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Sosialisasi Literasi Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Penggunaan Media Digital Bagi Siswa SMPN I Limbangan Garut Pada Abad 21 Sesuai Dengan Profil Pelajar Pancasila

The digital literacy socialization has become an essential aspect of education in the 21st century. Where digital technology plays an increasingly dominant role in everyday life, students need to be equipped with adequate skills to use digital media. These skills are required for better academic achievement and for shaping a generation capable of actively participating in an increasingly digitally interconnected society. The Pancasila student profile emphasizes the importance of building strong character and morals that are relevant to digital literacy. Digital literacy socialization should integrate Pancasila values into the learning process, ensuring that students are not only proficient in technology but also able to use digital media wisely and ethically. In the 21st century, the ability to identify accurate information, avoid the spread of fake news, and engage in healthy online discussions are key skills. Therefore, digital literacy socialization aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills required through a relevant curriculum. This research investigates the impact of digital literacy socialization on students' digital media usage skills in line with the Pancasila student profile. The results of the study indicate that digital literacy socialization is effective in enhancing students' digital media usage skills. This creates a generation capable of using digital technology wisely, respecting Pancasila values, and making a positive contribution to an increasingly digitally interconnected society.

Open Access
Penguatan Kapasitas Pemahaman Hak Akses dan Pemantauan Akses Internet Melalui Pelatihan Berbasis Komunitas Desa di Kabupaten Cirebon

The development of infrastructure in Indonesia which targets rural connectivity in 3T areas (Disadvantaged, Outermost, Foremost) means that village communities must prepare themselves. Especially in ensuring the fulfillment of digital rights. There are three digital rights, namely the right to access the Internet (right to access), the right to express online (right to express), and the right to feel safe in the digital realm (right on safety). For this reason, training to increase understanding of Internet access rights as well as training to monitor access based on rural communities is important. Village community-based capacity building training was carried out for representatives of villages, namely Kalikoa, Purbawinangun, Sutawinangun, Astanajapura, Munjul, Buntet and Ciperna villages. This training has the impact of increasing the capacity of the village community in knowledge and understanding of Internet access, and increasing the technical capacity for monitoring and reporting skills through existing tools. The results of the training showed good learning and increased capacity. This is shown by (1) increasing understanding through the pretest and posttest. Internet Knowledge becomes Very Knowledgeable (35.7%) and Knowledgeable (64.3%). Disagree (78.6%) with Internet disruptions and blackouts, and have the right to protest when digital rights violations occur (85.7%). (2) The results of the discussion metaplan show the problem mapping and alternatives developed; and (3) the practice of testing internet networks, both during training and after training, shows that the community can monitor and carry out independent testing.

Open Access
Sosialisasi Child Grooming : Cyber Crime yang Mengintai Anak-Anak di Era Digital

Indonesia is in second place in cyber crime cases in the world. According to Komnas Perempuan’s record, in 2022, online gender-based violence (KBGO) cases occupy the highest position in complains to Komnas Perempuan in the public domain, covering 69% of the total cases. Riau, as one of the provinces in Indonesia, is also not immune to cases of sexual crimes in cyber space. A number of online media reported that Riau experienced an increase in cases of violence against children and women in 2021, this was an increase of 40 cases compared to 2020 . One of the reasons is the lack of parental knowledge of sexual crimes. In addition, the public’s view of sex is still considered very taboo. With current technological developments, it is analogous to an “open gate” that everything can be easily accessed and all forms of cyber crime will easily stalk children, including child grooming. The purpose of this community service is to socialize to the community regarding the dangers of child grooming and provid solutions on how to overcome them. This community service will involve one partner, namely the Raudathul Athfal Alkausar school, Sialang Sakti Village, Dayun District, Siak Regency. The solution offered in this service is to provide counseling related to one type of sexual crime in the digital era called Grooming to both teachers and parents. One of the successes in this service can be seen from the understanding obtained by the teachers and also the guardians of the students. The output targets of this service will later be published in the nationally accredited journal and local electronic mass media.

Open Access
Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Usaha UMKM Pada Makaroni Nampol By MTH Foods

The era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 in various walks of life is also felt by MSMEs who are expected to be able to adopt digital in product marketing, both through social media and various marketplaces. It is also important for an entrepreneur to manage relationships with his customers, both loyal customers and acquiring new customers. Customer data generated from interactions on social media and marketplaces can be used for promotions and minimizing costs. There is a gap between technological developments and digital skills in society, especially Makaroni Nampol by MTH Foods as an MSME that has just started using technological devices, which is the background for service and supporting the Tri Dharma Lecturers. Service method with Training and Mentoring which aims to provide an entrepreneurial mindset, improve the skills of business actors more deeply, such as: online NIB (Business Permit Number) registration, Google My Business, creating accounts on social media, product photography techniques, copywriting and creating BMC ( Business Model Canvas). As a result of this activity, the owner of the Makaroni Nampol by MTH Foods business was very enthusiastic about participating in the training and mentoring, asked a lot of questions in an effort to improve digital marketing, and after attending the training he was able to create a business account on the social media WA, Instagram and TikTok.

Open Access
Literasi Digital Masyarakat Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Digital Abad 21 Melalui Program Gerakan Literasi Digital di Kabupaten Garut

Digital literacy is a competency that is needed by all elements of society. Digital literacy can help society in facing the digital challenges of the 21st century. Therefore, there is a need for special assistance to the public in understanding digital literacy as a whole both in aspects of digital skills, digital culture, digital ethics and digital security. The purpose of digital literacy assistance is to convey knowledge about the importance of understanding digital literacy in the community, the 4 pillars of digital literacy, stimulate the community in building a paradigm of the importance of digital security in facing the digital development of the 21st century, and be active in finding solutions to the digital literacy problems faced, as well as increasing public understanding of digital literacy after participating in mentoring activities. The partners of this mentoring activity are the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and Cibatu District, Garut Regency. The participants of this digital literacy assistance activity were 200 people in Cibatu-Garut District. This activity is carried out with expository and reflection methods. Community digital literacy activities through digital literacy seminars are public understanding of digital literacy related to digital literacy pillars, digital problems and their handling are increasing, this can be seen from the results of the community understanding questionnaire after participating in mentoring activities, namely 64.2% of people strongly agree and 33.8% agree with positive statements from digital literacy indicators. Then the community has begun to have a paradigm of the importance of digital security in facing digital developments in the 21st century, and is active in finding solutions to the digital literacy problems faced.

Open Access
Seminar Literasi Digital Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kecakapan Teknologi Dalam Membangun Masyarakat Digital di Desa Galihpakuwon Balubur Limbangan

The development of technology has a significant impact on its users, provided that users can harness it effectively and wisely. This development and utilization of technology are closely tied to the use of the internet as a support for this technological use. In Indonesia, many people already use the internet in their daily activities; however, the level of digital literacy in Indonesian society is still at a moderate level. In the effort to realize a digital society, digital literacy has been discussed by various stakeholders and approached, but it has not been optimally implemented. A digital society is an example of a society where interaction patterns are greatly influenced by information technology and communication networks. The purpose of digital literacy activities is to enhance the technological skills of the community toward becoming a digital society. This digital literacy program is carried out through various methods, including literature review, observation, interviews, and problem analysis. Subsequently, a digital literacy seminar program is conducted in the village of Galihpakuwon Balubur Limbangan, which serves as the focal point of this initiative. The seminar content is tailored to the needs of participants in the context of existing issues, with a focus on digital literacy indicators such as Digital Skill, Digital Culture, Digital Ethics, and Digital Safety. The results achieved after this activity include the transformation of a traditional community into a digital community in the village of Galihpakuwon Balubur Limbangan.

Open Access
Edukasi Peran Orang Tua Terhadap Anak Dalam Penggunaan Media Sosial Sebagai Bentuk Persiapan Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 5.0

Era of technological advancement, technical ideas can start from simple concepts and transform into large businesses that impact millions of people. This is different from the past when ideas only emerged in laboratories. Technological progress has infiltrated many aspects of human life, including education, sales, shopping, entertainment, and even media consumption. An illustrative example is the use of smartphones to access social networks, which can sometimes be challenging to control, especially among children today. The Community Service Program (PKM) aims to provide understanding, awareness, and education on the crucial role of parents in guiding children's use of social networks as preparation for the Industry 5.0 revolution. This initiative involves collaboration with village officials, community leaders, and digital experts. Using methods such as lectures, discussions, and Q&A sessions, the workshop utilizes presentations and video demonstrations to highlight AI threats. After the material presentation, interaction and prize distribution commend participation in the PKM. The research results indicate enthusiastic responses from the Kertajaya Village community, reflecting their willingness to actively monitor smartphone and social media usage in the future, especially concerning children. This reflects a promising step toward increased awareness and public education about the impact of technological advancements.

Open Access