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Analisis Swot dan Strategi Business Model Canvas Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Usaha “Asik-Asik Fried Chicken”

The growth and development of the fried chicken franchise business is increasing. Competition is also unavoidable. Business people need to develop and develop strategies so that the business can be sustainable. The research aims to find out the strategy used to develop the "Asik-Asik Friedchicken" fried chicken business using SWOT analysis and a business model canvas. Using qualitative methods through interviews and field observations with owners, employees and customers. The results of this research state that the fried chicken business "Asik-Asik Fried Chicken" can be developed using the SWOT matrix strategy. The strategy determined is strategy (SO) by establishing cooperation with new investors, strategy (ST) namely increasing product promotion, strategy (WO) namely adding a menu with various variants, both chili variants and processed chicken, strategy (WT) namely increasing quality services and changing packaging with packaging and equipped with attractive and trademarked brands. The results of the SWOT matrix can be carried out for business development through the business model canvas as strategy development (key factors), namely partners, activities, resources, product excellence, consumer relations, channels, market segmentation, costs/expenses, and income.

Open Access

Education in Indonesia, especially at the elementary level, still faces big challenges, especially in terms of literacy and numeracy. This difficulty is more pronounced in remote areas, such as what happened at SD Negeri 3 MayongLor, Jepara. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) launched the Class 6 Teaching Campus Program to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of students in these schools. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of implementing playing techniques, with a focus on improving students' literacy and numeracy skills and knowing the advantages and disadvantages of playing techniques in the Class 6 Teaching Campus program at SD Negeri 3 MayongLor. The research method used was quantitative and qualitative, involving 30 students as research subjects. Data was collected through observations, questionnaires, tests and documentation during the three months of program implementation. The results of the questionnaire show that 60% of students strongly agree that learning literacy and numeracy is fun, 66% of students strongly agree and agree that they are motivated to learn literacy and numeracy through playing techniques, 53% of students strongly agree and agree that they can master literacy and numeracy effectively and 51% Students strongly agree that they can master literacy and numeracy through digital-based play techniques. It can be concluded that there is effectiveness in improving literacy and numeracy learning outcomes through techniques in the Class 6 Teaching Campus Program at SD Negeri 3 MayongLor.

Open Access
Pola Manejemen Kelas Guru Sekolah Dasar Di Kota Surabaya Terhadap Persoalan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Rendah

Learning in elementary schools involves various challenges and problems, especially those related to students' developmental characteristics. Teachers are expected to be able to design and implement learning that is appropriate to students' cognitive, social and emotional development. Students' learning motivation in elementary schools can be a serious obstacle, affecting the achievement of learning outcomes. Classroom management is considered the key to creating an effective learning atmosphere and motivating students. This research aims to determine the classroom management patterns implemented by elementary school teachers in the city of Surabaya regarding the problem of low student learning motivation. This research is qualitative research with a multi case study type, using the Explanatory Survey method. The informants consisted of 23 elementary school teachers in the city of Surabaya, selected using a cluster random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through interviews, and data analysis was carried out descriptively qualitatively. The research results show that the main obstacle in learning is students' passivity and noise which is triggered by low learning motivation. Some teachers apply a Student-Centered Learning (SCL) approach to overcome this problem, placing students as active subjects. Classroom rules, learning contracts, and inspirational stories are considered effective classroom management strategies. Teachers also provide interactive feedback and emphasize an emotional approach to increase students' sensitivity.

Open Access