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The Implementation of Android-Based Expert System Using Forward Chaining Method for Diagnosing Cat Diseases

The use of mobile devices is increasingly popular due to their user-friendly nature and portability. Expert systems are a component of artificial intelligence that can solve problems typically encountered by experts in determining diagnoses based on specific symptoms. Cats are captivating animals with adorable behaviors, which is why many people choose to have them as pets. As cat owners, it is important for humans to have knowledge about various diseases that can affect cats, as well as preventive measures and treatments to avoid negative impacts on the surrounding environment. The objective of this research is to develop an Android-based expert system application using the forward chaining method to diagnose cat diseases. The development of this system utilizes Android Studio software and employs blackbox testing for evaluation. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Android-based expert system application using the forward chaining method functions well, based on the questionnaire completed by 10 cat owners with 5 provided questions. The average result from the user satisfaction questions that have been presented is 88%. The system validation also yielded a result of 80% from 5 tests conducted with users. This application can also help alleviate the workload of veterinarians and cat owners in diagnosing cat diseases, although it cannot replace the role of a veterinarian.

Open Access
Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Jasa Fotografer Berbasis Web Pada Studio Fotograferku

Studio Fotograferku is a company engaged in photography services. In the current digital era, the need for photography services continues to increase along with the growth of the creative industry and social media. However, the process of finding and ordering photographers often takes a long time and is less efficient. Seeing this potential, we developed a web-based photographer ordering information system. This system aims to make it easier for customers to search, compare, and order photographer services according to their needs and preferences. This system provides a photographer search feature based on category, location, price, and portfolio. Custome can view profiles, works and reviews of available photographers. In addition, this system is equipped with a calendar feature that allows customers to see the availability of dates from photographers and place orders directly through the platform. To increase user trust, the system is also equipped with a rating and review system that can assist customers in making decisions. From the photographer's perspective, they can register themselves, manage their profile, upload their portfolio, and schedule their activities. This system is also equipped with a notification feature to inform photographers about new orders or changes to existing orders. This web-based photographer ordering information system is expected to be a bridge between photographers and customers, increase efficiency in the ordering process, and expand market reach for photographers.

Open Access
Sistem Informasi Pusat Karir dan Tracer Study di Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Berbasis Mobile

Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University is one of the tertiary institutions in the Sidoarjo region with quite good accreditation, every year graduating thousands of students. In managing alumni data, it is necessary to have a career center and tracer study to trace alumni's footsteps to achieve qualifications according to market needs. Alumni tracking has been carried out by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo through a website-based application, from the observation of the author the application currently running still has many shortcomings including there are still many students who do not fill out surveys as alumni biodata. Therefore it is necessary to develop an information system that can help the campus to collect alumni data more accurately. The objectives of this study were to create a mobile-based career information system and tracer study center, to make it easier for the campus to know the quality and quantity of alumni whether the jobs obtained are in accordance with their areas of expertise. This research uses the prototype development method and the system design method uses Unified modeling. The Modeling Language (UML), as well as its implementation, uses the Kotlin programming language and Android Studio and MYSQL as the databases. The results of this research are in the form of a Mobile-Based Career Center and Tracer Study Information System at the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo which is expected to facilitate the process of managing alumni data

Open Access