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A Pragmatic Analysis of Regret Expressions in Selected Quranic Verses

Regret is a mental and psychological state, a natural feeling; a feeling of sadness that a person experiences when he realizes the consequences of a bad thing he did or a decision he made. Regret expressions in the Glorious Qur’an vary according to the situational contexts and to the extent to which the experiencer is undergoing; however, these expressions seem have to some degree the same deep structure since they all reflect the meaning of regret. This leads to the fact that regret expressions offer a fertile field of study where the deep meaning of such expressions is one but reflected in various linguistic forms in the surface structure. This paper hypothesizes that regret expressions in the Glorious Qur’an are of different categories; however, they share the same deep structure and can be expressed directly and indirectly via different linguistic expressions. Accordingly, this paper aims at verifying these hypotheses by adopting Searle’s model (1971) of speech act theory. The data analyzed consist of eight selected Qur’anic texts. The analysis is achieved by interpreting the Qur’anic text, showing the type of regret, then decide the type of the speech acts found in these texts. The results of analysis and the conclusions prove the viability of the model adopted, verify the hypotheses, and achieve the aims of the study. Studying the speech act of regret can have important pedagogical implications for language learning and communication. By developing their pragmatic competence, critical thinking skills, and emotional intelligence, EFL learners can become more effective communicators and responsible members of their communities.

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Impact of Self-Determination Theory in American Psycho By Bet Easton Ellis

This study tackles the summery of the story of AMERICAN PSYCHO and the relationship of self-determination and the main character who was severely impact by his psychology motivation from being the best between his social entourage and become killing multiple of his friends and many other people and as well as one dog and one poor man in street. It also has mentioned all the characters in this story and some of their quotes. After that it has been reported the one critical analysis of this story; then it talks about the role of violence of the main character and his consumption under capitalism. The physical violence and the stratification of the psycho American and sexual desire with his friends and horrible violence over them who finished by killing multiple of his girlfriends and finally being a serial killer of Los Angeles. Replying back by quickly conclusion talk about the stylish modernism and post modernism of this story that makes a sensitive revolution of this Ellis novelist who has made one new story of many colors of problem trying to figure this American life style and psycho American characters are doing well imagine how much psychology motivation is imposed by American society and the role of capitalism making one horror story and revolutionary road in the 80teen with the stylish modernism and that makes from the story one of the best of written and have some great ideas and many problems of the American society.

Open Access
A Critical Discourse Analysis of American and Arabic Political Discourses

The current study is an attempt to analyze discourse from the CDA perspective. The study aims at answering the following questions: How language use in Trump’s and Alsisi’s speech affected people? Do their speeches have positive or negative implication for the Egyptians people? And what are the discursive strategies used in their speeches?To answer these questions, the study hypothesizes that speakers use different strategies, argumentation and historical background to express their ideologies to listeners to have their supports. Also, it is hypothesized that English and Arabic speakers differ in the ways they make use of these materials.Wodak’s model (1999); the historical discourse approach (DHA), has been chosen to be the model adopted to analyze the data selected. Accordingly, two speeches of the former presidents; Abdul Fatah Assisi, in Khartoum-Sudan in March 6, 2021 and Donald Trump the former president of the United States of America, on Oct 23, 2020 about Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam are selected to be the data of this study. Concentration is going to be on the components of the historic approach including the strategies, the topos, the context and the historical background. Each discourse is analyzed according to these components. At last, the current study finds out that Trump as a speaker uses more topos of danger and that Assisi uses more reference strategy a conclusion which unveils the hidden ideologies of the speakers that Trump is more confident, more powerful and impetuous than Assisi who seems less confident, less powerful and careful in choosing his words.

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