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Dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap peningkatan hobi berkebun

The implementation of Community Activity Restrictions set by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic encouraged people to pursue gardening as a hobby while undergoing independent isolation or quarantine at home. The increasing selling price of ornamental plants and the emergence of various equipment products mark the guard. This study aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on increasing the hobby of gardening and to identify consumer preferences in purchasing gardening equipment products. The benefit of this research is to produce recommendations for gardening equipment designs that are desirable to consumers. Quantitative methods were used to describe trends in consumer behavior through online surveys of one hundred people who have a gardening hobby. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire, it is known that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the gardening hobby in the community. The three most essential tools in gardening are pots, watering tools, and shelves. In choosing a pot, the prominent factors considered by consumers are design, material, and price. The types of pots most respondents chose were plain earthenware pots and white plastic pots. Most respondents choose high-straight iron and wood-iron shelves or minimalist iron shelves. Regarding to pot decorations, respondents chose metal-wood pot stand, or rattan pot stand, over other decorative products such as pot hangers or fabric pot covers.

Open Access
Redesain stasiun kerja untuk pembuatan kain batik tulis

Batik belongs to an Indonesian cultural heritage that has spread throughout the archipelago and produces various motifs displaying the characteristics of each region. Compared to other types of batik, written batik requires more patience and perseverance during the manufacturing process. The results of surveys conducted on five hand-drawn batik craftsmen in Samarinda, namely D'Five, Batik Putri Syafril, LKP Atiiqna, Lilis Batik, and Borneo Craft Indonesia, indicated that even though the times have been modern, the process of batik making still uses things at home without paying attention to convenience while doing batik activities. The design of this workstation aims to facilitate batik activities, especially at the stage of tracing the motifs onto the fabric and embroidering. The redesign of this batik workstation employed a design analysis by considering the needs, activities, systems, ergonomics, anthropometry, placement, materials, and colors through a qualitative method. This sort of method was carried out by observing problems directly at the location, conducting interviews with craftsmen, and documenting the tools used. The result of this research is the compilation of a workstation design prototype having a modern design style that highlights the functionality of the product. It focused on the process of tracing batik motifs from paper onto cloth and proceeding to the imprinting process, which can be done at one workstation. It presents the features of a tracing area that can be tilted according to tracing needs, the integration of a lightbox, and a focus lamp that can be turned on at any time, as well as innovations in cloth rollers and webbing to ease the cloth pulling and rolling.

Open Access
Perancangan aplikasi android tanaman hias dengan metode UX Interface untuk memacu daya agribisnis ibu rumah tangga (Studi kasus di kecamatan Palaran, Kalimantan Timur)

Ornamental plants are plants that have aesthetic value in terms of color, shape, and characteristics. Planting and maintaining ornamental plants has now become a hobby that housewives are interested in, especially in the Palaran sub-district, East Kalimantan. Housewives take advantage of their free time to do quality and business value things and generate side income, one of which is farming. The ornamental plant business is an agribusiness business. Agribusiness is a business activity of cultivating agricultural products both on a narrow and wide scale. However, it is difficult to find a contractor, demotivating housewives in the ornamental plant business. This raises the need for technology that can provide information, bring together sellers and contractors in a practical way, with minimal costs, able to communicate and transact at any time. From these problems, an Android-based Mobile E-Commerce application was designed using the UX Interface by JJ method. Garrett. The application that has been designed is then tested for usability using a measuring tool for effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. The usability value obtained is 88.69%. This proves that the application designed has helped users in caring for ornamental plants and has created a desire to do ornamental plant business because they get relevant price recommendations and information on what plants are currently hot so that the collection of ornamental plants which can be of commercial value.

Open Access
Transformasi produk alat masak nasi pada masyarakat Sunda sebagai basis segmentasi pasar

Cooking is a routine in the household to fulfill basic human needs. This study examines the development and changes in cooking activities in Sundanese society, characterized using tools, the cooking process, the efficiency of cooking procedures, and the values adopted in cooking activities. The approach used in this study is an ethnographic design approach and participatory observation. The purpose of this study is to observe changes in rice cooking activities and their transformation in terms of cooking utensils design, cooking process, and cooking habits, as well as their effect on changes in rice cooking design and activities with a case study of traditional houses in Sundanese people. The habits and development of traditional rice cooking utensils and traditional cooking habits and their significant changes in semi-modern and modern products in traditional Sundanese houses in Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya, West Java were observed in a participatory manner. The findings of changes and developments in culture, habits, processes, and designs on rice cookware products are used as a basis for market segmentation for rice cookware products which are divided into two main market segments which can later be used for the needs of the target users to design products with cultural values, product efficiency, and the value of the product to the user. The two main segments are the home and business segments, which are divided into more specific segments. Specific segments for the home segment are ordinary and extraordinary households. In contrast, the business segment is divided into accommodation providers, food and drink service providers, and other service sectors.

Open Access
Perancangan furnitur sebagai fasilitas belajar anak autisme yang mengimplementasikan prinsip Universal Design

Education is an effort to improve human resource quality and growth in a country, especially for those who have disabilities. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2020, as many as 5% of Indonesia’s population are disabled. Autism is one of the pervasive intellectual disabilities in children that hinders the development of cognitive, language, behavior, communication, and social interaction. In 2019, the work vacancy for the disabled only covers 0.28% of the general job opportunity in Indonesia and further decreased by 0.1% in 2020. Therefore, to improve the human life quality of the disabled, an appropriate education system and facilities that apply Universal Design compliance to their needs were essential. The uses 5 steps of Design Thinking methods consist of Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test methods are hopefully will resolve the problem systematically, in detail, and accurately. The result produced multifunction furnitur by applying FURNURTURE, which stands for Furniture and Nurture, as the design concept. FURNITURE has several functions, namely; an education facility, a therapeutic facility, and storage by applying the Universal Design principle. Hopefully, the design, product, and design principles could stand as a model for other autism educational facilities and services.

Open Access
Eksplorasi material daur ulang sampah polystyrene (PS) menggunakan metode material-driven design

Every year the Indonesian people are estimated to contribute 0.48-1.29 million metric tons of plastic waste to the oceans. Polystyrene (PS) takes more than 500 years to decompose naturally among the types of trash thrown away. For local producers, PS waste recycling requires more processing than other thermoplastic waste processing. On the other hand, PS waste processing is interesting to develop because of its shiny and transparent nature, so it is used as a jewelry product that cannot absorb a lot of waste. Therefore, this study aims to explore the uniqueness of PS recycling further so that it can be utilized optimally by local plastic waste recycling business actors. This study uses primary data collection methods such as observation, focus group discussions, and experiments. Experimental stages are carried out to find the proper treatment and get a unique texture and shape different from other materials. Furthermore, an analysis is made using the material-driven design method to see the value of the material. This analysis produces material visualization concepts such as uneven, imperfect, artless, translucent, and luxurious, which are suitable to function as vocal points for room styling. This study found that deficiencies in processing existing PS recycled materials can be overcome effectively and efficiently by melting 75 percent of the shredded plastic.

Open Access