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Socio-cultural definition of intercultural dialogue in the concept of Mary Douglas

The research is aimed at uncovering the distinctiveness of the culture types (or communities) identified by Mary Douglas, and at determining the extent of inner willingness for intercultural communication of the representatives of those culture types. The authors are motivated by the inadequacy of the prevailing in modern intellectual discourse division of societies into "open" and “closed" ones. In particular, they emphasize that the global tendency of societies towards openness should have led to an emergence of Kant's citizen of the world, but instead it led to an increase of cultural intolerance and an exacerbation of intercultural conflicts. In view of this, the typology of societies conceptualized in Karl Popper's works needs significant reexamination, expansion, and clarification; the intellectual work of Mary Douglas accomplishes this goal in its own way. Mary Douglas's scientific work, in particular her concept of “grid/group" can become a theoretical foundation for the study of problems and contradictions of intercultural communication. The "cultural map”, proposed by the researcher, makes it possible to determine the level of openness of the representatives of a certain cultural environment to intercultural communication, and to predict its effectiveness and its consequences. In addition, the concept of “grid/group”, developed by the researcher, can become a useful theoretical basis for the study of "cultural intelligence”. Evaluation of social structuring and categorization from the standpoint of Durkheim's approach enabled Mary Douglas to demonstrate the particulars of formation and maintenance of cultural boundaries by means of ritual and to form an original "cultural map", identifying four extreme types of social communities with a clear internal structure. The latter organizes the social and cultural experience of each member of the community, determining the characteristics of his or her behavior, including the willingness for intercultural interaction. In the works of Mary Douglas, it manifests itself not only and not so much as an individual’s personal mood, but as a specific and predetermined social program of interaction with representatives of other cultural environments, that is, a kind of mental directive. It determines the characteristics of individual behavior of each person; meaning, it becomes a schematic marker of a person's cultural affiliation, thus facilitating the understanding of cultural differences and motivation of a person in a group.

Open Access
The Issue of Indirect Meaning: On the Rhetorical Modifications in Fine Arts

The article proposes to adapt the experience of rhetorical understanding of the text to the aesthetic issues of trope in the fine arts. Differentiating the rhetoric of figures and the rhetoric of the text as a whole, author proves the determination of the rhetorical (poetic) function in the fine arts as a means of self-detection of work’s artistic language involved in creation of meaning and as a set of operations leading to the semantic changes and to the integration of text semantics. Significance of metalogism as a type of rhetorical transformation in the fine arts has been revealed. A thesis that the category of visual metalogisms includes operations associated with the deviations from visual perceptual and logical codes present in a work, which is the specificity of the fine art systems of the modern art, has been put forward. Regarding the analysis of metalogisms, author concludes that the refusal from the principles of mimesis, the reduction of the optical illusion and the beginning of scene, which were typical for the art of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, are the ways to realize poetic (rhetorical) function of language in the fine arts. The article reveals the functional heterogeneity of the various types of intertextual relations, suggested by the rhetoric of text. It has been accented that one of the sources, that generate indirect meanings in art, is a communicative situation, given by the presence of the centers of semantic uncertainty in a work and leading to activation of autocommunication acts. Taking into account the distinguishing between linguistic and extralinguistic symbolism, the proposed model can become a methodological basis for the differentiation of historical types of symbolism in art, including non-classic specific for art.

Open Access
Negation of Universalist Ontology as the Basis for the Conceptualization of the “Postmarxism” Concept

The article addresses the problem of etymological and theoretical uncertainty of the “postmarxism” concept, which is traced in both domestic and specialized Western studies. The basis for the formation of mental constructs, in the direction of clarifying the specifics of postmarxism, is its setting on “overcoming metaphysics”, which is expressed in an actual refusal to decode social phenomena / processes through the reference to their basic values. The study identifies the main theoretical and methodological contradictions in the understanding of postmarxism, and at the same time, in order to confirm the subject of the work, attention is paid to the avoidance of contradictions and oppositions by postmarxism itself. Because any opposition in postmarxism is questionable, it is a prerequisite for superstructure, which is meaningless itself. Also, a theoretical-comparative and semantic analysis of the "postmarxism” concept is conducted, the historical-political context of the evolution of the concept as a theoretical category and as self-identification is analyzed in order to define its position by some philosophers. The background to its formation is fundamental to explain the denial of universal ontology in postmarxism. Namely, they are decentralization, “breaking up” of structure, derriadian critique of the transcendental meaning, which in postmarxism is expressed as an artificial fixation of meaning and “ideological arrangement”.

Open Access