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Developing e-commerce platforms in Indonesia has also contributed to the growth of the cosmetic and personal care product sector. Currently, cosmetic products are no longer only intended for women but also men. Thus, creating opportunities and a conducive environment for the emergence of new companies. With the increasing number of companies in the men's cosmetic industry today, building brand loyalty is one of the biggest challenges companies will face. This study aims to explore the relationship between risk aversion and brand loyalty and test whether this relationship is mediated by brand trust and brand affect in men's purchase of cosmetic and body care products. The sample selection was carried out using a purposive sampling method with 130 respondents with the criteria of being male students in Surabaya. Data analysis using SEM-PLS variant-based structural equation method. The results showed that risk aversion is statistically significant in influencing brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty. Brand trust and brand affect are also statistically significant in influencing brand loyalty. By analysing brand loyalty and the variables that influence it, cosmetic and men's body care product companies can understand how to develop brand loyalty, especially by paying attention to risk aversion, brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty.

Open Access
Collaboration of Stagist Approaches and Discursive Approaches on Ideas & Discourse in “Bela Negara” Policies in Prismatic Communities: Study in Situbondo Regency, Indonesia

The “bela negara” program in Situbondo Regency focuses on collaborative efforts between Situbondo Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) and “Pondok Pesantren” to produce a participatory policy process. Collaboration between the two is important in a prismatic society to accommodate the knowledge each party has in an inclusive public space. Although, to realize collaboration is not easy because it involves complex interests between the two. The study analyses the collaboration of “bela negara” policies in the prismatic Situbondo Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). The use of the IPA approach in this study is to analyze collaboration on “bela negara” policies in Situbondo Regency, both those carried out by policy actors or the Situbondo Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) as well as those carried out by the target group or among the clergy. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that in the “bela negara” policy process in Situbondo Regency, there is a different knowledge construction between the actor and the target group. The Situbondo Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), as a policy actor, relies on professional knowledge and scientific (indigenous) knowledge. While the target group or the clergy use local knowledge (endogenous). These different types of knowledge arise as a result of different policy approaches. Forkopimda Situbondo, as a policy actor, adopts a stagist or managerial policy approach. While the Ulama use a discursive approach to ideas & discourse that relies on their local knowledge. Even though there are differences in policy approaches, the two of them are able to collaborate well, seen in several activities, as seen in the 74th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia and the Commemoration of the 74th National Defense Day (HBN).

Open Access
Juridical Review of the Civil Dispute Peace Deed Made Before Notary

The purpose of this study was to determine the legal position of a civil dispute settlement agreement and to determine the role of a notary based on position in making a civil dispute settlement agreement. The research method uses descriptive methods to explain, describe, and describe in accordance with the problems that are closely related to this research, and comparative methods to find similarities and differences of opinion by experts to be used as a comparison. The results of the research The legal position of the Peace Deed made before a notary is an authentic deed, which has legal force that can be used as the strongest and most complete evidence. This peace deed guarantees the rights and obligations of the parties for the sake of certainty, order, and legal protection for interested parties in the civil dispute settlement process. Therefore, the peace deed is written evidence, the strongest and most complete and can make a real contribution to dispute resolution quickly and cheaply. The peace deed made before a notary has a legal standing against the court's decision as a complete means of proof and the authority of the notary in making a peace deed as his position as a public official authorized to make authentic deeds, the notary is also authorized to be a mediator as regulated in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary (hereinafter referred to as the Notary Law) according to the Notary Law a notary may not.

Open Access
Seroprevalensi Kasus Toxoplasmosis sebagai Infeksi Oportunistik pada Penderita HIV/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis infection. About 60% of the world's population has been infected. Toxoplasma cerebri is one of the most common opportunistic infections in the central nervous system of HIV patients. The disease is acute and chronic, with mild symptoms that are non-specific so it is difficult to distinguish from other diseases or is often asymptomatic. The incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) occupies the highest place in Asia with high morbidity and mortality. Toxoplasma is ranked in the top 10 opportunistic diseases as a direct cause of morbidity and mortality, with variable symptoms and reactivation. The purpose of the study: to detect Toxoplasma gondii from blood samples of patients with HIV/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In immunocompromised conditions, especially HIV/AIDS, symptoms of severe complications will arise, one of which is toxsoplasma encephalitis (TE). The high rate of morbidity and mortality of TE in HIV/AIDS patients, around 30-40%, makes an accurate diagnosis important. Research Methods: The study design used was cross sectional to determine the level of IgG Toxoplasma Gondii antibodies in HIV patients and serologically. The research subjects were 30 individual subjects who were positive for HIV infection, of which 30 patients would be screened for the levels of IgG Toxoplasma Gondii antibodies and then see the correlation with lifestyle and food consumed. The achievement target of this research is to find out whether HIV patients have levels of IgG Toxoplasma Gondii antibodies through serological tests, so that appropriate therapy and education can be given for the treatment of toxoplasmosis, so that these results can be published scientifically in national journals, and become paper material in scientific meetings.

Open Access