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Mental exhaustion of nurses: a quantitative cross-sectional study of stress and resilience factors

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Untersuchungen weisen auf hohe Belastungen bei Pflegefachpersonen einhergehend mit einer hohen psychischen Erschöpfung hin. Zur Entlastung und Gesundheitsförderung wurden in den letzten Jahren verschiedene Programme initiiert. Wenig erforscht sind bei Pflegefachpersonen bisher Resilienzfaktoren, die die psychische Erschöpfung mindern können. Dabei fehlen auch berufsvergleichende Analysen zur Einordnung der Ergebnisse. Fragestellung/Ziel Ziel der Studie ist die Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen zur psychischen Erschöpfung bei Pflegefachpersonen im Berufsvergleich, sowie Belastungs- und Resilienzfaktoren, welche in den gesundheitsfördernden Programmen adressiert werden sollten. Methoden Die Studie reanalysiert die Daten der vom Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) und der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) durchgeführten „BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung – Arbeit und Beruf im Wandel, Erwerb und Verwertung beruflicher Qualifikationen 2018“ (n = 20.012). Analysiert werden die psychische Erschöpfung, Belastungs- und Resilienzfaktoren von Pflegefachpersonen im Vergleich mit Erziehern, Sozialarbeitern und sonstigen Erwerbstätigen. Ergebnisse Die psychische Erschöpfung ist bei Pflegefachpersonen im Berufsvergleich am höchsten. Der häufigste Belastungsfaktor ist der Zeitmangel. Der häufigste Resilienzfaktor ist die Zusammenarbeit im Team. Der Resilienzfaktor des unterstützenden Verhaltens durch Vorgesetzte wird von Pflegefachpersonen vergleichsweise seltener genannt. Schlussfolgerung Die Programme zur Entlastung und Gesundheitsförderung sollten noch stärker als bisher organisationsbezogene Ansätze berücksichtigen und eine gesundheitsgerechte Führungskultur einbeziehen.

Open Access
How Many Deaths Can Statistically Be Attributed to Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Injections? An Analysis of German Health Data from 2021

While the efficacies of the newly developed mRNA and vector vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been widely advertised, their harm-to-benefit ratio remains almost completely ignored, though reports of possible “side effects” (some of them lethal) keep piling up. The most severe of those adverse events is sudden death. Until now, to the best of our knowledge, in Germany at least reliable estimates of how many deaths may actually have been caused by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination are still missing. Here, we fill this void and provide such an estimate for Germany during the course of 2021. Thereto, the number of deaths reported by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut to have occurred within the group of persons suspectedly affected by a vaccine-induced adverse event is scaled by the factor of under-reporting, based on health insurance reports, and finally corrected by known all-cause mortality. Our best estimate for the year 2021 is that 16,817 deaths were caused by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination within the short-term observation period of 50 days after the last injection of a vaccine. Taking independent autopsy reports into account, the estimate of 11,194 deaths is a lower bound. Our hope is that this report may serve as a pivot for further investigations of the questions addressed here.

Induction of Programmed Cell Death in Acanthamoeba culbertsoni by the Repurposed Compound Nitroxoline.

Acanthamoeba is a ubiquitous genus of amoebae that can act as opportunistic parasites in both humans and animals, causing a variety of ocular, nervous and dermal pathologies. Despite advances in Acanthamoeba therapy, the management of patients with Acanthamoeba infections remains a challenge for health services. Therefore, there is a need to search for new active substances against Acanthamoebae. In the present study, we evaluated the amoebicidal activity of nitroxoline against the trophozoite and cyst stages of six different strains of Acanthamoeba. The strain A. griffini showed the lowest IC50 value in the trophozoite stage (0.69 ± 0.01 µM), while the strain A. castellanii L-10 showed the lowest IC50 value in the cyst stage (0.11 ± 0.03 µM). In addition, nitroxoline induced in treated trophozoites of A. culbertsoni features compatibles with apoptosis and autophagy pathways, including chromatin condensation, mitochondrial malfunction, oxidative stress, changes in cell permeability and the formation of autophagic vacuoles. Furthermore, proteomic analysis of the effect of nitroxoline on trophozoites revealed that this antibiotic induced the overexpression and the downregulation of proteins involved in the apoptotic process and in metabolic and biosynthesis pathways.

Open Access
Pilot study of Experience Focused Counselling by nurses with people who hear voices: Evaluation of the implementation of the study protocol

Pilot study of Experience Focused Counselling by nurses with people who hear voices: Evaluation of the implementation of the study protocol Abstract: Background: Hearing voices and the treatment and support of people who hear voices and are distressed by the experience are defined differently in psychiatry. In contrast to the medical approach to define and treat voices as symptoms of a disease, the EFC counselling approach developed with voice-hearers focuses on non-pathologizing acceptance and a constructive relationship to voices. Mental health nurses with their focus on everyday life are predestined for the dissemination and application of alternative therapeutic approaches in practice. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the study protocol as part of a pilot study regarding its suitability for a larger trial. Method: The multi centre pilot study had a single-blind randomised controlled design. The intervention consisted of EFC counselling by nurses with people who hear voices. The control group received Treatment As Usual (TAU). The suitability of the study design was evaluated in terms of recruitment, burden on study participants, suitability of assessment tools, the application of EFC counselling and the use of study nurses. Results: As planned 21 participants could be included in the study within fifteen months across the two study sites. Overall, the participants rated the study as not very burdensome and the intervention as helpful. The application of EFC by the nurses as well as the use of study nurses was assessed as good and suitable respectively. Discussion: The evaluation of the study protocol shows that with minor adjustments it is suitable for conducting a larger study.

Genetic surfing during the range expansion of an endangered large carnivore

In an effort to halt the global decline of large carnivores, reintroductions have become increasingly popular to establish satellite populations and reduce the risk of stochastic events. These artificial range expansions are typically formed by a small number of founders, which can lead to changes in population genetic structure. For instance, serial founder events can lead to neutral and even deleterious alleles reaching higher than expected frequencies along the front end of an expansion, referred to as gene surfing. One of the world’s most extensive range expansion programmes has been for endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). In this study, we examine the effect of continent-wide translocations on spatial genetic diversity, by determining what effect genetic surfing has on population structure in wild dogs, and measuring how long it will take for population structure to homogenize in the face of ongoing dispersal. We used a set of microsatellite loci to look at surfing alleles in five populations across southern Africa, and simulated the movement of these alleles forward in time under the current demographic scenario. We found that it would take about 150 generations for the expanding population to be 50% introgressed with genes from the free-roaming population. With the current rate of translocations, genetic differentiation in southern Africa will disappear, overturning the effects of genetic drift or surfing alleles. Understanding genetic patterns in expanding populations is of great interest to conservation, and we demonstrate that reintroduction programmes can help restore genetic diversity, and consequently adaptive potential, in recovering wildlife populations.

Open Access