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The Urgency of Revising the Finance Services Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016 As an Umbrella Law in Practicing Peer to Peer Lending Based on Financial Technology in Indonesia

A BSTRACT The presence of Peer to Peer Lending Based on Financial Technology (Fintech) in Indonesia is a real manifestation of a technological advancement. The advantage of technology is its simplicity, but like two sides of a coin, technological advances in financial services also cause polemics and problems. Based on complaints received by the Financial Services Authority, there are 2 things that are often complained about by borrower, it is regarding the unwise use of private data that is used as a way of collecting debt by peer to peer providers and the way they contact borrower for collecting debt. Even though it is considered controversial, the growth of fintech service providers has accelerated to 200%. These are show the urgency that the Financial Services Authority Regulation No.77/POJK.01/2016 requires revision because it is not in suitable with the current development of Fintech. The Financial Services Authority Regulation No.77/ POJK.01/2016 requires revisions regarding the restrictions on access on borrower’s device, it must be only camera, microphone, and location only, no access to contact or gallery, then related to more detailed in regulating the operations of the fintech provider company, and related regulation for the minimum capital for the fintech provider company. Keywords : Peer to Peer; Lending; Fintech; Borrower  ABSTRAK Hadirnya Peer to Peer Lending Berbasis Financial Technology ( Fintech ) di Indonesia adalah manifestasi nyata dari sebuah kemajuan teknologi. Keunggulan dari suatu teknologi adalah kemudahannya, namun ibarat 2 sisi mata uang, kemajuan teknologi dibidang jasa keuangan ini juga menimbulkan polemik serta permasalahannya. Berdasarkan pengaduan yang diterima Otoritas Jasa Keuangan terdapat 2 hal yang sering diadukan oleh peminjam, yaitu perihal penggunaan data pribadi peminjam secara tidak bijak dan cara penagihan hutang oleh perusahaan penyedia layanan yang dinilai tidak sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Walaupun dinilai kontroversial, namun pertumbuhan perusahaan penyedia layanan fintek melaju sangat pesat sampai 200%. Beberapa hal ini menunjukan urgensi bahwa peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan No.77/POJK.01/2016 memerlukan revisi karena sudah tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan Fintek sekarang ini. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No.77/POJK.01/2016 memerlukan revisi terkait pembatasan akses perusahaan penyedia layanan terhadap gawai dari peminjam, yaitu hanya kamera, mikrofon, dan lokasi saja, tidak ada akses ke kontak maupun galeri, selanjutnya terkait pengaturan yang lebih detail terhadap operasional perusahaan penyedia layanan, dan pengaturan terkait minimum modal bagi perusahaan penyedia layanan. Kata Kunci : peer to peer; lending; fintek; pinjaman

Asymmetrical Arbitration Clauses: A Comparative Study of International and Indonesian Arbitration Law

This article presents a study of the validity of asymmetrical arbitration clauses, a clause that combines arbitration and a choice of court option, in international commercial contracts. These clauses designate a method of dispute settlement that gives a more favorable position for one of the parties to a contract, hence, creating a debate on its validity on an international level. Despite the convenience the trend has brought in business, this form of arbitration clause has been called into doubt by courts in numerous jurisdictions. Unfortunately, Indonesia itself has yet to have a firm legal standing on this matter as asymmetrical arbitration clauses are not explicitly regulated by the Indonesian arbitration law. This research is conducted by exploring the relation between theories and practices concerning asymmetrical arbitration clauses through analyzing case law and provisions of international arbitration law and the Indonesian arbitration law, and are also analyzed through principles of international and Indonesian contract law. This article aims to provide an analysis regarding the legal effects of having asymmetrical arbitration clauses in commercial contracts and commercial arbitration. Lastly, this study offers a method of interpretation towards such clauses that favors their validity under both international arbitration law and Indonesian arbitration law.

Authority of Forestry Police in the Completion Process of Forest Occupation Criminal Acts Cases: Between Expectation and Reality

This research is intended to determine the authority possessed by the forestry police related to the crime of forest occupation and how far the implementation of the authority in the process of settling the case of the crime of forest occupation. This research is an empirical law study, by conducting interviews, direct observation, and literature study. The problem of forest occupation in the area of Alas Purwo National Park is a long-standing problem that can not be solved sooner which can lead to reduced protected areas and disrupt natural ecosystems that already exist around the site of the forest occupation. The existence of citizens who have been found guilty by the court violated Article 78 paragraph (2) jo. Article 50 paragraph 3 sub-paragraph of Law Number 41 of 1999 on Forestry jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code (KUHP) related to illegal criminal acts of forest occupation but until this day they still occupy the jungle zone of Alas Purwo National Park area also can disrupt the duties of the forestry police in its efforts to secure the forest. Besides due to the lack of public awareness of the importance of forest existence, the settlement process of forest occupation is also constrained by internal factors of forestry police, namely the understanding of the forestry police on the extent of their authority.

Open Access

Tourism is one of the sources of Original Regional Revenue that is quite promising, when it is managed professionally. With regard to funds, the presence of foreign investment is a very possible solution. From the collected data, in the Regency of Magelang, the presence of foreign investors in tourism is still very little, while such potential is wide open for development. For this reason, this research is entitled "The Policy of the Regional Government of Magelang Regency towards Foreign Investment in Tourism". This study aims to find out how the Regional Government Policy of Magelang Regency in regulating foreign investment in the tourism sector as well as knowing its implementation and also the driving factors and obstacles in the implementation of foreign investment cooperation in tourism.This study is a normative juridical study that uses primary data, secondary data and tertiary data. Data collection is done using library research techniques, observation, interviews and online data search.Based on the results of this study indicate that the Regional Government Policy of Magelang Regency to increase foreign investment, especially in the tourism sector, is still very lacking because there are few foreign investors who invest in Magelang Regency. Based on the driving factors and constraints that exist, the prospect of foreign investment manifested by Magelang Regency Tourism towards the labor sector is very promising because it can open opportunities for employment opportunities for the people of Magelang Regency, and improve the economy in Magelang Regency. However, there are limitations to the Policy of the Regional Government of Magelang District in certain areas regulated by Presidential Regulation Number 58 Year 2014 concerning the Spatial Planning for Borobudur and Surrounding Areas and also the issuance of Regents Regulations governing Foreign InvestmentKeywords: Policy, Foreign Investment, Tourism

Open Access
Tanggung Jawab Negara terhadap Penembakan Pesawat MH17 berdasarkan Hukum Internasional

The purpose this research were to find out and analyze the form of the State of Ukraina accountability in shooting MH17 Malaysia Air Lines aircraft and knowing and analyzing the accountability of MH17 Malaysia Air Lines airliners to passengers. The type of research used is a type of normative legal research, the approach in this study is the law approach, case approach, and historical approach, the sources of legal material used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Legal material collection techniques used with document study techniques and legal materials are evaluated, interpreted, argued and discussed descriptively. The results of the study show (1) the responsibility of the Ukraina for Malaysia Air Lines MH17 Aircraft Shooting that the State of Ukraina must be responsible for providing safety and security services for the sovereignty of the air space over its territory by Malaysia Air Lines MH17 in the form of flight navigation services, (2) The Malaysia Airlines airline must be limited to 100,000 SDR for each passenger and Malaysia Airlines. The airline cannot be subject to unlimited liability or exceed 100,000 SDR. Every country is expected to always supervise the airspace which is the sovereignty of the airspace above which becomes the international civil aviation route and to coordinate well with the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organozation) to maintain the security of international civil aviation.

Open Access
The Role of Regional Government on Increasing Awareness of Legal Intellectual Property Rights Education and Education Personnel

This study aims to find out and analyze what factors are causing a lack of awareness of educators and education personnel in Karawang Regency to register intellectual property rights; The impact of not registering the intellectual property rights of educators and education staff in Karawang regency and knowing the efforts made by the local government in increasing the awareness of legal IPR education and education personnel in Karawang Regency. The method in this study is to use an empirical juridical approach. The results of this study indicate that the factors that led to a lack of awareness of educators and education personnel in Karawang Regency to register IPRs were a lack of understanding of educators and education staff about the legal rules of intellectual property rights; Most educators and education personnel do not know what IPR is; Awards for IPR and compliance with IPR laws are still low.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor-faktor apa yang menyebabkan kurangnya kesadaran pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan di Kabupaten Karawang untuk mendaftarkan hak kekayaan intelektual; Selanjutnya, dianalisis mengenai dampak dari tidak mendaftarkan hak kekayaan intelektual para pendidik dan staf pendidikan di Kabupaten Karawang, serta dimaksudkan juga untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam meningkatkan kesadaran hukum pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan tentang Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di Kabupaten Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kurangnya kesadaran pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan di Kabupaten Karawang untuk mendaftarkan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual adalah kurangnya pemahaman pendidik dan staf pendidikan tentang aturan hukum hak kekayaan intelektual; Sebagian besar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan tidak tahu apa itu Intellectual Property Rights. Selain itu, penghargaan untuk Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan kepatuhan terhadap hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual masih rendah.

Open Access