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Pemanfaatan E-book sebagai Sumber Belajar pada Kurikulum Merdeka

Success in the learning process is the main thing that must be in an educational institution. E-book s have great potential in utilization as a learning resource in the Independent Curriculum, although they have benefits, the challenges that must be overcome cannot be ignored either. The purpose of this article is to discuss the utilization of E-book as learning resources in the Independent Curriculum. We will review the potential and benefits of E-book , the challenges that must be faced, and the steps that need to be taken so that E-book utilization is able to run well to improve the quality of learning in Indonesia. The research used in this article is a type of library research or literature review research with qualitative methods. Library research or literature review is a critical process for collecting, evaluating, and synthesizing literature relevant to the intended research topic. The results show that E-books could increase students' activity, motivation, creativity, and learning outcomes. However, steps need to be taken to ensure equitable access for all students so that the benefits of E-book s can be felt thoroughly. The utilization of E-book s as an independent learning resource is very influential on students, E-book s have a positive impact on increasing learning productivity and reducing the burden on educators in presenting information. However, drawbacks such as dependence on battery power and vulnerability to piracy also need attention in its implementation. Thus, the utilization of E-books as an independent learning resource for students requires a comprehensive approach to maximize its benefits. Keywords: E-book s, Learning Resources, Independent Curriculum

Open Access
Perbedaan Epistemologi Bayani, Irfani dan Burhani dalam Pemikiran Islam

Epistemology is the theory of knowledge in the context of Islamic philosophy, which includes three main approaches: Bayani, Irfani, and Burhani. The Bayani approach centers on the sacred text, while Irfani is concerned with direct experience of spiritual reality. On the other hand, the Burhani approach is based on logic. This research aims to analyze the differences in bayani, irfani and burhani epistemology. By using the literature research method, this study shows that there are differences in 1.) Bayani epistemology 2.) Irfani epistemology 3.) Burhani epistemology. In this study, the analysis of Bayani, Irfani, and Burhani epistemology shows significant differences. The Bayani approach tends to produce dogmatic and intolerant religious views, while the Burhani approach offers an open and philosophical framework. The Irfani 2 approach, on the other hand, explores the dimensions of spiritual experience in depth. The results of this study have a positive impact on the development of Islamic science, strengthening the argument that Western philosophers' thoughts can synergize with Islamic philosophy. By understanding the differences and relevance of each approach, space can be opened for dialogue between intellectual traditions, supporting conflict resolution and promoting peace with a more contextual and scientific approach. Keywords: Epistemology, Bayani, Irfani, Burhani.

Open Access
Kurikulum Merdeka dalam Konsepsi Pendidikan Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani

Education is one of the ways to advance human civilization. Historical records reveal that the better education during a particular period, the better civil society developed. A dynamic development in education is needed to create a better civilization. In the era of globalization, education has a heavier task than ever before, the boundaries of space and time are no longer known in this era. The ease of access to information has both positive and negative impacts. While it is beneficial for knowledge, the incoming facts may not be filtered according to the culture and norms of a particular region or country, resulting in the loss of character and national identity. In this regard, the Ministry of Education provides a solution of the form of a learning curriculum, namely the "Merdeka Curriculum." The Merdeka Curriculum is expected to preserve the nation's character in the next generation. However, the question arises as to whether this curriculum concept aligns with Islamic values, given that Indonesia currently has a Muslim majority. This article discusses the theory of the Merdeka Curriculum from the perspective of Islamic education, as seen through the thoughts of one of the prominent scholars of the Indonesian archipelago who gained global recognition, namely Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani. This academic article employs a qualitative approach using a literature review method to analyze Syekh Nawawi's views on the concept of the Merdeka Curriculum. The conclusion drawn from this study is that Syekh Nawawi's thinking emphasizes lifelong learning for a sustainable future and character education that builds uniqueness, identity, and national character. Keywords: Curriculum; Medeka Curriculum; Islamic Education; Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani

Open Access
Implementasi Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak Pada Peserta Didik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mathla’ul Anwar Baros Cibadak

Madrasah, as an Islamic educational institution, has a responsibility to equip students with a strong understanding of religion and good morals in accordance with Islamic values. However, the implementation of education in first-degree secondary schools is dominated by general lessons such as IPA and IPS compared to Islamic religious lessons in particular moral studies. Seeing the learning of ethics at the Tsanawiyah Mathla’ul Anwar Baros Cibadak Madrasah is an important step in shaping the character and morals of the pupils. This article aims to investigate how the teaching of equality has been applied in this madrasah with a focus on the pupils. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research that aims to find out how the implementation of Aqidah Akhlak learning at Mathla’ul Anwar Baros MTS Cibadak district of Lebak. The data collection method in this study uses the Observation, Interview, and Documentation methods used in ethical learning. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak, Peserta didik. Abstract: This study seeks to see the implementation of learning subjects Aqidah akhlak, the focus of research is how the implementation of learning aqidah akhlak on students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mathla'ul Anwar Baros Cibadak, how the results of implementation of learning aqidah akhlak on students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mathla'ul Anwar Baros cibadak data collection methods in this study using the method of observation, interview, and documentation methods used in learning aqidah akhlak is the method of lectures, discussions and questions and answers. From the results of interviews with aqidah akhlak teachers that students are so enthusiastic in following this aqidah akhlak learning that students are able to implement this aqidah akhlak learning in their daily lives both in the school environment and outside the school environment. Keywords:Implementation, learning Aqidah morals, learners.

Open Access