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Application of the Genetic Profile Database in cases involving criminally identified individuals in Brazil

A criação da Rede Integrada de Bancos de Perfis Genéticos (RIBPG) e da Lei 12.654/2012 possibilitou o cruzamento de informações genéticas entre laboratórios nacionais e internacionais, contribuindo para a integração entre as instituições envolvidas na segurança pública. A coleta e inserção de perfis genéticos de indivíduos investigados por crimes (categoria “Identificados Criminalmente”) exige a atuação proativa da Autoridade Policial, Ministério Público e Autoridade Judiciária para auxiliar os casos cuja autoria está sob investigação. O presente trabalho apresenta a evolução de coincidências no BNPG e BFPG envolvendo perfis oriundos de vestígios de crimes e de referência de identificados criminalmente desde a implantação destes bancos até o mês de março de 2021. As informações necessárias foram obtidas por meio de ferramentas computacionais (software “CODIS”, versão 8.0, arquivos disponibilizados na rede computacional interna do Setor de Perícias de Genética Forense da Polícia Federal e no Sistema de Criminalística (SISCRIM)) e dos relatórios da RIBPG. A maioria das amostras de identificados criminalmente foi inserida pela Polícia Federal, indicando que essa prática é mais disseminada nesta instituição do que nas Polícias Civis. Ainda, foram obtidas maiores taxas de coincidência para o BFPG em relação ao BNPG para a categoria estudada.

Open Access
Editorial: Governance, Management and Innovation in Public Safety

Diante do cenário atual de incertezas, desafios complexos, e aceleradas mudanças tecnológicas, exigem da Segurança Pública e demais setores relacionados, adaptações e transformações para continuar cumprindo seu papel. A inovação, a boa governança e gestão são elementos que podem impulsionar e fazer acontecer as mudanças necessárias sem perder de vista a sua função de preservar a ordem pública e gerar valor público. Assim, este dossiê temático traz esses temas à discussão, por meio de análise do marco legal, pesquisa científicas e relatos de iniciativas de órgão do setor público, em especial da Segurança Pública. Os resultados mostram que as transformações estão ocorrendo, tanto na evolução do marco legal, quanto em iniciativas inovadoras, mas que são necessárias maiores discussões, trabalho colaborativo, e aprendizagem de rede para avançar. Há carência de proposta de modelos, frameworks, diretrizes, técnicas e ferramentas tangíveis que possam orientar o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de Governança, Gestão e Inovação em Segurança Pública efetivas. Consta-se, também, que o fator humano, as pessoas, são o diferencial neste processo de mudança. Nessa direção, incentivos, capacitações, criação de ambientes de colaboração e coprodução (como laboratórios de inovação), criação de redes intra e interorganizacionais são mecanismos com potencial para impulsionar e acelerar as inovações.

Open Access
O tiro de polícia: decisão irreversível em ambientes complexos

In dynamic environments with a high degree of uncertainty, the response time is shorter, as the anticipatory process simplifies the selection of information, focuses on the target and simultaneously uses strategies to control the environment, where intuition or instinct, whenever resorting to long-term working memory and allied to greater experience, practice and expertise, they increase the efficiency of the decision, whose success is all the greater, the closer the “scanning environment” is (Tenenbaum, 2004). Considering some complex and stressful police environments (eg, searches, arrests of criminals, brawls), the criminal investigator is required to be able to manage the unpredictability and associated risk, and to decide quickly from the selection and treatment of situational information, only possible if there are organizationally high levels of training and frequent training, with a focus on simulator shooting exercises because they are closer to reality. The police decision-making process is, for the reasons invoked, complex and conditioned by psychophysiological, environmental and task variables (Davies, 2015). Complex social systems require high technical skills at the level of police shooting and inherently the TD of criminal investigators of the PJ, whose performance, through the only known study in Portugal with these variables, should be the object of reflection as it shows data that is not in line with the socially intended results of excellence.

Open Access
The Institutionalisation of the Multilateral Police Cooperation in the Americas: A Bottom-Up Approach to the Pathway of an Informal Government Network

The Police Community of America – AMERIPOL was created in 2007, at the 3rd Meeting of Directors, Commanders and Chiefs of Police of Latin America and the Caribbean that took place in Bogotá, Colombia. At the end of this meeting, official delegates of 15 national police institutions signed AMERIPOL’s bylaws. This decision led to the creation of a government network with broad cooperation faculties that – even without an international treaty – has operated since 2007 as a multilateral police cooperation mechanism. States did not oppose AMERIPOL, and several international organisations, the European Union, private actors and police institutions outside the Americas established cooperative alliances with it. The peculiar scenario where police forces – not States – lead the institutionalisation of multilateral police cooperation in the Americas begs the question: is it possible to reconcile the particular political conjuncture of creation and consolidation of AMERIPOL with international law? In this article, I sustain that the harmonisation of that specific political context and legal theory is, indeed, possible by articulating Anne-Marie Slaughter’s disaggregated state interpretation of the transnational agency of domestic government institutions with Janet K. Levit’s Bottom-Up Approach to International Lawmaking. This theoretical proposition reconciles AMERIPOL’s informal origins with the legitimacy needed to participate in any lawmaking process.

Open Access
LEI DE BENFORD: uma análise de sua aplicabilidade em uma amostra de documentos fiscais nas prestações de contas de senadores da República

In a context of compliance analysis and manifestation on documents presented in reimbursement processes for expenses incurred, the selection of attributes or methodologies capable of directing human resources when the object of examination falls on large sets of digital data is challenging. In addition to the other statistical sampling techniques employed in an auditing environment, the Benford's Law as an instrument to guide the identification of anomalous records deserves special mention. Through a study of the financial records of quota expenditures for the exercise of parliamentary activity granted to senators of the Republic, the individual values of a set of fiscal documents were submitted to the logical structure of the Benford's Law and their calculated frequencies compared with the expected ones, to identify the most unusual records for the first, second and first two digits of each disbursement receipt. The analysis of the records and interpretation of the applied statistical tests suggest the presence of signs of manipulations, errors and/or irregularities in the process of rendering accounts for amounts intended to cover expenses. As a result, the described methodology may be applicable to rationalize expenditure verification procedures that share the same characteristics.

SOCIAL FORECASTING: A literature review of research promoted by the United States National Security System to model human behavior

The development of new information and communication technologies increased the volume of information flows within society. For the security forces, this phenomenon presents new opportunities for collecting, processing and analyzing information linked with the opportunity to collect a vast and diverse amount data, and at the same time it requires new organizational and individual competences to deal with the new forms and huge volumes of information. Our study aimed to outline the research areas funded by the US defense and intelligence agencies with respect to social forecasting. Based on bibliometric techniques, we clustered 2688 articles funded by US defense or intelligence agencies in five research areas: a) Complex networks, b) Social networks, c) Human reasoning, d) Optimization algorithms, and e) Neuroscience. After that, we analyzed qualitatively the most cited papers in each area. Our analysis identified that the research areas are compatible with the US intelligence doctrine. Besides that, we considered that the research areas could be incorporated in the work of security forces provided that basic training be offered. The basic training would not only enhance capabilities of law enforcement agencies but also help safeguard against (unwitting) biases and mistakes in the analysis of data.

Open Access

Cannabis sativa L is one of the most used drugs in the world. Information about the plant’s age and storage can help forensic scientists to identify and to track samples. The ratio between the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN) has been related to the degradation of cannabis with time. Thus, this study aimed to test Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) to evaluate cannabis extracts concerning its colors. Initially, 52 samples of Cannabis sativa L. extracts were analyzed by Gas Chromatography coupled to Flame Ionization Detector (GC/FID) to quantify THC and CBN. Afterwards, the extract samples were photographed and analyzed by two different multivariate analysis tools: ChemoStat®, a free chemometrics software, and PhotoMetrix PRO®, an app for mobile devices. Using exploratory analysis of principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). It was observed that the more intense the color for an extract, the higher concentration of THC and CBN it has, while the lighter color extracts correspond to samples with no THC. The results suggest to propose a simple method for previous clustering of samples that may precede chromatographic analyzes, assist in chemical profile studies or simply aggregate samples of similar profiles for analyzed together.

Open Access