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Chapter 12 - Selection of Elastomers for a Synthetic Heart Valve

The advent of the polymeric synthetic heart valve will hopefully allow the limitations of other commonly used artificial heart valves to be overcome. Currently the valves adopted in practice include mechanical heart valves and biological heart valves. The mechanical valves are prone to thrombosis formation in the blood and require long-term anticoagulant therapy. The biological valves lose their tissue replacement function as a result of their chemical treatment which results in tissue fatigue damage in service. Polymeric synthetic heart valves that mimic the function of a real valve will hopefully overcome these difficulties. In this chapter, various elastomeric materials (polyurethane, silicone rubber and EPDM), that can be used to make polymeric synthetic heart valves, have been assessed by measuring their strain energy release rate for a wide range of crack growth rates. This was measured using static loading under a variety of conditions in order to evaluate their potential performance as target materials. Polyurethane is the most suitable matrix material of the three candidates from a consideration of the tear resistance. The behaviour of the polyurethane is similar to that of a strain crystallising material and as a result it would appear that some comparable form of reinforcement takes place. At the temperatures encountered in the body there is a significant decrease in the tearing energy for a given crack growth rate due to a reduction in the viscoelasticity. Despite this, it would still appear that polyurethane is the most suitable material for use in a synthetic heart valve.

Chapter 7 - Heuristic Approach for Approximating Energy Release Rates of Small Cracks Under Finite Strain, Multiaxial Loading

In this chapter, a parameter is presented that attempts approximately to describe the energy release rate of a small crack of arbitrary orientation under multiaxial loading. The parameter, herein called the cracking energy density, specifically attempts to address several aspects common to the analysis of fatigue in rubber: finite straining, nonlinear elasticity, and the possibility of crack closure under compressive loading. As motivation, the connection between the strain energy density and the energy release rate for small cracks under uniaxial loading is first discussed. Small strain and finite strain definitions of the cracking energy density are then presented. The accuracy of the cracking energy density as an approximation of the energy release rate at small strains is assessed via comparison with results from linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). The cracking energy density is shown to exhibit dependence on crack orientation and stretch biaxiality that resembles that predicted via LEFM. Since the cracking energy density is evaluated at a material point in the uncracked material, this parameter is particularly useful for the analysis of crack nucleation from initially unobserved flaws, a common task in the design of rubber components. In such applications, it is possible to predict not only a fatigue crack nucleation life, but also specific planes on which cracks would be expected to appear.

Chapter 8 - Abrasive Wear of Elastomers

Many elastomer products come to the end of their useful life through abrasive wear (wear brought about through local or general sliding); however the processes of abrasive wear are complex and challenging. Approaches towards improved understanding and prediction of abrasive wear under various conditions are outlined. The most fully developed class of model is that originated by Southern & Thomas (1978) who consider abrasion under conditions of moderate-to-high tangential contact stress; they envisage abrasion progressing by fatigue crack growth at the roots of macroscopic flaps or “tongues” of rubber. The Southern & Thomas model fits some experimental observations but not others. The roles of temperature, oxygen and mechano-chemical effects are discussed (Gent & Pulford, 1983). Experiments are described in which five materials [based on natural rubber (NR), acrylonitrile butadiene (NBR) and ethylenepropylenediene (EPDM)] were abraded with a (blunt) “blade”. Evolving visual patterns and patterns of blade abrader force were monitored as was material loss. Similarities between the visual wavy (Schallamach) patterns, often associated with rapid wear, and the force patterns suggest a close relationship between the two. The fact that force patterns, of a wavelength which persists, are discernable from the start of scraping suggests that aspects of the Schallamach pattern have their origin in non-destructive abrader-elastomer interactions. For unidirectional abrasion the wear rates observed under similar conditions and for elastomeric materials of similar hardness varied widely – NR at 55 International Rubber Hardness Degress (IRHD) giving 60 times the wear rate of 55 IRHD EPDM – for which no Schallamach pattern was observed. In bidirectional abrasion, wear rates were generally a little lower than under unidirectional conditions but the reduction was rather minor. Although there has been considerable progress made, a comprehensive quantitative theory of abrasion of rubbery materials is still to be developed.
