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The “Constitution” of Idel-Ural as the foundation of multinational statehood

The question of the national autonomy of the Turko-Tatar peoples of Russia has been in the air for quite a long time. At the First All-Russian Muslim Congress, held in Moscow in May 1917, while discussing the question of the state structure of Russia, delegates split into two camps – Unitarians and federalists. The latter soon won the victory, immediately starting to draw up a project of national-territorial autonomy. One of these projects was the “Idel-Ural State”. At present, a considerable array of scientific research has been accumulated on the process of preparing and proclaiming the project of the State of Idel-Ural as a multinational state. However, among these studies there are no works that would cover the legal component of this project.
 As a result of a long meeting of the National Assembly of Turko-Tatar Muslims in January 1918, a number of resolutions came into being, which generally established the framework for the subsequent constitutionalization of law and order in the State of Idel-Ural. The combination of these resolutions can be given the conditional name “Constitution” of Idel-Ural. It fixed the path of development of constitutionalism, and guaranteed the fundamental principles of building statehood: national equality, federalism, democracy, political and ideological pluralism. The “Constitution” of Idel-Ural played a particularly important role in the practice of state building of the Tatar people. This work aims to provide a general analysis of the provisions of this legal document, and thereby reveal the hidden areas of the state-legal history of the Tatars.
 For citation: Zaynutdinov D.R. The “Constitution” of Idel-Ural as the foundation of multinational statehood. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2023, vol.13, no.3, pp.118–135. (In Russian)

Open Access

In this scientific article, a monographic analysis of approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "municipal formation" is carried out, a critical study of which allowed us to offer the author's view of the presented definition. A struc-tural model of the author's term "municipal formation" has been developed taking into account the current trends of national and regional development. The conclu-sion is made about the existing interrelation of the parameters of the functioning of municipalities with the trends of regional interests, which are revised and ad-justed under the influence of strategic goals of national imperatives of growth. Based on the study of the author's opinions regarding the interpretation of the concept of "potential" of a municipality and its structural components, the author's definition of "internal potential of municipal education" is proposed and the main system-forming blocks are identified, the analysis of trends in which allows to fur-ther evaluate their personalized meaning and give an integrated characteristic. The obtained forecast ranges of values are the basis for the justification of adapta-tion tools when carrying out transformational processes and adjusting development priorities.

Open Access
Communication tools and social media usage: Assessing self-perceived communication competence

Communication skills, such as listening, open-mindedness, empathy, and confidence, are essential for personal and professional development and play a significant role in many disciplines, including education, health, and business. Social media, a widely used communication channel, has revolutionized how people interact, and its effects on education and overall social development are significant. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of communication skills possessed by university students and to determine whether these levels are affected by the social media applications that the students use. In this study, there were 407 participants in the sample, with 55.8% (227) female and 44.2% (180) male. Communication skills scale was used to assess the students’ communication skills. Exploratory statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to determine the participants’ communication skill levels. Bayesian statistics were used to determine how well the data supported the differentiation of communication skill levels based on independent variables. The study revealed that most college students possessed moderate communication skills and disclosed disparities between academic departments, underscoring the need to assess curricula and teaching methods. It also suggested that most social media platforms have little effect on communication skills, with some gender differences observed, emphasizing the significance of addressing these differences to enhance the development of communication skills.

Open Access
Trends of the development of unit investment funds under sanctions

Objective: to identify promising areas of research, limitations and factors of UIF market development in order to elaborate methodological recommendations for the management of UIF assets.Methods: content analysis and systematization of materials published in scientific journals and analytical publications; review of scientific literature, vertical and horizontal analysis, trend and coefficient analysis, correlation and regression analysis. Results: the development of the collective investment institution in Russia is characterized by certain features. Despite difficult economic and geopolitical conditions of the recent years, retail investors show considerable interest in unit funds. Against the background of COVID restrictions, active development of remote services, and aggressive marketing of management companies, the number of shareholders has increased significantly. The paper analyzes the main trends in the development of UIF market in 2018-2022; the main factors of the development of collective investments are formulated. It was determined that the key factors hindering the development of this market are the low level of financial literacy of retail investors, the poor quality of UIF portfolio management, leading to losses for unit holders, and the increased risks as a result of the sanctions burden on the Russian financial market. Based on the study results, the basic recommendations are formulated that may contribute to the development of the market and improve the quality of managing the assets of unit holders.Scientific novelty: a review of research on the unit funds effectiveness was conducted, as a result of which it was determined that research on the collective investment market as such is poorly represented, and the problems of the market efficiency under sanctions are not considered. The main challenges and limitations of the collective investment institution development under the current economic conditions are formulated: (1) digitalization of the financial sector, (2) blocking of foreign assets, (3) low level of financial literacy of the population. Recommendations were made for the UIF market development:(1) legal regulation of the transparency of funds, (2) creation of a system of assignment of claims on the unit holders’ assets, (3) creation of a system of remuneration for the UIF success with active investment strategies strategies.Practical significance: the main results of the work can be used in the practical activities of managing companies in the management of unit investment funds under uncertainty of the environment.

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The concept of interethnic security of the region (on the example of Tatarstan)

When there is a social and economic disadvantage in the region, the consciousness of the subject begins to look for the image of the enemy, which more often focuses on representatives of national diasporas. Interethnic tensions are growing. The distance between ethnophores and ethnoses increases to complete mutual rejection in their area. In an aggravated situation, social security. The paper puts forward the concept of interethnic security based on minimizing threats perceived by the ethnos as a problem. An indicator of unstable security is an increase intension. Subjectively, security is expressed in the absence of fear of external threats [1]. Its predictors include: numerical and status imbalance of ethnic groups; their hyperidentificity; unemployment of the population; its low education; intolerance. The listed socio-psychological constructs are observed visually and recorded by the corresponding markers of individual and mass behavior. The purpose of theoretical and empirical research is to distinguish between manifestations of anomalies of ethnic identity and to resist extremist actions provoking interethnic and interfaith conflicts. An empirical study of the interethnic distancing of three peoples Russians, Tatars and Chuvash who make up 96 % of the region's population was conducted. The representative sample included 946 people. Based on an array of empirical data, general and individual estimated ranges of ethnic groups' distance were calculated. Predictors of increasing interethnic tension in the region they make up a structural pentabasis. Exceeding the acceptable for an ethnic group norms of any of them causes alatent murmur of ethnophores. Exceeding the norms of the two signals about the increase in protest. In case of three or more in any combination mass disobedience is possible, threatening security.

Open Access
Абстрактность и конкретность значения слова как лексико-семантическая категория

The aim of the study is to determine the abstractness and concreteness of a word at the lexico-semantic level (involving the material of the German language). The paper sheds light on the notions of the abstractness and concreteness of the meaning of a word, which will make it possible to see a lexico-semantic category in these phenomena. The scientific novelty lies in establishing a category derived not only from the nominative function of words, but also from the properties of the lexico-semantic level of the language system and manifested in the properties of the meanings of words. The main characteristics of the meanings of words depend on whether a verb is the head in the paradigm and also on the order of the paradigm or if it is a verb member of the paradigm and in this case, the order does not matter. In the process of examining the system of verbal meanings of the modern German language, the hierarchy and structure of lexico-semantic verbal paradigms were revealed. As a result, it was proved that the criteria for determining the abstractness or concreteness of the meaning are the abstraction of paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties of some verbs, the abstractness of verbs expressed in the extensive nature of their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in the language system and the definiteness of the same properties in specific verbs with clear paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations.

Open Access
Development of children’s technical creativity through the implementation of a 3D modeling program in the supplementary education system

The problem of developing childrens technical creativity is not something entirely novel in pedagogical science. The theoretical foundations of childrens technical creativity were laid in research at the beginning of the last century. However, the changing conditions of modern life, where the pace of technological progress is reaching unprecedented levels, and the question of early involvement of future specialists in the interaction with new technologies becomes particularly important, make research on the involvement of children and adolescents in technical creativity relevant. Of particular interest is the activity of extracurricular educational organizations, which are entering a new stage of their development, actively implementing modern teaching and educational technologies, and expanding the number of educational programs in the field of technical creativity. In this regard, the study of issues related to the activities of educational organizations that actively utilize their potential for developing childrens and adolescents abilities in technical creativity becomes a relevant topic of research. The experience of such activities, carried out based on the licensed commercial organization Andromeda, is presented in the materials of this article. It provides the results of an experimental study, which is based on the formation of 3D modeling skills in children and adolescents.

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