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Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas yang Dirasa dan Promosi Penjualan terhadap Minat Beli Tiket Kereta Api

The fierce competition in the transport market makes the companies that operate in this land transport have many challenges to face, so Transport company PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) on land belongs to this country must have a way to be able to compete with several transportation companies that are on both those in the air and those at sea. On the land itself a lot of competitors ranging from buses, railways, travel, and private vehicles. Certainly to win the competition PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) needs a way such as promotion of revenue, brand image, and accurately assessed quality to be taken in order to compet not only in the sector of land transport but also with air and maritime transport. Researchers use descriptive methods with a quantitative approach where data collection uses questionnaires. The study's sample population is a S1 student who is on the island of Java. Double linear regression and a descriptive statistical test were employed in this study's data analysis. The study's findings demonstrated that only the brand image with intense purchase intent from the analysis results is known that brand image influences the inclination to make purchases, this is known from the value t (54) = 5,386;P<0,05, whereas the promotion of sales has no influence over buying interest, whereas t(54) = -1,267;P>0,05 and the quality perceived does not have an effect on purchase intent, where t(54 = 0,902;P >0,05. This proves that sales promotion does not affect purchasing interest and the perception of quality does not influence purchase intent.

Open Access
How Public Relations Perceived (SWOT Model Analysis)

 Purpose: This paper aims to understand the challenge of Public Relations, to face the society perception/reputation towards Public Relations. By understanding what is the SWOT of Public Relations when they play their role among society.
 Design/Methodology Approach: This paper will be a literature review of some source of scientific writing which the writer will elaborate 8 published journals related to the issue this paper talks about.
 Finding: Visible aspects such as appearance of PR practitioner, Educational background and communication skill is more considered on developing countries’ public. On the other hand invisible aspects such as strategic-thinking skills, analyzing and listening skills are merely needed on developed countries’ public perceptions.
 Research Limitations: Due to literature review process, the writer cannot directly provides a premier data about the related phenomena, yet the writer only serve data and findings that the previous published journals have found. Therefore, the writer will generated information from those journals to encompass the reader towards better understanding on PR’s reputation on both PR Practitioners and Public’s opinion.
 Practical Implications: This writing will help PR in the future to forecast their SWOT and optimize their Strength, minimize their Weakness, Seeking for the best Opportunity and encounter Threats as PR Practitioners.
 Value/Originality: Will enriched the insights of how PR perceives and how PR should do to deal with the challenges. 
 Keywords: Public Relations, Communication, Reputation, SWOT Model, Gender
 Paper Type: Literature Review

Open Access
Kajian Survei: Isu Kemampuan Komunikasi dan Ketahan Mental Santri Dhuafa Sepanjang Pandemic Covid -19 di Kabupaten Bogor

Communication skills are the main indicator in the success of building social relations in the community. However, the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years has had an impact on society. Social restrictions are one of the reason for the limited interaction and communication of a dynamic society. The school environment is one institution that has received the impact of this pandemic. Children and teachers must carry out teaching and learning activities through the Distance Learning (PJJ) method. This survey study will discuss how santri dhuafa can maintain mental resilience with healthy communication skills. Among the effects that are strongly felt due to the lack of interactive communication between teachers and students is psychological pressure. The pressure with this PJJ activity causes students to have difficulty doing the tasks given by the teacher. Facilities such as the unavailability of an internet connection increasingly interfere with learning, especially for students who are in the interior. The worst result is that children are no longer interested in participating in learning to the fullest. For students with poor economic conditions, this situation will be even more difficult. An unstable economy increases the power of students as well, this situation is often one of the other triggers that have an impact on students mental resilience as specialiy in Bogor Area. communication skills become an important part for students in its difficult situation to catching up learning.

Open Access