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Низкоуглеродное развитие севера Западной Сибири: климатические проекты на основе природных решений

Active anthropogenic activity is one of the main causes of serious environmental problems that hinder the development of the Arctic zone of Western Siberia — the most important resource potential of the country. The implementation of climate projects based on natural solutions is one of the areas of envi-ronmentally oriented economic growth. The formation and development of sequestration business is possible if there are conditions ensuring its economic efficiency. The article estimates the costs of absorbing of 1 ton of greenhouse gases during the implementation of climate projects in the northern taiga of Western Siberia. To achieve the goal, the predicted values of carbon sequestered from the atmosphere were calculated for different project scenarios. The CO2 effect was measured and the costs of carbon sequestration by tree and shrub communities of willow, alder and pine were analyzed. Alder monocultures showed the largest volumes of CO2 uptake and the lowest costs per carbon unit according to the carbon discounting model. CO2 duration analysis shows the sensitivity of the cost per carbon unit of a climate project based on alder monocultures to changes in the discount rate. The break-even price of a carbon unit is substantiated, which allows comparing it with the market price and drawing conclusions about the economic efficiency of the climate project on carbon sequestration. The study results provide practical recommendations for making decisions about investing in nature-based climate projects for low-carbon development in northern Western Siberia. The methodological approaches disclosed in the article can be used in other regions of Russia.

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Репродуктивное поведение и репродуктивные установки женщин среднего и позднего детородных возрастов в условиях Крайнего Севера (на примере Магаданской области)

Since the end of the last century, the northern and north-eastern regions of Russia have entered the final stage of demographic transition, in which the birth rate has fallen below the replacement level of generations, and the proportion of the elderly population has increased to its historical maximum against the background of a mass outflow of the working-age population to the central regions of the country. The demographic transition in this territory is heterogeneous and has its own specifics related to the structure of the economy and the nature of employment, migration flows, the historically established settlement pattern, unfavorable climatic and geographical conditions, and patterns of reproductive and consumer behavior. In order to study this specificity, 226 women aged 2544 were surveyed in Magadan Oblast. The subject of the study was women’s reproductive attitudes, their marital status, focus on having many children, few children or no children, identification of the expected, desired and actual number of children, factors leading to the refusal to have more children, as well as those stimulating childbearing, the problem of distribution of responsibilities in the family. The study has shown that family values are a priority for women of middle and late childbearing age, but they are associated with the demand for improved housing conditions and increased income.

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Open Access
Цифровая и логистическая инфраструктуры Арктической зоны: современное состояние исследований и пути развития

The subject of the article is the analysis of the current state of research and practice in the field of transport, logistics and digital infrastructures in the Russian Arctic. The authors consider logistic and digital infrastructures as key communication subsystems that ensure the movement of material values, people and information, and thus serve as a prerequisite for the development of the macro-region under consid-eration. The research methods used were literature review of scientific sources and analysis of the ob-tained material. A systematic literature mapping was carried out on Scopus, Google Scholar, Elibrary data-bases. Aspects of the Arctic region development, including the role of logistics and digital infrastructures in this process, are described by scientific schools of Russia, Canada, Norway, China, USA and other countries. The analysis has shown the highly variable state of the subsystems under consideration depending on the specific region, as well as the lack of a comprehensive approach to their joint development and integration. It was stated that there is no such problem statement about the development of communication subsystems of the Arctic zone. On the basis of the analysis, the key directions for the development of logistics and digital infrastructure of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation were formulated. The authors’ recommendations, apart from the obvious tasks of developing sea routes, building and modernizing roads, railways and airports, expanding access to broadband internet and other widely discussed measures, describe the need to integrate the communication subsystems under consideration and focus on the potential of digital technologies to replace and/or supplement the logistics infrastructure in certain aspects.

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Факторы социальной жизнестойкости арктических сельских сообществ в современной России (на материалах прибрежных и островных территорий Архангельской области)

The article focuses on the problem of factors ensuring social resilience of Arctic rural communities. Using the materials of island and coastal territories of the Primorskiy district of the Arkhangelsk Oblast, the author studies how the features of social organization and life activities of specific communities ensure their reproduction as local social systems, help them to remain resilient to external challenges of economic, environmental and other types, and allow them to adapt to the changes in the region. In order to solve these problems, the author took part in a field study on the territory of 14 rural settlements in three rural municipalities in the period from July to early September 2022. The main method of obtaining empirical data is in-depth interview. The analysis of the interviews made it possible to identify a set of key factors of resilience of the rural communities under consideration. The first factor is the ability of local residents to reorient to subsistence farming and traditional crafts in the conditions of degradation of those sectors of the local economy that imply permanent formal labor employment. The second factor is the high level of social capital of communities, which determines the normalization of mutual assistance practices. The third factor is the involvement of a part of the local population in grassroots activities: social and cultural initiatives of local residents make it possible to attract external resources to solve the problems of territorial development, as well as support the collective identity of rural community members and increase its cohesion. The fourth factor is the return of retired local natives who previously migrated from rural to urban areas.

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Трансформация пространственной организации розничной торговли в Архангельске

The article compares the spatial organization of retail food trade in Arkhangelsk in 1988 and 2022 in order to identify the changes that have occurred in the post-Soviet period. Its transformation was facilitated by the closure of industrial enterprises, most of them were located in settlements in outskirts, a change in the solvency of residents, and a reduction in the number of potential buyers. The internal heterogenety of the conditions for the development of trade in different parts of the city, differences in the provision of retail outlets for residents, the prevailing trade formats that are typical for central and outlying areas are revealed. Compliance of the principle of equidistance of shops from residential buildings was checked. We also conducted a content analysis of customer reviews about various formats of retail outlets. We determined that in 2022 the number of stores in Arkhangelsk increased by 3 times compared to 1988. However, their distribution throughout the city is extremely heterogeneous. There is a clear competitive advantage of the central districts of the city (Oktyabrskiy, Lomonosovskiy), where the number of stores has increased by 4–5 times, over the outskirts, where the growth is less than 2 times (Maimaksanskiy, Isakogorskiy, Tsiglomenskiy districts). The most common form of trade organization in Arkhangelsk is a discount store, which is associated with the low solvency of the city population. Most of them belong to federal retailers. Their expansion in Arkhangelsk mainly affected the central districts and bedroom suburbs close to them. The least number of stores of federal and local retail chains has been opened in the outlying districts; there aren't any shops on the islands without bridges (Brevennik, Linskiy Priluk, Khabarka, Kegostrov). For outlying areas, the most common stores are those that do not belong to chain retailers, these are small pavilions and kiosks. Most customers’ reviews of such stores are negative and the overall rating of their work is lower than that of chain stores.

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Законодательные аспекты развития креативных индустрий в регионах российской Арктики (на примере Мурманской области)

The aim of the work is to study the legislative support for the development of creative industries in the Russian Arctic using the example of the Murmansk Oblast. The following tasks have been solved: the legislative framework of the federal level, providing the development of creative industries in Russia as a whole, has been studied; the regional legislative framework has been studied on the example of the Murmansk Oblast; the measures of support for the development of Arctic creative industries at different levels of government have been analyzed. It was revealed that until 2021 the creative sector of the economy was reflected in legal acts of all levels through the concepts of “small and medium-sized businesses”, “self-employed citizens” and “individual entrepreneurs”. The concept of “creative industries” received legislative recognition with the adoption at the federal level of the “Concept for the development of creative industries and mechanisms for the implementation of their state support in large and major urban agglomerations until 2030” in 2021. The Concept and the Action Plan for its implementation, adopted in 2030, laid the regulatory and legal basis for the development of this sector of the economy, but the legislative framework for the development of creative industries in the Russian Federation has not yet been fully formed. The study showed that in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation the situation with regulatory support for the development of creative industries is similar. Using the example of the Murmansk Oblast, it was revealed that the regional legislative framework for this promising area is currently in the nascent stage, and the first normative-legal acts directly related to the development of the Arctic creative industries began to appear only in 2023. It was concluded that it is necessary to develop a concept for the development of Arctic creative industries in the Russian Arctic in order to ensure uniform approaches, consistency of actions and coordination of measures for the development of this sector of the economy in the Russian Arctic. The need to use the term “creative industries” in various legal acts in order to avoid discrepancies and to ensure the uniformity of legal support for this sector of the economy is substantiated.

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Пространственные аспекты устойчивого освоения арктических топливно-энергетических ресурсов в условиях нового мирового порядка: глобальные вызовы и решения

The article presents the authors’ vision of the emerging geopolitical factors determining Russia’s position in the global energy infrastructure, which allowed identifying problems and defining priorities and directions of spatial organization of the Arctic system of energy transport communications, expanding the possibilities of involvement of highly liquid energy resources of the Russian Arctic into active economic turnover. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects of the economic development of Arctic energy resources in the context of projected changes in the world economic order from the standpoint of ensuring the long-term energy sustainability of the national economy and strengthening Russia’s position in the energy markets of the Asia-Pacific region. The data presented in the study show the vulnerability of the current export-oriented model of the resource-raw materials economy in Russia due to technological and infrastructural limitations of transport logistics. The study substantiates the need to form a new world-system infrastructure for the country’s energy security using the natural resource potential and geo-economic advantages of the Arctic territories. This implies the involvement of highly liquid reserves of fossil energy resources in the Arctic into active economic turnover through the creation of mineral resource centers (MRCs) included in the structure of world economic fuel and energy relations. To achieve this goal, a conceptual model of spatial organization of the Arctic system of energy transport communications is proposed, which combines marine, coastal and land infrastructure facilities into intermodal energy transport corridors (IETC), opening additional opportunities for participation in global, national, interregional value chains and providing a synergetic effect of development of remote Arctic territories.

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Институт наставничества в социокультурном пространстве Русского Севера и Русской Арктики: традиции и новации

At the XV Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia, held in St. Petersburg at the end of June 2023, special attention was paid to the discussion of topical theoretical and practical problems related to scientific reflections and social practices of the institute of mentoring in the cultures of the Rus-sian North. The report presented by the authors of this article at the Congress outlined the scientific results of research on the traditional institution of mentoring in the Old Believer societies of Karelians, Komi, Russian Ust-Tsilems, the “institute of grandmothers” in Kenozerye and Onega Pomorie, the ritual “mentoring” functions of Nenets shamans and Zyryan sorcerers, public practices of the spiritual guidance of the laity in the parochial community of the North Russian mir-zemstvo. The central place in the article is given to the presentation of the scientific results of the analysis of the forms, methods and directions of the mentoring activities of the Kenozerskiy National Park, which, relying on the ethno-cultural heritage of the traditional societies of the Ozernyy district, acts as a reference methodological school-laboratory, implementing a wide range of mentoring research and educational practices aimed at transformation of local territories into a socio-cultural space of creative dialogue and cooperation between the Park and local communities, training of leaders and activists of territorial public self-government (TPS), elaboration of regional strategy and local programs of spatial development of the Northern macro-region.

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Развитие инструментов государственной поддержки ESG-проектов в Арктической зоне РФ

The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is one of the key and promising territorial units of our country, which is of strategic importance not only for the national socio-economic system, but also for the world economy as a whole. For this reason, regional and federal authorities are continuously working on the issues of improving the efficiency of management of socio-economic development of this territory. One of the urgent directions is socio-ecological-economic development of the Arctic zone, which is impossible without appropriate support of public authorities and involvement of business structures and population in these processes. Special attention should be paid to the issues of resource support, including the stimulation of investment processes, in order to implement the ESG-agenda. The purpose of this study is to formulate scientific and practical recommendations for the development of the system of state support for ESG-projects, which are the driver of investment and environmental climate formation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The study proposes a toolkit of state support for ESG-projects, in which the key role is given to tax preferences for investors, as well as subsidizing the costs of residents at the expense of the regional and federal budgets and preferential conditions for attracting borrowed funds. The application of the proposed tools will not only allow business structures investing in the implementation of projects of socio-ecological-economic orientation in the Arctic zone to receive additional benefits, but will also become an incentive to reach full project capacity, which will achieve a synergistic effect in the form of profit for business entities and socio-economic effect for the authorities and the population in the form of new jobs, developed infrastructure and revenue to budgets at various levels.

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Качество жизни населения Мурманской области: субъективные оценки и объективные характеристики

The assessment of the population's quality of life is an important analytical tool of the state socio-economic policy, which allows analyzing the current level of regional development, the population's satis-faction with living conditions, making interregional comparisons, determining shortcomings and prospec-tive directions of public administration. At the same time, objective statistical indicators, on which the state management is based, in many respects may not coincide with the subjectively perceived quality of life of the population. In this context, the presented research is particularly relevant and practically significant. The purpose of the research is to identify the problems of development of the Murmansk Oblast, the most industrially and territorially developed region of the Arctic zone of Russia, on the basis of the comparison of subjectively perceived assessments of the quality of life and objective socio-economic characteristics, and to outline ways to solve them. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: the methodology for assessing the subjectively perceived and statistically determined quality of life of the population on the basis of indicators characterizing personal well-being and the quality of the living environment was developed; the subjectively perceived quality of life was assessed on the basis of the author’s methodology including the results of surveys of the population of cities and towns in the Murmansk Oblast; the quality of life of the population of the Murmansk Oblast was assessed on the basis of statistical data of socio-economic development; the data of the obtained assessments were compared, similarities and differences in the satisfaction of the population with personal well-being (as well as with the living environment) and statistical characteristics were revealed; the most important problems of socio-economic development, the resolution of which will improve the quality of life of the population of the Arctic region, were identified.

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