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The stylistic approach provides a new perspective in the literature studies, especially Qur'anic research. Understanding the Qur'an from a stylistic overview can explain the use of certain words or language structures that distinguish between works. It reveals the characteristics, implied meanings, and beauty of the structure of the Qur'anic text as the primary aspect of the miracles of the Qur'an. The euphemism of the composition of the Qur'an can be seen, for example, in surah al-Qiyāmah. Surah al-Qiyāmah, classified as a makkiyah surah, contains matters relating to the final day, starting from the sacratulmaut stage to the description of the Day of Judgment. Descriptive research with Stylistic analysis in this article, reveals the findings of four aspects of the Stylistics of the Qur'an contained in surah al-Qiyāmah; phonology, morphology, syntax, and imagery. On the phonological aspect, including; fricative, plosive, mukarrarah, and semi-vocal consonants. From the morphological aspect, there are forms of verbs (al-māḍi, al-muḍāri‘ and af‘al al-majhul) which have various meanings. Aspects of syntax contribute to the style of language such as; al-taqdm wa al-ta'khīr, repetition, imperative sentences, and interrogative sentences. Meanwhile, in the imagery aspect, alliteration, assonance, polysindenton, erotic, tautology, ellipsis, synecdoche, and hypalase styles are found.

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Open Access

The views of Van Den Berg and Martin Van Bruinessen was quoted by Rosihon Anwar et.all. stated that the method of learning tafsir used in pesantren in the 19th century was the bandongan and sorogan method. The views of the two figures above are reinforced by Rosihon Anwar et al. in his research conducted in 2015 that the study of tafsir on pesantren in West Java was still dominated by Jala̅layn interpretation by using the bandongan method. Seeing Van den Berg, Martin van Bruinessen and Rosihon Anwar et all.’s reports as if the method that used in Pesantren for tafsir learning just bandongan and sorogan method. Event though globalization, westernization, the modern education system brought by the Dutch, some government regulations that tend to adopt modern education systems in turn always haunt the pesantren. In order to find the background of the existence of the bandongan method in learning interpretation in pesantren in the contemporary era, the author uses a phenomenological approach. The object of the research was carried out at the Islamic boarding school in Sumenep. The results of this study reports that the using of the bandongan and sorogan methods commonly used in pesantren in tafsir learning because it is influenced by several things; first, sufism impact which developed after the collapse of the Abbisayah Dynasty, so it was believed that the kiai were the only source of knowledge or centered teacher as well as murshid in the tarekat. Second, the influence of Zarnuji's book entitled "Ta'lim Muta'allim" which is the majority of pesantren in Indonesia uses this book as a moral material. Third. Doctrinalization of one of the ideals that would be instilled in students. Furthermore, this study also found a shift in the use of interpretive learning methods based on educational background, scholarship, the target of the teacher's interpretation, and the ability of students.

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Open Access

Maqāshid al-Qur’ān is an approach of interpretation study. This approach was developed to give a new viewpoint for mufassir to have more comprehensive understanding of the Qur'an contextually, as of it contributes much to life. Based on this, the aims of this article is to apply the concept of Maqāshid al-Qur'ān which was initiated by Imam Muammad al-Thāhir ibn 'Āsyūr in the verses of the human life cycle. The application of Maqāshid al-Qur’ān will reveal the meaning and moral message behind the verse with covering two issues, first is the cycle and phase of human life in the Qur'an, and second is the interpretation and moral message of the verse about the cycle of human life. This research was a library research with descriptive analysis method using the Maqāshid al-Qur'ān approach by Muhammad al-Thāhir ibn 'Āsyūr version. The results of the study showed that: first, the cycle and phase of the human life take place in five phases of life, there are the realm of the spirit, the realm of the womb, nature, the world, the grave, and the afterlife. Second, the result of the interpretation and moral message of the verse of the human life cycle is about the miracle of humans to have the right belief, akhlaq, ethics and good morals, and explaining the miracles of the Qur'an. The lessons for muslim is also discussed.

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Open Access
Nilai Sosial Dalam Al-Qur'an (Perspektif M. Quraish Shihab Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 9-13)

 Al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci yang menyeluruh berlaku untuk setiap ruang dan waktu yang dianugerahkan Allah SWT, kepada umat manusia. Di dalamnya mengandung banyak nilai dan pesan yang sangat luas tentang perilaku sosial. Problem-problem yang terjadi di tengah kehidupan sosial tentu tidak akan ada habisnya. Untuk itu Al-Qur’an hadir sebagai solusi yang terbaik dengan memberikan pedoman hidup serta petunjuk mengenai perilaku sosial. Penelitian ini mengungkap nilai sosial yang terdapat dalam QS. Al-H{ujura>t ayat 9-13 dan Bagaimana relevansi nilai sosial dalam QS. Al-H{ujura>t ayat 9-13 dengan kehidupan sekarang. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Adapun sumber data primernya adalah Tafsif Al-Misbah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa nilai sosial yang terdapat dalam surah Al-H{ujura>t ayat 9-13 yakni menyuruh umat manusia untuk menciptakan persaudaraan, perdamaian, keadilan, persatuan umat dan sikap saling menghormati serta melarang semua perbuatan yang dapat menimbulkan pertikaian maupun perpecahan yang dapat merusak tatanan hubungan antar sesama manusia dalam masyarakat.
 Kata Kunci : Nilai, Sosial, Al-H{ujura>t, M. Quraish Shihab

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Open Access