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Examining Gender Roles and Professional Realities: Stereotypes Against Women in Islamic Societies

Women have long been a topic of discussion throughout history. There are numerous questions and issues surrounding women's existence, particularly their rights and roles as members of society. Discussions frequently revolve around women's professional careers. In this paper, we will examine women's roles in the workplace, as well as their positions in various religions prior to the emergence of Islam. This study aims to determine Islamic perspectives on the career woman stereotype. This study utilized a literature review, citing primary sources such as the Qur'an, Hadis, fiqh books, scientific journals, and relevant social works. Women are allowed to work in Islam as long as they follow sharia. Women are categorized as God's servants and may contribute to society in a variety of ways. In practice, many women decide to work to help their husbands with family responsibilities. The Qur'an teaches that all believers, men and women, are equal before Allah. As a result, they should have equal standing in regards to God, and they have both been declared equal in their ability to receive His grace. As a result, women face no barriers to employment as long as the work is done in a respectful and polite environment, and they can practice their religion without negatively impacting themselves or the environment. Abstrak Sepanjang sejarah perdaban Islam, perempuan telah menjadi subjek perdebatan. Keberadaan wanita menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan dan masalah, terutama hak dan peran mereka sebagai anggota masyarakat. Dunia kerja perempuan sering menjadi subjek diskusi. Kami akan membahas peran perempuan sebelum kedatangan Islam di tempat kerja dan dalam berbagai agama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pandangan Islam tentang stereotip yang dimiliki wanita karir. Sumber-sumber penting seperti Al-Qur'an, Hadis, kitab-kitab fikih, jurnal ilmiah, dan karya-karya sosial yang relevan dikutip dalam penelitian ini. Tinjauan literatur juga digunakan. Dalam Islam, perempuan yang mengikuti syariah dapat bekerja. Perempuan adalah hamba Allah dan dapat membantu masyarakat dengan berbagai cara. Pada kenyataannya, banyak perempuan yang memilih untuk bekerja untuk membantu suami mereka menyelesaikan tugas keluarga. Al-Qur'an menyatakan bahwa semua orang beriman adalah setara di hadapan Allah, jadi mereka berdua harus memiliki kedudukan yang sama di hadapan-Nya dan memiliki kemampuan untuk menerima anugerah-Nya. Akibatnya, perempuan tidak menghadapi kesulitan untuk bekerja selama pekerjaan itu dilakukan dalam lingkungan yang sopan dan terhormat, dan mereka dapat mempraktikkan agama mereka tanpa berdampak negatif terhadap diri mereka sendiri atau lingkungan

Improving Children's Social Emotionality by Applying Social Interaction in Learning: Gender-Based at MIS YPI Batang Kuis

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of implementing gender-based social interaction in learning to enhance children's socio-emotional development at MIS YPI Batang Kuis. This qualitative research involved six participants from Class I, consisting of four boys and two girls. The findings suggest that children's socio-emotional development aligns with parental expectations. Gender-based social interactions at MIS YPI Batang Kuis, located in Bintang Meriah Village, Deli Serdang Regency, contribute to: 1) encouraging sharing among children of both genders; 2) reinforcing adherence to game rules; 3) promoting inclusive play regardless of gender; and 4) exhibiting manners and behavior consistent with local socio-cultural norms. However, certain behavioral deviations, such as hitting, pushing, mocking, and kicking, were noted among both boys and girls. These deviations can be effectively managed with the appropriate guidance from teachers. Notably, such deviant behaviors are more common among younger children. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari penerapan interaksi sosial berbasis gender dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan perkembangan sosial-emosional anak di MIS YPI Batang Kuis. Penelitian kualitatif ini melibatkan enam partisipan dari Kelas I, yang terdiri dari empat anak laki-laki dan dua anak perempuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan sosial-emosional anak sesuai dengan harapan orang tua. Interaksi sosial berbasis gender di MIS YPI Batang Kuis, yang terletak di Desa Bintang Meriah, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, berkontribusi pada: 1) mendorong berbagi di antara anak-anak dari kedua jenis kelamin; 2) memperkuat kepatuhan terhadap aturan permainan; 3) mempromosikan permainan inklusif tanpa memandang jenis kelamin; dan 4) menunjukkan sopan santun dan perilaku yang sesuai dengan norma sosial budaya setempat. Namun, penyimpangan perilaku tertentu, seperti memukul, mendorong, mengejek, dan menendang, ditemukan di antara anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Penyimpangan-penyimpangan ini dapat ditangani secara efektif dengan bimbingan yang tepat dari para guru. Khususnya, perilaku menyimpang seperti itu lebih sering terjadi pada anak-anak yang lebih muda.

Open Access
Interpreting Women's Emancipation in the Context of Islamic Multiperspectivism: An Analytical Approach

This study aims to investigate, analyze, and establish a model for the study of women's emancipation from an Islamic perspective. The research methodology employs a qualitative interpretive paradigm, utilizing literature-based techniques. Data for the research was sourced from 50 different materials, including books, research findings, and digital news. The data search incorporated keywords such as women's emancipation, gender, and Islamic views. The results indicate that emancipation studies are conducted through a multi-perspective approach encompassing historical perspectives, Islamic law perspectives, and Al-Qur'an perspectives. From these three perspectives, it is evident that Islam has elevated the status of women, leading to equality between women and men. This study implies a shift in societal paradigms, recognizing that women deserve opportunities to contribute in all aspects of society. Such functionalization is implemented with consideration for religious norms, social conditions, and individual competencies. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki, menganalisis, dan membangun model studi emansipasi wanita dari perspektif Islam. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretatif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik berbasis literatur. Data untuk penelitian ini bersumber dari 50 bahan yang berbeda, termasuk buku, temuan penelitian, dan berita digital. Pencarian data menggunakan kata kunci seperti emansipasi wanita, gender, dan pandangan Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa studi emansipasi dilakukan melalui pendekatan multi-perspektif yang mencakup perspektif sejarah, perspektif hukum Islam, dan perspektif Al-Qur'an. Dari ketiga perspektif tersebut, terbukti bahwa Islam telah mengangkat derajat perempuan, yang mengarah pada kesetaraan antara perempuan dan laki-laki. Penelitian ini mengimplikasikan adanya pergeseran paradigma masyarakat yang mengakui bahwa perempuan berhak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berkontribusi dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Fungsionalisasi tersebut diimplementasikan dengan mempertimbangkan norma-norma agama, kondisi sosial, dan kompetensi individu.

Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Gender: Studi Kasus di Taman Kanak-Kanak Putroe Nahrisyah Lhokseumawe

The development of character education programs that consider gender aspects is an important effort in strengthening character values that are in line with gender roles in the early childhood education process. This study aims to unravel the appropriate learning planning so that teachers can recognize: the characteristics and needs of students based on gender in Kindergarten (TK), strategies for teaching character values that are in line with the gender roles of each student, the characters reflected in students in daily life, and further efforts (recommendations) for gender-based character development in children. This study is qualitative research, where data is obtained through observation activities, interviews, and document studies. The research findings show that: 1) The steps taken by educators in learning planning at TK Putroe Nahrisyah Lhokseumawe are: (a) conducting a meeting at the beginning of each semester involving all teachers/educators to formulate instruments for identifying student characteristics and all necessary needs, (b) reviewing teaching materials to be adjusted to the needs of the students. 2) Strategies for teaching character values that are appropriate to each student's gender role include: (a) being a positive example, (b) continuously explaining character values, (c) providing equal space and opportunities for all students, and (d) collaborating with parents/guardians and the campus. 3) The dominant character reflected in students' daily lives at TK Putroe Nahrisyah Lhokseumawe are empathy, courage, creativity, collaboration, discipline, and honesty. The implications of these findings are: 1) teachers enrich learning materials, 2) teachers maintain an inclusive environment, 3) teachers become appropriate role models, and 4) teachers use educational technology.

Urgensi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very wide impact both in terms of economy, social order, and health. In the health sector, the COVID-19 pandemic has made health services only focused on dealing with Covid 19 and the number of health workers who have been exposed, resulting in the closure of various access to health services. Restrictions on activities and public concerns in visiting health care facilities have resulted in the slow interaction of the community, especially mothers and newborns, to health workers and health service facilities. Maternal and child health services are very important, especially in 1000 HPK (First Day of Life), because it is a time when the brain develops rapidly. A mother's health is important. Even though it looks small, the impact of mother's health is so big on the surrounding environment, especially on the child. A healthy mother will raise healthy children as well. The effect can be from the time the child is in the womb until he grows up. In short, a healthy mother will start an intergenerational cycle of health. The health of mothers and babies must be an important concern during the Covid-19 pandemic. If the maternal mortality rate is high and the quality of the babies born is not good, it will become a problem in the future such as stunting. Of course, this will affect the demographic bonus. In the current pandemic, health services must continue to run for mothers and children. If the suboptimal service conditions continue, it will have a serious impact on maternal and child health by increasing mortality and morbidity rates. Therefore, greater efforts are needed to prevent this from happening. It takes synergy between the government, health workers, and the community to prevent these problems from happening.

Open Access
Peran Orang Tua terhadap Praktik Ibadah Salat Anak

Lack of religious knowledge in children so that the performance of prayers does not meet the criteria. This study aims to: find out about parents' attention to children's prayer services, find out the obstacles to inhibiting parental attention to children's prayer services, and find out efforts to prevent obstacles to giving parents' attention to children's prayer services. This research method is qualitative research. Data collection in this research was obtained using observation methods, interviews, and documentation. The type of approach in this research used is field research approach. The results of this study show that parents' attention to children's prayer is still minimal so that there are still many children who have not prayed at the time of prayer. Obstacles that are encountered when giving attention to prayers to children are family factors, namely the limited religious knowledge of parents and the separation of parents, economic factors that are as both parents must make a living to meet their daily needs so that attention to their children is lost, and the interest in learning children who want to perform their prayers is very lacking. Efforts to give attention to children by carrying out routine activities, namely bringing children during congregational prayers in mosques and providing guidance to children in places of study and continued attention while at home.

Open Access
Pengaruh Strategi Student Recap terhadap Hasil Belajar Anak di SMPN I Samudera

The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the effect of the Student Recap (student overview) strategy on learning outcomes in pai at SMPN 1 Samudera? This study aims to determine the effect of the Student Recap (student overview) strategy on learning outcomes in pai at SMPN 1 Samudera. The population in this study were all class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Samudera. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique consisting of two classes with a total of 43 students, namely class VII totaling 20 students and class VII-B totaling 23 students, for the experimental class, namely class VII-A being taught. The use of student recap strategies for the control class, namely VII-B class, is taught using conventional methods. This research is quantitative research and the instrument used is a test in both classes with the same shape and weight. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using the t-test at a significant level α = 0.05. From the results of data processing, it shows that the experimental class with X1 = 72 and S1 = 13.31. While the control class with X2 = 62.82 and S2 = 15.13 so that t count > t is 2.13 > 1.684, then HO is rejected, and Ha is accepted. In other words, the learning outcomes of students who were taught using student recap strategies were higher than students who were taught without using student recap strategies.

Open Access
Pendidikan Politik bagi Perempuan

Women who are represented in the Regency/City DPRD have not yet reached the 30% quota as mandated by the law. The number of women's representation proves that the mandate of the law has not been carried out as it should. The aspirations of women in their political activities are still not respected, there are still many policies that are made that are still biased, women are considered not capable of entering the political sphere, men who should be included in the political arena are men. Many political parties in Indonesia have not accommodated women's rights, especially providing political education to women. Whereas the mandate of the law requires every political party, both national political parties and local parties in several provinces in Indonesia. However, the next obstacle that arises is the understanding of culture that is difficult to overhaul in the social order, some people still hold the principle of patriarchy in which the subordination of men is more dominant than women, so that the capacity of women who want to exist in the political field is hindered. Weaknesses and responsibilities of women in the family sphere are used as reasons to marginalize women's political rights. The biggest homework for the Indonesian people is to raise awareness to the people who are still bound by the cultural system that men and women have the same qualities to assume positions as leaders.

Open Access