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Importance of High-Concentration Electrolytes for Lithium-Based Batteries

Each battery cell consists of three main components: the anode, the cathode, and the separator soaked with liquid electrolyte, the medium in the battery that allows charged ions to move between the two electrodes. Besides a wide electrochemical stability window and good compatibility with both electrodes, the electrolyte should also be safe, thermally stable and environmentally benign, showing a high ionic conductivity of the charge-carrying Li ions and finally a low price. This unique combination of properties is impossible to achieve with a simple salt–solvent mixture and usually requires a combination of different electrolyte components, i.e., several liquid solvents and additives and one or more conducting salt(s). For lithium-based batteries, which are the most common electrochemical energy storage devices today, a solution based on lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) in a mixture of organic carbonates as the solvent is used. Usually, the conducting salt concentrations used for lithium-based electrolytes are in the range of ≈1 to 1.2 M, but recently, electrolytes with much higher conducting salt concentrations of 5 M and even over 10 M have been investigated as they offer several benefits ranging from increased safety to a broadened electrochemical stability window, thus enabling cheap and safe solvents, even water.

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Open Access Just Published
Urban Planning for the Contemporary Age: Navigating Complexities and Shaping Urban Futures

The term “urban planning for the contemporary age” describes the process of creating and overseeing urban areas to meet the many complex issues of the current times, such as social justice, climate change, growing urbanisation, and technological advancement. It places a strong emphasis on flexible, inclusive, and progressive approaches that strike a balance between sustainable development and the changing demands of various urban populations. Urban planning, particularly in the contemporary age, is a multidisciplinary discipline that tackles the complexity of contemporary cities that is influenced by social injustices, fast urbanisation, climate change, and technology breakthroughs. This entry paper examines how planners deal with these issues by using flexible, inclusive, and sustainable approaches that strike a balance between community well-being, environmental conservation, and growth. It looks at important topics including incorporating smart technology, building climate impact resilience, and creating inclusive, accessible, and egalitarian urban environments. The conflict between tradition and modernisation is also highlighted in the chapter, underscoring the necessity of creative solutions that protect cultural legacy while meeting contemporary needs. By examining global trends, this study offers insights into how urban planning is changing to satisfy the demands of a dynamic and connected society. The study used a literature review to identify the main areas that are influencing innovation in urban planning. It then delves into discussions on contemporary issues and complexities in shaping urban futures. The main research methods were a literature review and empirical analysis. In the end, it makes the case for rethinking urban futures with an emphasis on resilience, sustainability, and the welfare and well-being of urban residents.

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Common Biases, Difficulties, and Errors in Clinical Reasoning in Veterinary Medical Encounters with a Case Example

Clinical reasoning is an essential competence of veterinary graduands. Unfortunately, clinical reasoning and, therefore, the quality of provided veterinary medical services are prone to bias, difficulties, and errors. The literature on biases, difficulties, and errors in clinical reasoning in veterinary medical education is scarce or focused on theoretical rather than practical application. In this review, we address the practicality of learning and teaching biases, difficulties, and errors in clinical reasoning to veterinary learners utilizing a practical example of a cow with a prolapsed uterus complicated by hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia. Learners should be guided through all of the stages of clinical reasoning as much as possible under direct supervision. The common clinical biases, difficulties, or errors in veterinary medical encounters may differ between stages of development of the learner, with more difficulties occurring in earlier stages (Observer, Reporter, ±Interpreter) but more heuristic biases occurring at later stages (Manager, Educator, ±Interpreter). However, clinical errors may occur at any learner development stage. Therefore, remediation of clinical biases, difficulties, and errors in veterinary medical encounters should use strategies that are tailored to the level of development of the learner, but also to the specific encounter (e.g., client, patient, and context).

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