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In a rapidly evolving energy environment, effective risk management is paramount to ensuring the stability and success of businesses. This article examines a systematic approach to risk management in the energy sector, emphasizing the development of strategies adapted to a specific enterprise.The study delves into the various models used in the energy sector to manage risk. Energy balance models, energy network models, economic-mathematical models, demand and production forecasting models, risk management system models, renewable energy sources (RES) models, and system dynamic models are discussed. The study proposes a comprehensive risk management system for the energy sector, including SWOT analysis, Delphi method, sensitivity analysis and simulation modeling. The approach involves a detailed analysis of internal and external factors, expert assessments and scenario testing for the formulation of adaptive risk management strategies, taking into account regional characteristics, prioritizing resistance to change, aligning them with modern industry challenges. Given the competitive and dynamic nature of the energy sector, the study uses SWOT analysis and the Delphi method as key methodologies. The results of the study emphasize the need for a comprehensive risk management system in energy. A systematic approach combining various analytical methods is proposed, aimed at maximizing sustainability and competitiveness. The decision support system, which can be built on the basis of the developed methodology, will be automatically adapted to specific enterprises, and will facilitate prompt response to changes and optimize risk management strategies. The developed concept of a systemic approach to consideration and response to risks in the energy sector offers a clear path for enterprise risk management. The integrated system proved to be innovative and effective, making a significant contribution to the improvement of risk management methodology in the energy sector. This research provides valuable information for practical applications in energy and risk management.

Open Access

The article presents the results of a study of the dependence of the annual turnover of the IT segment in Hungary and Bulgaria on groups of factors with the definition of the most influential groups for each country separately. The analysis of the IT/ITC sectors of the countries in terms of economic efficiency and the quantitative indicator of companies is presented in general. An indicator of the dimension of companies for each of the countries is also presented. The main indicator of the financial efficiency of companies for both countries was the annual turnover of companies. Three main areas were classified as groups of influence: tax rates, educational component indicators, and labor force indicators. Tax rates were considered under three main types: corporate tax, payroll tax, and social contributions. The educational component as a group of factors was divided into two subgroups: the quantitative characteristics of students, graduates, and education costs. The group of labor force factors was based on analyzing the number of employees in IT/ITC and company-level staff costs. Based on correlation regression and vector autoregression, each influencing factor group was analyzed when creating optimal models. Based on econometric analyzes and tests (for example, the Granger test), systems of factors influencing the performance indicator of technological companies in Hungary and Bulgaria were derived.

Open Access

The digital revolution has become an integral and transformative force that is reshaping every aspect of human existence worldwide. The digital revolution in communication and connectivity has fueled unprecedented global connectivity. The advent of the Internet and social media platforms enabled instant communication, breaking down geographic barriers and facilitating the rapid dissemination of information. It not only revolutionized personal interactions but also redefined the nature of business and politics. Economically, the digital revolution has ushered in a new era of innovation and efficiency. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain have caused a paradigm shift in industries, optimizing processes and opening up new opportunities. E-commerce has taken off, fundamentally changing consumer behavior and the traditional retail landscape. Moreover, the gig economy has flourished, providing new opportunities for employment and labor dynamics. Despite its many benefits, the digital revolution has also raised ethical concerns, including questions about data privacy, cybersecurity, and the digital divide. As societies grapple with these challenges, it is clear that the digital revolution is an ongoing and dynamic process with far-reaching consequences that require ongoing adaptation and thoughtful regulation. In managing this digital landscape, societies must strike a balance between embracing innovation and addressing ethical implications to ensure a future where the benefits of the digital revolution are maximized for all. The onset of the Digital Revolution has ushered in a new era for the logistics industry, fundamentally changing the way goods and information flow in the global supply chain. In an era where technological advancements are the backbone of progress, logistics has emerged as a vehicle for innovation that adapts and evolves to meet the demands of an increasingly interconnected world. This brief explores the key role digital technologies are playing in shaping the logistics landscape.

Open Access

This article aims to evaluate tourism competition between countries by examining world tourism indices. Tourism indices are widely used tools to measure and compare the performance of the tourism industry. This study will discuss the Global Tourism Competitiveness Index, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index and other important indices, explain the calculation methods of the indices and analyze the results. Sustainability, the economic contribution of tourism and future trends are also among the focuses of this article. This study will help us understand how tourism indices affect tourism competition between countries and predict future tourism trends. Major tourist destinations such as Turkey and the USA are making various efforts to promote sustainable tourism practices. This is an important step aimed at growing tourism sectors sustainably in the future. Countries such as Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran have the potential to offer different experiences for tourists with their cultural diversity and unique traditions. These countries have growth opportunities in the field of cultural tourism. Sustainable tourism practices are important for future growth and success for major tourist destinations. A major tourist destination like the USA aims to make its tourism industry more environmentally friendly by increasing its efforts on sustainability. Iran may not have been able to fully utilize its tourism potential due to regional and international political factors. Security concerns and political instability may limit tourist interest in Iran. As a result, these five countries have different tourism potentials and each offers unique attractions. Turkey, the USA and others aim to grow their tourism sectors in the future by promoting sustainable tourism practices. The competition between the countries examined reflects the development of tourism indices and the diversity of tourist destinations.

Open Access

The purpose of the work is to study the loss of human capital in Ukraine and its regions during the latest Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in 2014. The study of the loss of human capital in Ukraine and its regions during the period of Russian military aggression was carried out in three stages. At the first stage, direct losses of this capital during 2014-2021 were calculated. The second and third stages of this study are devoted to the study of indirect losses of this capital, respectively, for the same period and the period after the full-scale invasion of Russian troops on February 24, 2022. The conducted studies showed that during the Russian military aggression, the human capital of Ukraine suffered significant losses. The calculation of direct losses of this capital showed that these losses for the period of 2014-2021 amounted to 1994,55 thousand people on an average annual basis. The largest direct losses of the HC of Ukraine were experienced in the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions, and the smallest – in the Chernivtsi, Kyiv, Volyn and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. Studies of indirect losses of human capital before and after a full-scale invasion by the Russians also indicate their significant volumes. The largest volumes of indirect losses of human capital were observed after the full-scale Russian invasion of the country on February 24, 2022. According to the number of damaged, destroyed and destroyed educational, cultural and health care institutions in the regions of Ukraine after that date, the greatest losses of human capital were incurred in the Donetsk, Kyiv, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Kherson and Chernihiv regions.

Open Access

The article discuss the importance of implementing unbiased strategies in the workplace to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. The article highlight the relevance of the topic in the context of the new world of work, where companies face increasing pressure to create fair and inclusive workplaces that attract and retain top talent. The article discuss the challenges associated with implementing unbiased strategies, including unconscious bias and resistance to change, and provide solutions to overcome these challenges, such as education, measurement, and cultural change. The article emphasize the benefits of implementing unbiased strategies in the workplace, including the creation of a positive and inclusive corporate culture, improved innovation and creativity, and a stronger employer brand. The article also emphasize the importance of leadership commitment in creating a culture of fairness and inclusivity. The research method used in the article is based on a literature review and expert opinion. The article draw on research studies and expert insights to support the importance of unbiased strategies in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. The practical value of the article lies in its insights and recommendations for organizations seeking to create more inclusive and diverse workplaces. The article provide practical solutions for implementing unbiased strategies, such as creating diverse hiring panels, using objective evaluation criteria, and providing diversity and inclusion training. The article also highlight the benefits of implementing unbiased strategies, such as improved productivity, employee engagement, and employer brand reputation.

Open Access

China is a big agricultural country, as well as a major producer and exporter of agricultural products. In recent years, China's agricultural economy has been developing continuously, the foreign trade of agricultural products has been expanding constantly, and the trade of agricultural products has developed rapidly. With the advent of the Internet era and the deepening of market competition, the development of China's agricultural industry gradually shows a trend of brand, China's Ministry of Agriculture and villages has continuously strengthened its top-level design, designated 2017 as the "year of Agricultural Brand Promotion", issued the "opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture and villages on speeding up the Promotion of Brand strengthening Agriculture" in 2018, and guided and launched the construction of China's agricultural brand catalogue system in 2019, providing a policy guarantee for agricultural brand construction. All localities, in accordance with the idea of "building a brand, bringing an industry alive, rich farmers", rely on the advantages of resources, highlight planning and guidance, promote brand work as a whole, and promote the rapid development of characteristic industries. Planting brand, animal husbandry brand, fishery brand, rural characteristic brand, "China Land Reclamation" brand, cooperative brand and other industry brands have developed vigorously. Actively use the Agricultural Fair, Tea Fair and other well-known domestic exhibitions to promote brands to create a good atmosphere for development. With the help of modern information technology and media, we can innovate brand marketing and effectively improve the brand influence of agricultural products. This paper analyzes the development stage of China's agricultural brand construction, summarizes the characteristics of China's agricultural brand development, points out the main problems existing in the development of China's agricultural brand. In order to improve the competitiveness of Chinese agricultural brands in the international and domestic markets, the development trend of Chinese agricultural brands is put forward.

Open Access

The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the introduction and development of marketing activities in agricultural enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of their activities. It is indicated that the development of organizational and economic mechanisms of adaptation of agricultural enterprises to market conditions of operation require changes in the construction of organizational structures in order to promote the development of object markets for products. At the same time, organizational structures of marketing management acquire special importance. It is emphasized that the solution to the issue of the principles and approaches to their construction within the enterprise is purely individual and should take into account the entire spectrum of the specifics of the activity. It is indicated that insufficient development of the informational component and infrastructure of the agricultural products market significantly complicates the work of domestic marketers, which does not allow to significantly increase the level of development of agricultural marketing. It is noted that in modern crisis market conditions, enterprises need to ensure the improvement of the information base and technology for preparing marketing plans based on modern methods and means of information processing, based on achievements in the field of economic theory of planning, the use of economic and mathematical modeling, modern methods and means of information processing. It was concluded that marketing support develops in the process of overcoming contradictions between external conditions and internal capabilities of the enterprise. It is emphasized that if marketing support makes it possible to correctly assess the objective market environment and is based on its scientific analysis, does not ignore the peculiarities of production development related to the release of competitive products, then it effectively affects the process of forming needs. The process of marketing support unfolds in the unity of interrelationships, interdependencies of objective and subjective, market and internal.

Open Access