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Zhu Da (1626–1705) was a famous Chinese artist who lived during the late-Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. He was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Zhu Da was related to the imperial house of Ming. After the fall of this dynasty, during the reign of the Manchus, he was forced to hide, became a monk for some time and reached heights in the study of Buddhism, after which he returned to worldly life. Zhu Da and his work were significantly influenced by the classical texts of Confucianism, the philosophy of Cheng-Zhu, Buddhism and Taoism. His poetic captions for paintings and individual poems are extremely symbolic and have a special artistic style. Zhu Da became a reformer of traditional literati painting (wenrenhua) and raised it to new heights. Subsequently, he had a great influence on the painting of representatives of the Four Monks and the Eight Eccentrics from Yangzhou, as well as on the style of such 20th century masters as Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong, who worked at the end of the Qing period and the beginning of the Republican period in China. The last fifty years have become the most fruitful period in the field of studying the work of Zhu Da. The research moved outside of China, publications by foreign scientists appeared about the artist, and the name of Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) gained worldwide fame and recognition. The scientific works and articles devoted to him are conventionally divided into the following three thematic areas. The first one is the study of Zhu Da’s pseudonyms (names), his life and contacts with artists and poets, his contemporaries. The second area is the study of Zhu Da’s creative thought and artistic achievements. The third one is a study of the influence of Zhu Da’s painting style on later artists and related comparisons. The article analyses publications and scientific works devoted to Zhu Da’s creative work, published over the past half century. Among them, those related to clarifying the pseudonyms (names) of Zhu Da, his pedigree and biography are especially highlighted; various approaches of Chinese and foreign scientists to the study of the creative work of the outstanding Chinese master and his artistic heritage are considered.

Open Access

The article presents an overview of the work of the international scientific and practical conference Literary Digital Archive as Cultural Practice and Social Experience, held on October 20, 2022 at the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and dedicated to the results of a research project carried out at IMLI with the support of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF) - Transcript: Politics and Literature. Digital Archive of Literary Organizations of the 1920s-1930s. The essence of the project consisted in digitizing transcripts of meetings of proletarian writers’ unions and placing them in a specially prepared digital database. Turning to these sources allows the literary critic to focus on the functions of literary institutions: production, communication, consumption and distribution of material and symbolic goods. The speakers noted the prospects of an extensive path - the expansion of the material involved in digitization, and the intensive development of the project. The discussion of the results ended with general support for the idea of publishing the next volume of the Literary Legacy, dedicated to the history of proletarian writers’ unions, the output of which would crown the historical and literary research vector set by the project Transcript: Politics and Literature.

Open Access

The formation of digital trends in both art and design is due to the development and ubiquity of computer technology. In graphic design, new technologies influence not only design methods but also the emergence of new synthetic genres such as motion design in many ways. This article highlights the use of motion graphics in various visual areas on the example of the well-known design project of the Dumbar/DEPT® studio - the DEMO Design in Motion Festival. Today, in graphic design, there is an ever-increasing need to use motion graphics tools: from individual animated project elements to flexible, dynamic identica. It is due to the widespread transition of most information carriers to the digital environment. An animated image is more informationally saturated and is able to more actively attract the viewer through movement, which is especially important in the context of modern informational redundancy of the surrounding space. The big advantage of an animated image is its easy updating. Thus, the image can be easily broadcast on different screens or planes, thereby easier to fit into the modern urban space, and also, it does not require printing costs. The number of possible colours in a screen image is in the millions, and the ease of producing it with a camera or a phone is incomparable to printing processes. Particular attention is paid to the role of motion graphics in the modern digital space. Computer technologies give a designer not only a tool for designing but also create a new digital environment for their work. However, researchers still face the problem of a single form and technological basis for storing digital images. International festivals act as platforms for discussing modern trends in design, as well as selecting and exhibiting the most innovative projects. Due to the transition of many design processes to the digital environment, today it is becoming more and more important to have a platform for placing screen works. In 2019, the DEMO Design in Motion festival became such a platform. Founded by Rotterdam-based studio Dumbar/DEPT®, the festival is by far the largest motion graphics exhibit platform.

Open Access