?]. Ugdymo psichologija, 26 , 44–56.

Open Access
5–8-Year-Old Children’s Perceived Procedural Justice

Children are thought to develop an increasing concern about justice over the course of their development (Rochat et al., 2009). During middle childhood, their valuing of procedural justice highly increases and, at the age of 8, children’s stage of procedural justice is almost similar to that of adults (Shaw & Olson, 2014). It has not been determined yet at what age children’s procedural justice development reaches its highest point. Therefore, research on 5–8-year-old children’s procedural justice was undertaken by analysing children’s choices among unbiased, biased and slightly biased procedures and a prize elimination procedure. To achieve this goal, an interactive animation was designed with Adobe Flash Professional CC demo programme. This animation included a situation when the children had to decide how to distribute one prize between two participants who performed the same task. The animation was divided into two experimental stages. During the first stage, the children had to choose among unbiased, biased and slightly biased procedures, whereas the second stage asked them to choose among unbiased, biased, slightly biased and prize elimination procedures. 131 children, aged 5–8, participated in this experiment. The research findings demonstrate that there is no significant difference between 5–8-year-old children’s choices among unbiased, biased and slightly biased procedures and a prize elimination procedure. The research has also revealed that 8-year-old children are more likely to choose unbiased procedures compared with 5-year-olds. Keywords: procedural justice, distributive justice, unbiased procedure, biased procedure, slightly biased procedure. How to cite: Lukauskaitė, V., & Daugirdienė, A. (2015). 5–8 metų vaikų suvoktas procedūrinis teisingumas [5–8-year-old children’s perceived procedural justice]. Ugdymo psichologija, 26 , 27–43.

Open Access