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Study of the Working Parameters of the Enzyme Protepsin and Its Effect on The Microstructure of Second-Grade Beef

"Protepsin" is an enzyme preparation of animal nature containing a complex of acid proteinases, intended for use in the meat industry for processing meat raw materials. The enzyme composition of the preparation is balanced according to the degree of exposure to various proteins of meat and meat systems used in the technology of obtaining meat products. "Protepsin" works in the meat system similarly to intracellular enzymes (cathepsins). It is their synergist and has additional qualities that allow it to act in a wider range of technological parameters, as well as to influence those protein systems on which intracellular enzymes do not act or have an effect to an insignificant extent [1]. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that semismoked sausage products are in particular demand among the population. Cost reduction while maintaining their quality in a competitive environment is a time requirement. Therefore, the use of the enzyme is one of the promising directions in the field of meat processing [1]. The aim of the work is to study the working parameters of the enzyme "Protepsin" and its effect on the microstructure of second-grade beef. Histological changes characterize the positive effect of the enzyme on the development of meat quality indicators. In this regard, the processing of meat raw materials with "Protepsin" leads to a significant reduction in the duration of maturation of meat, which makes it possible to achieve the necessary changes in a shorter time compared with the natural way of autolysis.

Open Access
Ways to Eliminate Unpleasant Smelling Substances for the Environmental Safety of Meat Industry Enterprises

A lot of attention is being paid to the issues of safe stay of humans and other biological communities in residential and working premises, industrial and agricultural buildings. This is due to the fact that microscopic organisms, along with the destruction of building materials and products in buildings, can cause a pathological condition called Sick Room Syndrome (SBP), allergies, and sometimes mycotic infection of the lungs. In this paper, we consider the issues of improving the environmental situation in buildings of meat processing plants, by reducing the emissions of unpleasant-smelling substances in the air of the working area with the help of disinfectants “Teflex”. The bactericidal effect of the drug “Teflex” is determined by the ability of guanidine derivatives to bind to the cell walls and membranes of bacteria, penetrate into the cell nucleus and inhibit cellular enzymes. The technology of treatment of premises with a solution of disinfectant using a “quasar” type sprayer and a “Clean air” installation is presented. It was experimentally revealed that in this case it is advisable to use 1,5-2,0 % solutions of the disinfectant. The use of disinfectants in such concentrations helps to eliminate unpleasant-smelling substance as a continuous source of emission, and the presence of volley emissions.

Open Access
PSV-42 Investigations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and strategies of their decrease in smoked meat products

Abstract Analysis of PAHs was performed by HPLC Ultimate 3000 (Dionex) with fluorescent detector RF200. Analysis of esters and phenols was carried out using a GH-MS 7890A with 5975C VL MSD (Agilent Technologies). It was found that in the fume smoked meat products without casing the summary 15 PAHs content was 25% higher than in products produced in natural (gut) and artificial (protein and fibrouse) casings independent of the type of smoking. The least permeable for carcinogenic substances was the fibrouse casing. The fibrous casing is capable of reducing PAH in the product by up to 40% compared to natural. The duration of smoking also influenced the PAHs quantitative content. In raw smoked meat products in a natural casing the PAHs content was 30% higher than in semi-smoked sausages also produced in a natural casing. Analysis of the PAHs quantitative content in meat produce a showed that 8 PAHs namely benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, chrysene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, indene[1,2,3-с,d]pyrene were most frequently detected. The summary percent content of 8 above listed PAHs was on the average more than 75% of total PAHs amount. It is possible to achieve the PAHs content reduction in several ways. One of them is the reduction of fat content in the formulation of smoked products. PAHs content reduction is not associated with the reduction of phenolic substances, which are responsible for taste and aroma of smoked products. An increase in temperature from 450°C to 700°C leads to an increase in the amount of PAHs by 200–300%. The PAHs quantitative content grew in direct proportion as the smoke generation temperature and the CO and CO2 concentrations were increasing and in inverse proportion to the oxygen concentration. The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 15-16-10000.

Open Access

Purpose: There is a problem of legal act choice during the law-making process considered in the paper. A method for step-by-step choice algorithm is advanced. The algorithm is associated with public relationship assessment. The public relationships to be regulated must have a certain social value. Methodology: The method for step-by-step choice is developed based on the public relationship assessment method extracted from law books. Despite existing in law books the criteria for public regulation needs, the method for act choice itself was not elaborated. The new methodological tools to create driving law-making researches are introduced. Result: The law-making solutions must appear from objective public relationships needs to change which are stem from the political, economic and social conditions considered. Law-making solution projects should be legally examined as well as drawn up through public discussion which can help to find optimal alternative of the solution. The problem of interrelation between harmonization and uniformization on different legal regulation levels is also marked. Self-Regulation in private law branch is represented to be maximally developed because the higher self-regulation the fewer laws, orders, regulations, and instructions to be adopted. All legal act choices should promote self-regulation as much as possible. This could reduce law-enforcement authorities’ load. Legal act choice is a weak scientific field in which much is to be done. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and education students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model choice of the legal act during law-making PROCESS is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner.

Open Access
Marbled beef quality grades under various ageing conditions

The Russian beef market is growing, which means that the problem of meat quality is getting more and more relevant. The gradually improving culture of meat consumption raises the demand for beef maturation, or ageing. The current research is the first of its kind in Russia. It features the quality of Russian marbled beef in the process of its open-air and vacuum-packed maturation. The authors studied the changes in the quality grades of dry-aged and vacuum-packed marbled beef during 4, 16 and 28-day ageing and defined the optimal maturation conditions and terms. The study included pH, colour, microstructure, organoleptic properties, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the volatile aroma-forming compounds, and the area of intramuscular fat. The samples were on-the-bone beef cuts obtained from 18-month-old Aberdeen-Angus castrated bulls that had received 200 days of grain fattening. The pH value remained stable throughout the ageing period in the dry-aged and vacuum-packed samples. Approaching the end of the test period, the change in pH reached 0.12 for the dry-aged samples and 0.21 for the vacuum-packed ones. The surface of the dry-aged samples obtained a dark red to burgundy-red dry crust after 16 and 28 days of ageing. The colour was significantly different from the colour of the samples after 4 days of ageing. The colour of the vacuum-packed samples remained unchanged throughout the maturation period. However, the microstructure of the packed beef showed a deeper and more widespread decomposition of muscle tissue on days 16 and 28. The changes in the dry-aged samples were less obvious. All in all, the process of extended ageing improved the organoleptic properties of the beef.

Open Access