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Real-Life Experiences of Students with Disability in Tribhuvan University: Hermeneutic Phenomenological Method

The number of students with disabilities has been increasing nowadays for higher education. Students with disabilities in universities are excluded from the research fields in Nepal although there are some researches done on school children with disabilities and people with disabilities in the family and society: college students with disabilities need to be studied. This study focuses on the lived experiences of students with disabilities while pursuing their studies at Tribhuvan University, Nepal. A hermeneutic phenomenological research method within qualitative approach was applied. A purposive sampling technique was used to select five students with disabilities in this study. The major findings are that the disabled students encountered mainly infrastructure/physical structure barriers, university policy and practice barriers, the university executives’ (un)conscious/ (un)intentional ignorance and attitude barriers while pursuing studies. The students with vision impairment and motor impairment underwent the difficulty with disable-unfriendly physical structures, university policy and practices. The hearing impaired students expressed that the usual class was not for them, and nobody was in the campus for interaction with them. The findings mean the university environments were unfriendly, hostile and adverse to the disabled students. This study may motivate the executives to modify the policy, practices and attitudes toward the disabled.

Open Access
Racial Segregation in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and JM Coetzee’s Disgrace

This paper makes a comparative analysis of racial discrimination faced by the characters in the novels, The Kite Runner and Disgrace. Both novels are based on non-western settings and the characters become the victim of racial segregation. British rulers first promoted racial injustice in the process of expanding colonialism. As a result, racism emerged as a dominant factor of oppression of the people by power holders. Authors, in both novels, have shown their characters victimized by racial domination. In Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the central character, Hassan becomes the victim of ethnic oppression as Amir and Assef dominate him and force Hassan and his father leave their home. Amir and Assef belong to Pashtuns and Hassan and his father belong to Hazaras in the Muslim community. They belong to different ethnic groups and the majority group dominates minority groups. Next, they become victims of Taliban oppression and are tortured and killed mercilessly. In Coetzee’s Disgrace, the central character, David Lurie as a white professor seduces his black student, Melanie Isaac, using his predominant racial power. Next, his daughter, Lucy is raped by three black men as a byproduct of the post-apartheid era. Racial attitude has created problems in the lives of the characters as they undergo many kinds of suffering in the novels. For analyzing the novels, racism has been used as a theoretical tool to explore the problems concerning human relationships. In The Kite Runner, there is the domination of one ethnic group over another ethnic group treating them as inferior and non-human. In Disgrace, there is the domination of whites over blacks and the domination of blacks over whites. Both novels reflect that racism based on any level is a social evil caused by human relationships and it has always negative effects on society. Due to racial segregation, one group dominates another group creating social problems.

Open Access
Student's Perception Regarding Quality of Public Service Marketing on Service Delivery

Public Service Marketing has been used as game plan to enhance service delivery in the public sector. A gap has been seen in using quality service dimensions and public service marketing concept for enhancing service delivery in public sector. This study therefore assessed the citizen’s perception regarding the quality of public service marketing on service delivery in public sector of Nepal. Special references have been taken from students studying master degree in Management at Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara. Descriptive and quantitative research design has been employed for this study. Out of 180 total populations under study, 50 samples have been taken by using simple random sampling. Data were collected via questionnaires using Google Form. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26 statistical tools. Quantitative statistical results were analyzed. The practical implications is to assess the perception of citizens i.e. students of master degree in this study towards quality service delivery and customer satisfaction. The study revealed that the perception of students towards quality service delivery and customer satisfaction is different among the groups but there have been positive impact of quality of public service marketing factors on service delivery with customer satisfaction. However, overall perception towards the service quality and satisfaction is not good. Additionally, easy access to service and good behaviors of employees in public sector were deemed to be essential for positive enhancement in citizen's perceptions regarding the quality of public service marketing on service delivery. The study was limiting only two service delivery factors therefore, it will be recommended to study numerous additional influencing elements like cost, time and communication that can be used in research in future as quality of service delivery factors.

Open Access
Trends of English Language Teacher Education in Nepal

This paper envisages the history and the trend of English language teacher education in Nepal. It reflects the outcome of the content analysis available on teacher education in the context of Nepal in printed materials and through online archives chosen purposively. For this, themes like teacher education in the past, teacher education in the ICT era and opportunities of continuous professional development in the context of Nepal were developed and authentic materials and documents relevant to the English language teacher education were analyzed, organized and reflection was written based on subjective interpretation. Analysis led to the conclusion that English language teacher education has a short history with remarkable achievements through continuous improvement. The provision of teacher education made by government and other organizations are found to have helped to maintain equalities and uniformities among teachers and professionals developing their career and imparting knowledge living in sophisticated area of the city center and the remote and rural areas of the multi-topographies of the country Nepal. However, the exposure the professionals have received in the comfortable zone has boosted the potentiality of them more in comparison to the ones who have been imparting knowledge, educating poor and marginalized people and earning livelihood in the remote areas.

Open Access
Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment of Employees in Healthcare Sector of Kathmandu Valley

In today’s context the demand for healthcare service has increased due to people’s awareness on the importance of health and quality of life. Though there is a lot of advancement in medical technology employees are considered an important asset of an organization. Employees' commitment is important matter to consider because the presence of committed employees helps in reducing absenteeism, delays and turnover in the organization. So, the aim of the study is to investigate the factors affecting organizational commitment of employees in healthcare sector of Kathmandu Valley. In order to fulfill the objectives of the study, the survey was conducted using a well-structured and self-administered questionnaire. The sample of 185 was randomly selected from sampling frame of 4683 employees of 11 private hospitals of Kathmandu Valley. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The study revealed that the level of employee commitment is moderate in hospitals of Kathmandu Valley. The findings derived from multiple regression analysis confirmed that organizational reward and work-life balance are important factors that positive and significantly affect organizational commitment. It indicates that higher the organizational reward and work-life balance, higher would be the organizational commitment. However, supervisory support, training and development and organizational culture do have insignificant influence on organizational commitment of employees in health care sector of Kathmandu Valley. Thus, it is assured that the results from the study are more valid and they could have a significant policy implication for concerning health sector authorities of Nepal.

Open Access