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Speaker Identification of the Electronically Disguised Voices

Voice is said to be unique for every individual and can be used for the identification. Significant intravariation in Speech samples can be seen with the changes in the physical and mental conditions. Analysisof disguised voice samples is challenging to the Forensic Speaker Identification Expert. Changes inthe voice samples can be done by physical constriction and also with the technologicalinterventions.Speech processing softwares which are freely available and can be used to change voice samples.These softwares add some background variations along with the alterin the frequency distribution inthe voice. This paper focuses on the examination of the voice samples which are processed by a freelyavailable android application which changes the female voice samples to that of male. The examinationwas done on the OT- Expert 6.0. The Examination of the voices was done by the Aural-Acousticsmethod. For the examination of the voice samples on acoustics parameters such as fundamentalfrequency(F0) and Formant Frequencies (F1, F2, F3, F4) for 5 vowels compared with their controlrecordings showed prominent and noteworthy differences. Aural examination parameters such asrelative pauses, background variations, and linguistic features such as delivery of speech, specificpronunciations for words remained similar.Some specific formant frequencies for 5 vowels combinedwith auditory parameters especially the degradation of background of the audio for suspecting a caseof electronically disguised voice and then compared it with a possible list of suspects for speakeridentification. Therefore, based on some specific aural-acoustics features electronically disguisedvoices can be identified amongst the suspected voice samples.

Open Access
Potential Therapy from Punica granatum Peel Extract for the Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. Design, Formulation and Characterisation of a Mucoadhesive Patch

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is an inflammation that occurs in oral mucosa. Etiology of RAS maybe caused by several factors involving systemic conditions, local, microbes (Candida albicans), moniliasis,hygiene and genetics. Several studies has shown that pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel serves toinhibit Candida albicans, antibacterial Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus mutans, Escherichia coli andantifungal Aspergillus niger, which is common microorganisms involved in dental and oral problems. Thisstudy aims to formulate a pomegranate peel extracts (PPE) mucoadhesive patch and test its effectiveness inhealing sores. PPE obtained from the maceration method. Polyvinylpyrrolidone patch formulations, chitosanand Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) using a ratio of 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 weight/volume. Patch testedhis physical characteristics, including weight uniformity, uniformity of dimension, thickness, surface pH,swelling and adhesion test, and in vivo test. The F8 formulation of PPE 10% with the addition of HPMC,tween, and glycerin have a fairly elastic properties. Even though experiment of physical evaluation produceuniformity of same weights and dimensions, pH 6.63, an average of swelling percentage 40.69% ± 16.37%and an average of stickness 13.50 ± 11.6 seconds. In vivo test show that formulation of PPE 10% has thesame effectivity in reducing the diameter of the mouth ulcers with the positive control group.

Open Access
Diagnostic Value of thyroid Cytology: a Meta-analysis

Objective: Thyroid disorders are the most common endocrine disorders worldwide (4-7% of population).Excision of all thyroid lesions is impractical. For rapid diagnosis, Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)is simple, safe, rapid diagnostic procedure. However, indeterminate cases were reported occasionally wherethe patient cannot be confidently assigned to a manageable category.Aim: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC inthyroid lesions and the correlation between cytological and histopathological diagnosis.Method: A literature search of published studies was conducted using Medline/PubMed, reasearchgate,Scielo (scientific electronic library online), and Google Scholar as international databases, and IVSL (IraqiVirtual Science Library) and IASJ (Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals) as national databases.Results: A total of 24 studies are analyzed. The median sample size of the studies included was 100 (range,(20?23)5). The sensitivity and specificity ranged from 0.38 to 0.98 (pooled sensitivity: 0.81; 95% confidenceinterval (CI), 0.78?0.83) and from 0.47 to 1.00 (pooled specificity: 0.93; 95% CI, 0.92?0.94), respectively.By SROC curve, the Q-value was 0.883 and the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.945, indicating a highlevel of overall accuracy.Conclusion: The recognized accuracy of FNAC in detecting thyroid cancers is applicable only to papillarycarcinoma and not to other malignancies. Moreover, FNAC should be considered as a screening rather thandiagnostic tool for follicular lesions. Thus, FNAC helps to orientate patient management rather than toprovide final definitive diagnosis.

Chalk and Talk Versus Powerpoint: Perception among Medical Students

Introduction: The emerging technologies made by day changing the techniques of teaching medicaleducation. The teaching technique has changed since the last decade from the old traditional techniqueof chalk and talk (CNT) to a newer technique of Power-point presentation (PPT) to the video classroomsconverting the whole traditional environment of the classrooms. This paper aims to access the perception ofthe medical students about these two instructional method.Materials and Method: In this study cross-sectional descriptive survey was used. Medical students wereselected through non-probability convenient sampling. The data were collected using a questionnaire-basedsurvey about their views and perception of two method of lecture delivery, viz., PPT presentation, and usinga chalkboard. For each of the two method, the students were asked to rank twelve comments on a four-pointscale: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16and the results expressed as proportions.Results: In our study where more than 97% of our study respondents emphasized the value of chalk andtalk and declared it as the more effective and useful teaching tool in their learning experience compared toPowerPoint (86%) and recommended it for teaching.Conclusion: Both CNT, as well as PPT, are the effective method for medical education and both can be usedin combination for the effective delivery of classroom sessions.

Correlation of the Stature to Forearm Length in the Young Adults of Western Indian Population

Introduction: Forensic anthropometry dealing with the application of anthropometric measurements ofhuman individual for the purposes of the identification of human remains. Inter and intra population variationscan be observed in relation to anthropometric measurements due to factors such as genetic makeup, age,gender and ethnicity and help in the identification of individual in criminal investigations.Method: This is cross sectional study using young adult students of age group 17 to 24 years. Participantsenrolled after due consent and stature(S) and forearm length (FAL) were measured using standardanthropometric techniques. SPSS statistical package used to calculate Pearson’s coefficients of correlationand regression equations between stature and the anthropometric variables.Results: There were total 255 participants including 54 (21.18%) males and 201 (78.82%) females.Regression equation for estimation of stature from right forearm length is S = 1.4111 Rt FAL+ 126.72, andfrom left forearm length is S = 1.3774 Lt FAL+ 128.39. There were strong positive correlations betweenheight and forearm lengths in all regressions (r >0.9; p < 0.0001).Conclusions: The proposed regression equations based on forearm length presented here will simplify thetask of stature estimation for adults in clinical forensic medicine or as aids to the identification in criminalinvestigation in endogenous population. The left forearm length is more accurate in estimating the stature ofyoung adults of western Indian population.

Open Access