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Gender issues are complex issues involving fundamental aspects of human life. When we discuss gender issues, we highlight the inequalities, discrimination and stereotypes that still exist in many societies. Women often face limitations that hinder their full potential in areas such as work, education and social life. In the context of spirituality, society often has religious norms and interpretations that can lead to discrimination against individuals based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. A rigid understanding of spirituality can curb individuals' freedom to live their lives in accordance with personal values and human rights. Silencing women is a way of intimidating women's rights to develop both financially and economically. By eliminating intimidation against women, women can represent themselves according to their own image, either as empowered women or building feminism using social media. Online media can be used as a creative effort to carry out gender sensitive journalism and advocacy journalism as a means of media literacy that can educate women to become intelligent women who do not directly accept the information provided but must be able to properly analyze the values contained in the information they obtain. Keywords: Women, Gender, Women's Self-Representation, Silencing of Women's Self-Capacity, Media Literacy

Open Access

Children have to keep up with the ever-changing developments so as to make them always adapt according to their environment. The progress of an industry and technology is very important, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic that is hitting Indonesia today, because all the sophistication of something new based on technology is proof that in the future science and technology will become a very mandatory and important thing for children. . The era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) is known as the current world condition moves very quickly with all advances in technology and information. To be able to survive in the VUCA era, which is almost all digital, children must adapt for the sake of development in the ever-changing VUCA era. Therefore, as parents, we don't need to be afraid to go to new places, try new things or introduce new experiences to our children by providing proper preparation and support for parenting. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of library research where researchers collect data from library sources. Data collection techniques were carried out through library data collection, from the results of several literatures that parents must understand existing technology to be wise parents in educating children in the current VUCA digital era. The latest technological breakthrough today, smart techno parenting exists as a form of education for children who are smart and able to keep up with the times by utilizing existing technology for the sake of education for their children. It becomes a bad activity that must be avoided if parents are not involved and do not understand a technology. In addition, parents must also have a smart parenting pattern that was previously only available through training. Technological advances in the current VUCA era, have made it easier for parents to obtain useful information that can be used to educate their children. Here are some useful tips for introducing technology education to children at an early age: Set time to learn about technology, the importance of creativity and innovation, use technology to provide cognitive stimulation in children, healthy and appropriate food intake will shape children's mindsets, Technology can be used to help children improve their motor skills.

Open Access