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The Form of Resolution of Juvenile Delinquency in Indonesia

The juvenile delinquency is an impact of a lack of understanding of the character possessed by a child who grows to maturity, apart from parental supervision and a lack of understanding of the rules and norms that apply in society so that deviations occur, in This is juvenile delinquency that often occurs, for example, bullying or brawls that occur until the occurrence of violence and the emergence of criminal violations. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors of juvenile delinquency crimes in Indonesia, secondly to provide solutions for juvenile delinquency crimes in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive research method with a normative juridical approach. The research data used is secondary data consisting of primary and secondary legal materials, with analysis of data obtained from research results in the form of data from Library research analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study, Solutions for Juvenile Delinquency Violations in Indonesia are the responsibility of all of us, through an approach in the field of Education, the learning curriculum is included as early as possible and can be started from grade VII education as the basis for understanding legal science, it is hoped that in the development of knowledge of juvenile delinquency law in Indonesia. can be overcome to make a better and more advanced generation, so that it becomes welfare, peace in accordance with the culture based on the values of Pancasila.

Open Access
The Restructuring Righteous Foreign Worker Regulations: The Challenge of Enormous Influx of Foreign Workers

Foreign workers are needed to overcome the challenge of a shortage of professional workers. However, the ineffectiveness of foreign worker licensing regulations in Indonesia hampers the supply of qualified foreign workers and impacts regional levy revenues. This research aims to structure the rules for the fair use of foreign workers. This is normative juridical research with conceptual, statutory, and comparative approaches. The results of a comparison of foreign worker regulations in Indonesia and Singapore are used to develop a regulatory concept that is more responsive to the use of foreign workers, especially in the health sector. The idea of licensing law and justice theory is used for analysis. The research results show that the regulations on using foreign workers in Indonesia are not yet comprehensive regarding the rules for qualifying foreign workers as a condition for issuing permits and justifying good public services. The issuance of permits to use foreign workers has been hampered because several regions do not yet have implementing regulations that impact the collection of regional levies. Second, setting up mechanisms for utilizing foreign workers in Singapore is relatively easy and successful with strict digital-based permit requirements. Thus, Indonesia needs to adopt a foreign labor policy system with strict requirements for issuing permits that are accessible in terms of bureaucracy, changes to laws, implementation of regulations, and drafting of regional regulations.

Open Access
The Judges Legal Reasoning on Child Welfare’s Perspective in the Hadanah Cases at Banten Religious Courts

This research analyzes the interpretation of the children welfare values in the juridical, sociological and philosophical perspective towards the judges legal reasoning in the hadanah cases at Banten Religious Courts. This research is classified as juridical normative research align with the qualitative descriptive data analysis towards the law approach as well as the Religious Courts Decision approach concerning the divorce and custody that had the legal impact for hadanah. The research result indicates that the hadanah cases decided by Judges legal reasoning at Banten Religious Court still tend to utilize the legal positivitistic considerations. Meanwhile, at the sociological level, it refers to the Article 5 of Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power stipulates that judges must explore, follow, and understand the legal values and society living law as as justice senses. The interpretation of this article depends on the custodian of hadanah towards the personality (morality) aspect. These includes moral and health aspects as well as the education and nurturing children opportunities aspects. Meanwhile, from the philosophical level, it is demonstrated by the law exploration derived from the Qur'an, Hadith, and fiqh principles that prioritize the children interests based on Maqasid al-Shariah.

Open Access
The Position and Role of the Sharia Supervisory Board in Ensuring Sharia Compliance Equity Crowdfunding in Indonesia

Fundraising using the equity crowdfunding method has experienced rapid development and is in high demand from the public. In order to maintain the credibility of the implementation of Islamic securities crowdfunding, it is essential to establish a sharia supervisory board to supervise the offering of sharia-compliant securities employing information technology-driven crowdfunding service platforms. This article aims to discuss and analyze the position and role of the sharia supervisory board within the system, as well as the level of compliance with sharia principles in the implementation of equity crowdfunding in Indonesia. The research method used in this article is a type of normative legal research that relies on secondary data sources obtained through a literature review. The legal protection for the existence of a sharia supervisory board in sharia equity crowdfunding in Indonesia is regulated in POJK Number 57/POJK.04/2020 and Fatwa Number 140/DSN-MUI/VIII/2021. The sharia supervisory board has a very strategic role in ensuring sharia compliance in every equity crowdfunding activity in Indonesia. In order to maintain the credibility of sharia equity crowdfunding in the future, it is essential to ensure that every aspect of operations complies with sharia principles by maximizing the existence of a sharia supervisory board.

Open Access
Preliminary Concept of Alternative Agrarian Reform for Justice: The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) Approach to Constructing a Just Society in Indonesia

The implementation of agricultural reform comprises the enactment of access and asset reform. In order to ensure compliance with the aforementioned instructions, the Indonesian government issued Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018, which stipulates the commencement of agricultural reform as a means to support asset and access reform. The primary goal of access arrangements is to enhance access to finance and various forms of support to enhance welfare outcomes through land utilization. This particular methodology is frequently denoted as community empowerment. The normative juridical research technique, commonly known as library law research, perceives law as a normative system that possesses autonomy, independence, and distinctiveness from society. The methodology necessitates the utilization of a conceptual framework that incorporates a social tenure domain model and a legal perspective. The research findings indicate that the central concept of agrarian reform for justice entails implementing a comprehensive land administration system encompassing diverse land claims and rights through the utilization of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) approach. The concept of the social method pertains to a theoretical framework that centers on the impact of social influences on human behavior. The notion of the STDM explores the interconnection between individuals and land.

Open Access