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Analisis Makna Filosofis Motif Batik Ponorogo Sebagai Upaya Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter

Ponorogo Regency has its own arts and culture which are the characteristics and identity of this Reog City. One example is batik. Batik Ponorogo has a variety of motifs that are unique and different from other regions. Ponorogo batik motifs are diverse, each of which contains a deep philosophical meaning and assumed to have relevance to the values ​​of noble education character. The purpose of this study was describe the values ​​of education character in the philosophical meaning of the Batik Ponorogo motif and to find out the understanding of high school students in Ponorogo Regency about the philosophical meaning of the Ponorogo batik motif on the values ​​of education character. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with descriptive-analytical analysis techniques. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews with batik art experts about the philosophical meaning of the Batik Ponorogo motif. Meanwhile, the data on the understanding of high school students in Ponorogo Regency regarding the philosophical meaning of batik was obtained through a questionnaire technique as supporting data. Based on the research that has been done by researchers to batik art experts, the Batik Ponorogo motif contains education character values ​​that can be used to strengthen the students’ character. In addition, from the results of the online questionnaire test that the researchers conducted on high school students in Ponorogo Regency, it was found that they were very familiar with the philosophical meanings which contained in each batik Ponorogo motif and its relevance to education character values.
 Keywords: Philosophical Meaning of Batik, Education Character, Motif Batik Ponorogo

Open Access
Strategi Marketing Mix dalam Menarik Minat Peserta Didik Baru pada Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Swasta

This article discuss the marketing strategy undertaken by the Islamic Education Institution. There are various marketing strategies used by a private Islamic education institution to convey information about the institution to the wider community and to maintain the existence of the institution, one of which is by using the Marketing Mix strategy. This research used qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. While the type of research used a case study. The results showed that the process of planning the Marketing Mix strategy at MTs Misriu Al Hasan was carried out by forming a PPDB committee, analyzing the conditions of the community and the internal conditions of the institution, and determining the appropriate marketing strategy, namely the Marketing Mix strategy. The process of implementing the Marketing Mix strategy at MTs Misriu Al Hasan, namely by using: Product strategies that contain the culture of takdzim, dhuha prayers in congregation, memorizing juz 30 and yasin letters and achievement scholarships. Pricing strategy, which includes free registration, free tuition fees, free uniforms and GNOTA scholarships. Location strategy, which describes easy access to the institution. Promotion strategy, used to inform about the advantages of products, location and costs by means of brochures and banners, socialization to Elementary School, door to door and take advantage of moments of institutional events. The factors that influence the results of the Marketing Mix strategy at MTs Misriu Al Hasan are the weak role of the foundation, the participation of the committee which is less than optimal and the limited operational costs and the intense competition between private Islamic education institutions in Mojo District, Kediri Regency.
 Keywords: Marketing Mix Strategy, New Student Interests. Marketing Strategy

Open Access
Pengaruh Peran Guru dan Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Jurusan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 4 Tana Toraja

The article was to determine the effect of the role of teachers and learning media on the students’ achievement motivation of vehicle engineering department at State of Vocational High School (SMK N) 4 Tana Toraja. The researchers used quantitative methods. This type of research was correlational research. Because this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the two variables. To find out the size or height of the relationship was expressed in the form of a correlation coefficient. Analysis method used regression analysis, which ws a mathematical instrument that connects the functions between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The results of this study with Partial t test (Multiple Linear Regression) Based on the SPSS output above, it shows that the value of R Square or the coefficient of determination was 0.758. It means that the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable was 0.758 or 75.8%. While the rest was determined by other variables not included in the study. The other influences were 1 - 0.758 = 0.242 or 24.2%. There was influence on the role of the teacher in guiding students on the learning achievement motivation of students at vehicle engineering department SMK N 4 Tana Toraja. There was influence that the use of learning media can increase achievement motivation of TKR students majoring at SMK N 4 Tana Toraja. There was an influence on the role of teachers and the use of instructional media to increase students’ achievement motivation of vehicle engineering department at State of Vocational High School (SMK N) 4 Tana Toraja
 Keywords: Learning Media, The Role of Teachers on Student Achievement, Learning Motivation

Open Access
Aktualisasi Supervisi Artistik dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

The success of Islamic education is a joint effort of Islamic educational institutions, government and society. One of the supporting factors for the achievement of educational goals is good management of educational institutions. Supervision is one of the functions of education management. Artistic supervision as a form of supervision of educational institutions functions to provide assistance to teachers in the form of direction and guidance for improving the learning process. The implementation of artistic supervision needs to be maximized in Islamic educational institutions, so that it is not incidental. The purpose of this study is to analyze artistic supervision in Islamic education management. The research method used is literature study. Data were collected through documentation which was then analyzed descriptively. The results of the research found that the actualization stages of artistic supervision in Islamic education management include planning, implementing, and evaluating based on Islamic values that are sourced from the Al Quran and Hadith; supervision is a collaboration of the principal, supervisors, expert supervisors, and external supervisors. Supervision can be carried out individually or in groups. Implement and follow-up supervision that humanizes the relationship to support the achievement of the goals of Islamic education supervision.
 Keywords: Actualization Supervision Artistic, Islamic Management Education, Management Education

Open Access