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Variation in Hemoglobin A1c Linked to Hemoglobin S: Comparison of Analysis Results from ion Exchange Chromatography and an Immunoturbidimetric Method

Hemoglobin S can interfere with the measurement of glycated hemoglobin, an essential tool for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes. The objective of this study is to evaluate the analytical performance of 2 glycated haemoglobin assay methods.
 A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted where 186 patients (61 homozygous sickle cell disease, 61 AA type subjects and 64 AS type subjects) were recruited. Glycated hemoglobin was measured by immunoturbidimetry method and ion exchange chromatography.
 The coefficient of variation (CV) of the repeatability is 2.34% and 1.13% (normal rate) ; 2.32% and 1.65% (high rate) respectively for the immunoturbidimetric method and ion exchange chromatography. In reproducibility, the CV obtained are 3.23% and 2.64% (normal rate) and 3.27% and 2.22% (high rate), respectively for the immunoturbidimetric method and the ion exchange chromatography. Linearity is satisfactory for both methods. Mean glycated hemoglobin values ​​show no significant difference (the P-value is equal to 0.09, 0.17 and 0.70 respectively in subjects AA, AS and SS) in the 2 methods for patients with the same hemoglobin electrophoretic profile.
 The analytical performances of the 2 methods are good but their use is not recommended in the biological diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes due to interference from hemoglobin S, especially in the case of homozygous sickle cell disease or in the case of composite heterozygosity.

Open Access
Understanding the characteristics of agricultural land transition in Thiès region, Senegal: an integrated analysis combining remote sensing and survey data

Adopting an integrated analysis is a prominent tool for a coherent understanding of the characteristics of agricultural land transition in developing countries. Hence, using an integrated analysis combining remote sensing and survey data, this investigation aimed to understand the spatial-temporal distribution and intensity of agricultural land transition in Senegal through a case study in the Thiès region. Through ArcGIS and ENVI software, we interpreted the land use types from 2000 to 2020 and the transfer matrix method used to characterize the agricultural land transition. Then, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used to determine the intercorrelation between natural and socio-economic driving factors of agricultural land use. The main results show that agricultural land transition was about −588.66 km2. Grassland was the most crucial land morphology to participate in this transition. Regarding spatial distribution, the highest net transition of agricultural land was recorded in Mont-Rolland (33.22%) and the lowest in Sandiara commune (−41.73%). The temporal distribution is represented in Koul, with −0.35%, and Mont-Rolland commune, with 24.84%. The intensity of agricultural land transition was high in Malicounda commune, at 11.34%. The social survey also shows a strong relationship between wind erosion and land salinity (0.971) as potential driving factors that may induce agricultural land transition. Based on an integrated method, the contribution of this study enhances the theoretical approach and methodology for assessing the mean potential driving factors in developing countries such as Senegal. Consequently, agricultural land transition in Thiès region was complex and must be implemented with complex and comprehensible policy solutions.

Open Access
Epidemiological Investigation of Rheumatic Heart Disease in the Emergency Department in Dakar: A Descriptive Analysis

Background: Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD), also known as "Bouillaud's disease", is a post-streptococcal non-suppurative inflammatory disease complicating an upper airway infection with group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. Although RHD has almost disappeared in developed countries, it is still a major public health problem in low- and middle-income countries, as it remains the most frequent cause of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in children. The objective was to describe the epidemiological and evolutionary aspects of rheumatic heart disease admitted to the emergency room of the Albert Royer National Children's Hospital in Dakar.
 Methods: We conducted a retrospective, descriptive study over a 12-month period (January 1 to December 31, 2021) of children aged 3 to 18 years hospitalized for rheumatic heart disease in the emergency department during the study period.
 Results: The prevalence was 3.73% (37/993) with a mean age of 11.35 +/- 3 years and a majority between 10 and 15 years. Males predominated - sex ratio 1.3. The majority came from disadvantaged areas (91.9%) with low incomes for the most part (83.8%). The reasons for consultation were dominated by dyspnea (86.5%), fever (75.7%) and poly-arthralgia (35.1%). General and physical signs were tachycardia (86.5%), orthopnea (24.3%), hypoxia (40.5%), congestive heart failure (83.7%). Cardiac involvement was dominated by mitral and aortic polyvalvular disease in more than half (57%). Management included diuretics (97.3%), oxygen therapy (90%), corticosteroids (31%) and antibiotics (81%). Three cases of death were noted. Conclusion: RHD is still frequent in our countries with an often poor prognosis due to delayed management. Prevention policies are necessary to eradicate this scourge.

Open Access
Assessment of Haptoglobin Gene Polymorphism in cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke in West African Patients

Introduction: For a long time, it was assumed that stroke only affected people aged over 60, but recent studies have shown that it can occur in younger people. In the latter group, molecular factors and inter-individual differences in susceptibility are being increasingly incriminated. The aim of our study was therefore to evaluate the haptoglobin gene polymorphism in subjects with cryptogenic ischemic stroke.
 Methodology: This was a prospective case-control study and included subjects with cryptogenic ischemic stroke followed at the neurology department of FANN hospital in Senegal. Healthy controls were recruited and matched with the cases according to sex and age ±2 years. The Hp gene polymorphism was determined using conventional PCR without enzymatic digestion and biochemical parameters were assayed using the Architect ci4100 system (Abott, USA).
 Results: Our study included 35 patients with cryptogenic stroke. The mean age of the patients was 45±11 years and the sex ratio was 1:1. Assessment of cardiovascular risk factors showed a high frequency of hypertension (46.57%) followed by dyslipidemia (21.42%) and diabetes (10.71%). Drug use was found in 7.14% of subjects. With regard to haptoglobin genotypes, Hp2-2 was much more prevalent in stroke patients (21.42%) than in control subjects (14.28%). In contrast, the Hp1-1 genotype was more prevalent in control subjects, with a rate of 57.14%, compared with 39.28% for cryptogenic strokes.
 Conclusion: Our results seem to show that the Hp2-2 genotype is involved in the occurrence of cryptogenic ischemic stroke. However, the impact of these parameters must be assessed in conjunction with other associated cardiovascular risk factors.

Open Access
An Investigation into the Effects of Organic Amendments in a Saline Environment on Soil Chemical Characteristics, Growth, and Yield of Rice in the South of Senegal

Context of the Study: The use of organic amendments could help increase the resilience of lowland rice in Lower Casamance to salinity. The aim of this study was to test the effect of different organic amendments (biochar and compost) on the salinity tolerance of lowland rice in Basse Casamance.
 Objective: The aim was to test the effect of different organic amendments on the salinity tolerance of rice in the lowlands of the villages of Selecky and Essyl in Lower Casamance.
 Methodology: A split-plot design was adopted with two factors: the type of organic amendment with 4 treatments (biochar, compost, compost + biochar and the control) and salinity with two treatments (salted and unsalted zones). These treatments were repeated 3 times in two consecutive years, 2020 and 2021, at the Selecky and Essyl sites. Physico-chemical characteristics as well as rice growth and production parameters were studied.
 Results: In the saline zone, soil amendments significantly increased the number of tillers and the height of rice plants compared with controls (p<0.05). Average rice yield and plant biomass were significantly higher in the amended plots at Selecky in both experimental years (p<0.05). At Essyl, on the other hand, height, number of tillers, rice yield and plant biomass were lower in the 2nd year of experimentation. Organic amendments had a significant effect (p<0.05) on rice production and yield parameters in the salt zone.

Open Access