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Digital technologies used in the field of military transport

Military transport as a sub-field of operational logistics ensures both the movement of forces from one location to another as well as their supply and support during military exercises or operations. Ensuring the transportation of materials to the fighting forces at the right time and place, as well as in the necessary quantity, is essential for the successful completion of missions. In this regard, during the planning process for force support, determinants such as destination, duration, distance, and the logistic support demand for the operation are taken into account. Technological evolution allows for the adoption of digital solutions in the logistics field, with the following benefits: reducing the risk of human losses, access to difficult locations, visibility over transported goods, and increased speed of response to logistic support requests.The purpose of this article is to highlight a series of digital technology solutions applied in the field of military transportation. To write this article, a qualitative research strategy was applied to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomena and processes related to military transport. The data collection technique used was the analysis of manuals, regulations, doctrines, articles published in journals and magazines, media content, websites of digital technology developers, and specialized books.The conclusion of the article lies in highlighting the advantages of using robotic technology to ensure military transport.

Forward defense – concept, plan, and action for solving russian aggression at Nato's easternd border

Forward defense is not a new concept. It is rather traditional, coming from the Cold War and implying, originally, the nuclear posture and strategy. Following the issuance of the Madrid NATO Strategic Concept and Vilnius statement that not an inch of the Alliance’s territory will fall under the control of the opponents, a new approach to forward defense is needed to cope with the multiple shifts in the security environment: Russian war of aggression, the change of technological generation, dilemmas of resources and apabilities, limits and multiple challenges from the international environment with superposed simultaneous crises. The perspective of possible attacks on NATO territory – in the next 2-3-5-8 years – requires a review of the concept and, consequently, of the political decisions, strategic planning, enforcement of those decisions, and development of forces and capabilities on the ground. Combining nuclear flexible capabilities, a strategy of massive retaliation with conventional forces and deterrence by reinforcement, deterrence by denial, forward presence, rapid projection capabilities, resolution, effective decisionmaking, and forward posture, we could build a new, updated doctrine of forward defense. However, the debate has to consider what is theoretically developed, technically feasible, politically acceptable, financially sustainable, and strategically credible in the „new forward defense” for granting inviolability of allied territory. The basic limitation is to define and refine forward defense without a reconsideration beyond existing means.

Naval forces operational environment. Flexibility and strategic adaptability

In the dynamic scene of naval operations, constant adaptation and innovation are imperative to meeting the challenges and opportunities of technological advances, geopolitical changes and environmental considerations. This article aims to explore the multidimensional landscape of the naval operational environment, offering original insights and solutions to enhance naval capabilities and cooperation on a regional and global scale. From the forefront of technological innovation, onboard unmanned systems integration and artificial intelligence-based decision-making, to strategic adaptability in response to geopolitical dynamics, the study explores the complex interplay between naval strategy and emerging trends, with environmental considerations taking centre stage. The article argues for a collaborative global naval framework, highlighting the importance of international cooperation in addressing common maritime challenges. This framework envisages the creation of alliances, initiatives and partnerships to foster collective security, promote environmental protection and ensure the peaceful use of the world’s oceans. The main objective is to highlight the intersections between technological advances, strategic flexibility, environmental factors and international cooperation in shaping the future of naval operations. Overall, the study aims to engage a diverse audience comprising policymakers, maritime military leaders, researchers, academics and stakeholders involved in maritime security, defence and environmental protection.

Navigating organizational excellence: a comparative study and roadmap for streamlining defense infrastructure organizational model of Georgia

In the face of evolving geopolitical dynamics and increasing security challenges, the efficacy of a nation’s defense infrastructure is pivotal. This article conducts a comprehensive exploration of defense infrastructure organizational models, centering on the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, and Latvia. Through a meticulous comparative analysis, the study delves into organizational structures, international operations, responsibilities, and strategic focuses of these nations’ defense infrastructure entities. The goal is to glean insights applicable to Georgia’s unique context, identifying key differences and commonalities to formulate a strategic roadmap for enhancing its defense infrastructure capabilities. The article examines each country’s defense infrastructure model, highlighting distinctive features in organizational structure, international operations, responsibilities, and strategic focus. Drawing upon these insights, the study proposes tailored recommendations for Georgia, spanning organizational structure, international operations, responsibilities and focus, modernization and strategy, and integration of departmental efforts. Key entities within Georgia’s defense infrastructure organizational model, such as the Department of Defense Sustainability, the J-4 Logistics Planning Department, and the Command for Logistics Support of the Troops, are illuminated to underscore their pivotal roles in fortifying the country’s defense capabilities. Concluding with the identification of key areas for improvement in Georgia’s defense infrastructure organization, the article outlines recommendations encompassing organizational structure, international operations, responsibilities and focus, modernization and strategy, and integration of departmental efforts. By aligning Georgia’s defense infrastructure with international best practices, the nation can enhance security, contribute to regional stability, and actively participate in global security efforts. In essence, this article serves as a strategic guide for Georgia, offering a roadmap to fortify its defense infrastructure in a rapidly changing world. Through a synthesis of global insights and tailored recommendations, Georgia can position itself as a resilient and adaptable force, safeguarding national interests and contributing to a more secure global landscape.

Romanians and Bulgarians at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Political assassinations, border incidents and the attempted anarchist/terrorist plot against King Carol I (1900-1901)

At the beginning of 1900, Romanian-Bulgarian relations were very tense, being fuelled by both the incidents at the Southern border and the attacks that took place on the Romanian territory, thus, on the agenda of the Romanian politicians, the problem of the Aromanians from the Balkan Peninsula and Macedonia, the province coveted by Bulgarians, Greeks and Serbs, where comitagii gangs, the antarti and the cetnic fought both for the liberation of the countrymen from Ottoman rule and with the Turkish troops. In this context, assassination came to be used as a weapon against opponents, being present in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece.At the end of the 19th century, Romanian society was suddenly awakened to reality, facing the consequences of the barbaric manner in which one of these revolutionary secret committees acted, whose anarchist subcommittee was established in Bucharest – nowadays we frequently use the phrase terrorist cell for something similar. Thus, it received the mission to commit several bombings on the Romanian territory, as well as the assassination of King Carol I and Romanian dignitaries, while, at the Southern border, the Romanian border guards reported daily incidents at the common border whose purpose was to destabilize and maintain a tense state on the conventional demarcation line between Romania and Bulgaria.
