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Posłowie debiutanci w Sejmie VII, VIII i IX kadencji. Przyczynek do analizy zjawiska wymiany partyjnych elit

Parliamentary representation of political parties is nowadays becoming an important field of activity of every grouping. Members of Parliament, following the standards of party charters, become an element of party elite, holding the official positions in collegiate organs. Personal changes in the parliament then mean changes in the party elite. The goal of the article is defining the scale of the phenomenon of debut Members of Parliament in the years of 2011, 2015 and 2019. The research question which the author was faced with is the question about the scale of the phenomenon of debut Members of Parliament and its consequences for the demographic structure of the Polish Sejm and the particular party representations in the parliament, defined as party elites. Detailed questions concern: the importance of parliamentary representatives in contemporary political groupings; defining whether the scale of the phenomenon in 2015 was significantly different from the election results from 2011 and 2019. The established hypotheses assume that: the important of parliamentary representation in contemporary parties is on a constant growth on the formal level and also within the political praxis, and consequently, Members of Parliament can be called party elites. Another hypothesis assumes that the phenomenon of debut MPs has stood out quantitatively in the analyzed period of time, nevertheless, it has not changed the demographic structure of the parliament dramatically, concerning the other two analyzed terms. The period of the analysis concerns the three parliamentary elections in 2011, 2015 and 2019, which allowed to pick up on the possible tendency of the phenomenon.

Open Access
Czy życie może zwyciężyć? Pentti Linkola – fiński przedstawiciel alternatywy ekologicznej

In this article were presented beliefs and ideas of Pentti Linkola who was a Finnish representative of deep ecology. Taking into consideration debates and discussions on how to solve global environmental crisis, he must be perceived as one of the most charismatic and radical figure. The only solutions to protect life in biosphere are for him: organized coercion, compulsory reduction of the human population, authoritarian system managed by a strong centralized government, forcing people to reduce consumption, possessions, travelling, and usage of electricity. The concept of Linkola’s philosophy is full of negative judgments towards humans’ responsibility and wisdom. His ideas are also eco-centered and prioritize weal and value of life in general over the weal and life of a single person. The aim of this article is to present and compare Finnish thinker’s opinions on relations between people and environment with other – more popular in Poland – authors. It is worth to mention that Linkola’s ideas and demands are not mentioned in the works of domestic representatives of subdisciplines in social science which concentrate on social and political sources and effects of ecological problems in the modern world. This fact will determine the essence and value of assumptions made for the presented in the article disquisition.

Open Access