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Development of UV-Irradiated PADC and Improvement of Etching for Reducing Experimental Time.

PADC is well known as a highly sensitive solid-state nuclear track detector. A proposal is for a radiation education method that utilizes these characteristics. A significant issue in the proposed educational method using PADC is the time-consuming etching process. This study attempted to reduce etching time by using a homemade PADC. The experimental results have revealed that the homemade PADC achieves faster etch pit enlargement compared to BARYOTRAK (commercial PADC). An attempt was made to enlarge etch pit diameters rapidly by irradiating UV at a wavelength of 253.7 nm and etching with NaOHaq/ethanol solution. The results revealed that UV irradiation at a wavelength of 253.7 nm, after etching, resulted in etch pit diameters several times larger than those obtained in conventional methods within the same etching time. Therefore, UV irradiation and short-time etching with NaOHaq/ethanol solution proved to be effective. This study also investigated the effects of fading on the PADC during its storage period after UV irradiation. The experimental results confirmed that the etch pit diameters shrank by approximately 30% after 2 months of storage. However, considering the enlargement effect of the etch pit diameters due to UV irradiation, it can be concluded that UV irradiation is practical for radiation education experiments.

Open Access
Temperature sensitivity of the interspecific interaction strength of coastal marine fish communities

The effects of temperature on interaction strengths are important for understanding and forecasting how global climate change impacts marine ecosystems; however, tracking and quantifying interactions of marine fish species are practically difficult especially under field conditions, and thus, how temperature influences their interaction strengths under field conditions remains poorly understood. We herein performed quantitative fish environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding on 550 seawater samples that were collected twice a month from 11 coastal sites for 2 years in the Boso Peninsula, Japan, and analyzed eDNA monitoring data using nonlinear time series analytical tools. We detected fish–fish interactions as information flow between eDNA time series, reconstructed interaction networks for the top 50 frequently detected species, and quantified pairwise, fluctuating interaction strengths. Although there was a large variation, water temperature influenced fish–fish interaction strengths. The impact of water temperature on interspecific interaction strengths varied among fish species, suggesting that fish species identity influences the temperature effects on interactions. For example, interaction strengths that Halichoeres tenuispinis and Microcanthus strigatus received strongly increased with water temperature, while those of Engraulis japonicus and Girella punctata decreased with water temperature. An increase in water temperature induced by global climate change may change fish interactions in a complex way, which consequently influences marine community dynamics and stability. Our research demonstrates a practical research framework to study the effects of environmental variables on interaction strengths of marine communities in nature, which would contribute to understanding and predicting natural marine ecosystem dynamics.

Open Access
Temperature sensitivity of the interspecific interaction strength of coastal marine fish communities.

The effects of temperature on interaction strengths are important for understanding and forecasting how global climate change impacts marine ecosystems; however, tracking and quantifying interactions of marine fish species are practically difficult especially under field conditions, and thus, how temperature influences their interaction strengths under field conditions remains poorly understood. We herein performed quantitative fish environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding on 550 seawater samples that were collected twice a month from 11 coastal sites for 2 years in the Boso Peninsula, Japan, and analyzed eDNA monitoring data using nonlinear time series analytical tools. We detected fish-fish interactions as information flow between eDNA time series, reconstructed interaction networks for the top 50 frequently detected species, and quantified pairwise, fluctuating interaction strengths. Although there was a large variation, water temperature influenced fish-fish interaction strengths. The impact of water temperature on interspecific interaction strengths varied among fish species, suggesting that fish species identity influences the temperature effects on interactions. For example, interaction strengths that Halichoeres tenuispinis and Microcanthus strigatus received strongly increased with water temperature, while those of Engraulis japonicus and Girella punctata decreased with water temperature. An increase in water temperature induced by global climate change may change fish interactions in a complex way, which consequently influences marine community dynamics and stability. Our research demonstrates a practical research framework to study the effects of environmental variables on interaction strengths of marine communities in nature, which would contribute to understanding and predicting natural marine ecosystem dynamics.

Open Access