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Otomatisasi Ultrasonik Fogger Budidaya Selada Keriting Hijau Secara Fogponik di Pertanian Indoor berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

Lettuce or in Indonesia better known as bokor lettuce is a commodity that has bright prospects for cultivation. Green Curly Lettuce is harvested at the age of 25 - 35 days. The price of Green Curly Lettuce on the market can reach Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 15,000 per kg. One of the hydroponic methods that can be carried out for cultivating Green Curly Lettuce plants indoors is a hydroponic system with fog or commonly called Fogponic. Fogponic is a hydroponic system developed from the Aeroponic method, using an ultrasonic fogger or atomizer to atomize nutrients to plant roots. The aims of this research are 1). Designing a water temperature control system device, solution concentration and light height of Fogponic nutrient water in Indoor Agriculture. 2). Create an Automatic Ultrasonic Fogger to maximize nutrition to the roots of Green Curly Lettuce plants. 3), Evaluate the performance of the Automatic Ultrasonic Fogger system by integrating it with the Internet of Things (IoT) via the Thingspeak website. Fogponic design using Ultrasonic Fogger can maximize the little water needed by plants. Even though the use of LED Grow Light cannot replace sunlight in Greenhouses. Automatic Ultrasonic Fogger works according to schedule at 06.00, 08.00, 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00 and 18.00. Besides that, it will work when the fogging machine detects the water level is decreasing so that it gives a notification to add nutrient water. The Fogponics work system can revive green curly lettuce plants and is better than Deep Water Culture (DWC) Hydroponics. However, it is not significantly different from Bubbleponik and still inferior to simple Aeroponics.

Open Access
Bumi Luhur Farmer Group is one of the farmer groups that supports environmentally friendly agriculture and is the only farmer group that develops a semi-organic rice business in Wonosari Village under the name "BERAS MAPAN 05" according to its seed variet

 Kelompok Tani Bumi Luhur adalah salah satu kelompok tani yang mendukung pertanian yang ramah lingkungan dan merupakan satu-satunya kelompok tani yang mengembangkan usaha beras semi organik di Desa Wonosari dengan nama “BERAS MAPAN 05” sesuai dengan varietas benihnya yaitu benih padi hibrida MAPAN 05. Dalam mengembangkan usaha beras semi organik, kelompok tani Bumi Luhur menghadapi beberapa kendala yang menghambat pengembangan usaha beras semi organik, sehingga perlu diberikannya rekomendasi alternative strategi pengembangan usaha beras semi organik “BERAS MAPAN 05”. Dalam mendukung keberlanjutan produksi beras semi organik “BERAS MAPAN 05” perlu adanya pedoman untuk mendeskripsikan strategi pengembangan dan implementasinya. Oleh karenanya dipandang perlu untuk melakukan penelitian sebagai upaya dalam merumuskan dan merancang model strategi pengembangan beras semi organik yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) serta disimpulkan dengan analisis Quantitative QSPM. Hasil penelitian adalah diperoleh alternatif strategi dan prioritas strategi adalah mengoptimalkan produksi beras organik melalui pemanfaatan input produksi dan keterampilan yang dimiliki petani secara optimal guna memenuhi prospek pasar dan permintaan yang meningkat dengan nilai TAS tertinggi yaitu 5,56

Open Access
Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Susu Ready To Drink Kandidat Prebiotik

RTD (Ready to drink) milk is one of the nutritious food products that consumers are increasingly interested in fulfilling daily nutrition. the practicality of presentation is one of the reasons for increasing public interest in these products. Besides this, RTD milk is more easily combined with other ingredients to produce new processed food products, especially in the MSME sector which is currently growing rapidly. Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije) saw this business opportunity and established a teaching factory (Tefa) milk processing. The product produced by Tefa Milk Processing is RTD Milk which is packaged in bottles with a net weight of 200mL per pack. The added value of the product is increased by adding the prebiotic xylose candidate to the product so that it becomes an RTD prebiotic candidate milk. This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility of milk production planning for the variance of RTD prebiotic candidate milk to be carried out by the Milk Processing Teaching Factory at Polije. This study uses the analysis investment method which calculates production costs, cost of goods sold, Break Even Point (BEP), Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PP), Additional Returns, and R/C Ratio. The result of financial feasibility is BEP by selling 2,320 bottles of milk or should selling 185,620,915 IDR/production. NPV of 16,420,603,868 IDR, Payback Period in 0.22 Year, 51.4% IRR, and 1.34 B/C ratio.

Open Access