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On the issue of the relationship of verbal and non-verbal components in the interpretation of audiovisual discourse

The process of interpretation is to a large extent defined by the scientific perception of an audiovisual production as an act of intracultural and intercultural communication between the collective author and the target audience. Audiovisual productions are multilayered complexes of verbal and non-verbal elements that are interrelated by the collective author in the process of their creation. The structure of these relations must be perceived, understood and interpreted correctly by the target audience. Without this the process of cultural communication by the means of these audiovisual works between these two aggregated entities is impossible. The process of interpretation has many levels that are defined by cognitive and cultural attributes of viewers. Its stages are - perception of its components by visual and sound receptors; - understanding of the meaning of minimal units of both visual and aural verbal and non-verbal streams; - culturally determined interpreting of plot units in the process of double reconstruction of the coherent AV discourse whole based both on its explicit and implicit components; - secondary semantization of content. This article differentiates between the concept of a single viewer-recipient as a subject of perception process and the collective viewer as a participant of an act of the social communication based on the transmission of AV discourses. The collective viewer is a complex subject of the social interpretation of AV discourses who establishes norms and rules of this process and performs acts of their secondary semantization. Eventfulness is the key cognitive parameter of audiovisual productions, The collective author uses visual, ambience, verbal tools in the process of the cultural communication to create for the target audience various event sequences forming the backbone of a plot that can by understood by the audience.

Open Access
Genre differentiation of small-format texts in modern English

A number of objective conditions that have formed in the modern society are reflected in language as the tendency to reduce the volume of communicative units – texts – that are used in the process of communication. Currently, short textual formations are characteristic of all types of discourse, including those of interpersonal and institutional communication in the media, scientific, official and business environments, as well as in the context of creative writing. The relevance of studying small texts is explained by the need to identify specific ways by which the pragmatic potential of a limited number of linguistic means is most efficiently realized within a small construct, allowing the text to successfully fulfill its complex communicative goal in the process of verbal interaction. Specifics of discursive interaction of linguistic instruments within the framework of the textual structure are closely related to the genre parameters of a particular text variety, however at the moment researchers have not yet adopted a unified approach to systematizing genre variations of small texts. The purpose of this article is to work out a set of classification parameters for systemic arrangement of various small-format texts, which will potentially bring them to a single standard of description. As a result, a number of classification criteria for genre systematization are proposed including ontological, functional stylistic, quantitative, semiotic, formalization and environmental ones. Within the framework of each criterion, variants of genre implementations are singled out with the latter being supported with linguistic illustrations in the form of contemporary English small-format texts.

Open Access
Minimal speech cell of military translation study in the Arabic-Russian language combination

The article proposes an approach in the standardization of “minimal translation cell” concept in Russian translation theory and translation practice in the scope of consecutive translation. The results of the theoretical study were confirmed by practical translation experience gained in operational conditions of military-professional communication abroad. The core itinerary of description and standardizing of translation units in German-Russian and Romance-Russian languages configurations proposed earlier by Russian and foreign translation scientists are projected in this paper onto the Arabic-Russian language combination. The author applies an approach of explication the translation units nature by the method of describing the characteristic of their minimal partibility value. An attempt has been made to trace the regularities of the minimal translation cells selection in live speech situations of military communication, despite their inherent alternativeness. Experienced in military translating practice the models of communicative translation strategies such as a source texts segmentation into the smallest translation cells are represented. In this regard, the article makes it reasonable to implementing the concept of "minimal translation cell" into the theory and practice of translation. The initiative of training entry-level Arabic language military interpreters in the strategy of selecting final partibility reference units from the source texts, i.e. the shortest speech syntagms containing the key points of the messages. In this paper, the author considers it necessary to place additional emphasis on the most important characteristic of translation process in the military professional communication as the translation legitimacy, which obliges the military interpreter to carry out legitimate translation actions while understanding of the consequences of unintentional errors and possible distortions of military data in combat environment.

Open Access
Functional analysis of the current foreign language e-teacher phenomenon on social networks

The paper analyzes the functional features of the image of a current foreign language teacher on social networks which he/she acquires in course of transformation moving into the digital space and taking a status of e-teacher. In the paper such functions of a new teacher as infosocializing, teaching, ethic, cultural and entertaining are defined; the audience’s attitude towards teaching bloggers on the social network is revealed through the learners’ feedback; specific peculiarities of the particular teaching blogs held by the current foreign language e-teachers are studied which affects the learners’ perception of a teacher’s image; methodological aspects of the teaching blogs, content for foreign language learning as well as content presentation are analyzed. The image of the new teacher is viewed in terms of the digital educational environment which is represented by teaching blogs on social network VKontakte ( The social net is considered through the prism of linguistic and didactic potential for learning a foreign language (English herein), and it is seen as a platform for revealing the most significant features of a new e-teacher phenomenon. The functional performance of the e-teacher image is determined by self-representation options, blog content, didactic concepts as well as the ways of presenting the material for learning. Lexical-oriented conception is found to be more frequently applied alongside with using the immersive approach in foreign language teaching. The role of the content visual presentation by e-teacher is defined as crucial for successful accomplishment of learning targets. Emotional and entertaining elements of content presentation are characterized as the most essential. A humor component of the e-teacher image coupled with emotional presentation of the content positively affect the audience which facilitates more effective learning.

Open Access
To the question of androcentrism of the grammatical category of gender in Italian language

The article analyses the processes of feminisation of some nouns occurring in the Italian language in connection with the struggle against the manifestations of masculine mentality. The asymmetry of feminine and masculine genders in the declension of nouns and adjectives is fixed in the Italian language at the grammatical level. However, in recent decades, due to the growth of feminist sentiments in the world and the increasing attention to social gender, this grammatical norm has caused more and more disputes in Italian society, the use of the masculine gender is undergoing a kind of gender censorship. The established gender hierarchy of language has been perceived by some politicians and cultural figures as incorrect, disadvantaging the representation of women in discourse, especially when it comes to the so-called "nomi di ruolo" - nouns denoting staff positions (mayor, councillor, chairman, prime minister, judge). Gender markers, which are natural for the language, receive additional connotative meaning, their semantic significance expands: along with the grammatical category, they begin to express the speaker's social position, his views on the political agenda in relation to feminist sentiments. The paper will examine gender in Italian as a grammatical category, then highlight the main grammatical tools that Italian linguists propose to use in order to equalise the asymmetry of femininity and masculinity in modern Italian. Different perspectives of native Italian speakers on such grammatical changes in the category of gender will be presented and possible options for levelling the asymmetry towards androcentrism will be analysed.

Open Access
Modern trends in teaching Business English

In the modern world, professionally oriented English language training in business is becoming increasingly in demand. The development of cognitive skills, innovative and effective approaches to learning, as well as the development of critical thinking, analytical and independent problem-solving abilities are becoming key to the requirements of modern employers. The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop students’ professional competencies that meet modern labor market requirements. The scope of the study is the analysis of current trends in the field of teaching English in business, as well as the identification of the most effective methods that promote the development of critical thinking, analytical abilities and the ability to independently solve problems. The objectives of the study are to analyze existing approaches to teaching English in business, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, as well as recommendations for optimizing the learning process taking into account modern requirements for professional skills. The purpose of the study is to identify optimal methods and approaches to teaching English that contribute to the development of professional skills and competencies. As a result of the study, optimal approaches to teaching English in business were identified that promote the development of cognitive skills, critical thinking, analytical abilities and the ability to independently solve problems. The main research finding in this area is that effective teaching of English in business should focus on developing not only language skills, but also the cognitive and intellectual abilities of students.

Open Access
Cognitive approach experience to the metaphor analysis (on the basis of the navy language)

Metaphorization in the naval LSP (Language for specific purposes) is studied in the cognitive linguistics context. The text understanding process is closely related to the phenomenon of mental situation image. In this case, the linguistic interpreting function reflects not only psychological features of the information perception, but also socio-cultural knowledge. The purpose of the article is to analyze some metaphors in the naval domain, to establish the relationship between linguistic and extralinguistic factors, to focus some regularities of nomination when constructing logical or metaphorical connections between different conceptual and thematic areas and their elements. The process of interaction between knowledge structures of two conceptual domains - sphere «source» and sphere «target» is considered. Procedure and methods. The study applied the methods of discursive and semantic analysis. When naming a new object, a person usually has associations with familiar things. That is why the metaphorical nomination sources in the naval discourse are body parts and animal names which describe humans from different perspectives. For example, "pigeon", "birds", "bilge rat". The origin of "the eyes of the ship" metaphor is explained. The results of the study show that the metaphors in the LSP of navy are formed according to the most regular models of semantic transfers. In metaphorical formations the national specificity is obvious, so the national language characteristics in the highly professional naval sphere are identified. The research results contribute to the further LSP cognitive study. The theoretical foundations of the naval discourse formation mechanisms are stated. The relationship between the naval language functioning and the specific features of the domain are established.

Open Access