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Probiotic BC30 Improves Amino Acid Absorption from Plant Protein Concentrate in Older Women

Weizmannia coagulans GBI-30, 6086 (BC30) has previously been shown to increase protein digestion in an in vitro model of the stomach and small intestine and amino acid appearance in healthy men and women after ingestion of milk protein concentrate. The impact of ingesting BC30 with other protein sources or in other demographics is largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of adding BC30 to a 20-g dose of a blend of rice and pea protein on postprandial changes in blood amino acids concentrations in healthy, older women. Healthy, older females (n = 30, 58.5 ± 5.2 years, 165.4 ± 6.8 cm, 65.6 ± 8.8 kg, 23.7 ± 3.2 kg/m2) completed two separate 14-day supplementation protocols separated by a 3-week washout period. Participants were instructed to ingest a 20-g protein dose of a blend of rice and pea protein concentrates (ProDiem Plant Protein Solutions, Kerry) with (PPCBC30) or without (PPC) the addition of 1 × 109 CFU BC30 (Kerry). Body composition and demographics were assessed upon arrival to the laboratory. Upon ingestion of their final assigned supplemental dose, blood samples were taken at 0 (baseline), 30-, 60-, 90-, 120-, 180-, and 240-min post-consumption and analyzed for amino acid concentrations. Alanine (p = 0.018), tryptophan (p = 0.003), cysteine (p = 0.041), essential amino acids (p = 0.050), and total amino acids (p = 0.039) all exhibited significantly (p ≤ 0.05) greater AUC with PPCBC30 when compared to PPC. In addition, tryptophan (p = 0.003), cysteine (p = 0.021), essential amino acids (p = 0.049), and total amino acids (p = 0.035) displayed significantly greater (p ≤ 0.05) concentration maximum (CMax) values in PPCBC30 when compared to PPC. Finally, time to reach CMax (TMax) was similar between conditions with 80% of all measured amino acids and amino acid combinations achieving CMax at a similar time (~ 60 min). Only phenylalanine TMax was found to be different (p = 0.01) between the two conditions with PPC displaying a greater proportion of TMax values after 30 min. Following qualitative (non-inferential) assessment, 88% of all measured outcomes achieved a higher AUC with PPCBC30 and 100% of all outcomes achieved a higher CMax with PPCBC30. In concert with previous findings in a younger mixed gender cohort with milk protein, the addition of BC30 to a daily 20-g dose of plant protein concentrate in healthy older women improved AUC and CMax values in several individual amino acids and amino acid combinations. Retrospectively registered on April 6, 2022, at as NCT05313178.

Open Access
Leucine ingestion promotes mTOR translocation to the periphery and enhances total and peripheral RPS6 phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle.

The activation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), a master regulator of protein synthesis, by anabolic stimuli (such as muscle contraction or essential amino acids) involves its translocation to the cell periphery. Leucine is generally considered the most anabolic of amino acids for its ability to independently modulate muscle protein synthesis. However, it is currently unknown if free leucine impacts region-specific mTORC1-mediated phosphorylation events and protein-protein interactions. In this clinical trial (NCT03952884; registered May 16, 2019), we used immunofluorescence methods to investigate the role of dietary leucine on the postprandial regulation of mTORC1 and ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6), an important downstream readout of mTORC1 activity. Eight young, healthy, recreationally active males (n = 8; 23 ± 3 yrs) ingested 2g of leucine with vastus lateralis biopsies collected at baseline, 30, 60, and 180min postprandial. Leucine promoted mTOR translocation to the periphery (~ 18-29%; p ≤ 0.012) and enhanced mTOR localization with the lysosome (~ 16%; both p = 0.049) at 30 and 60min post-feeding. p-RPS6Ser240/244 staining intensity, a readout of mTORC1 activity, was significantly elevated at all postprandial timepoints in both the total fiber (~ 14-30%; p ≤ 0.032) and peripheral regions (~ 16-33%; p ≤ 0.014). Additionally, total and peripheral p-RPS6Ser240/244 staining intensity at 60min was positively correlated (r = 0.74, p = 0.036; r = 0.80, p = 0.016, respectively) with rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis over 180min. The ability of leucine to activate mTORC1 in peripheral regions favors an enhanced rate of MPS, as this is the intracellular space thought to be replete with the cellular machinery that facilitates this anabolic process.

A genome-wide association analysis of 2,622,830 individuals reveals new pathogenic pathways in gout

AbstractGout is a chronic disease of monosodium urate crystal deposition in the setting of hyperuricemia that typically presents with recurrent flares of acute inflammatory arthritis that occur due to innate immune response to deposited crystals. The molecular mechanism of the progression from hyperuricemia to clinical gout is poorly understood. Here we provide insights into this progression from a genetic study of 2.6 million people, including 120,282 people with gout. We detected 376 loci and 410 genetically independent signals (148 new loci in urate and gout). We identified 1,768 candidate genes with subsequent pathway analysis revealing urate metabolism, type 2 diabetes, and chromatin modification and structure as top pathways in gout. Genes located within or statistically linked to significant GWAS loci were prioitized for their potential to control the progression from hyperuricemia to gout. This identified strong candidate immune genes involved in epigenetic remodelling, cell osmolarity, and regulation of NLRP3-inflammasome activity. The genetic association signal atXDH, encoding the urate-producing enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), co-localizes with genetic control ofXDHexpression, but only in the prostate. We demonstrate XOR activity and urate production in the mouse prostate, and use single-cell RNA sequence data to propose a model of urate reuptake, synthesis, and secretion by the prostate. The gout-associated loci were over-represented for genes implicated in clonal hematopoeiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) and Mendelian randomization analysis provided evidence for a causal role of CHIP in gout. In concert with implication of epigenomic regulators, this provides support for epigenomic remodelling as causal in gout. We provide new insights into the molecular pathogenesis of gout and identify an array of candidate genes for a role in the inflammatory process of gout.

Open Access
Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 improves amino acid absorption from milk protein

BackgroundProbiotic Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 (BC30) has been shown to increase protein digestion in an in vitro model of the stomach and small intestine. Once active in the small intestine after germination, BC30 aids the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. The extent to which BC30 administration may impact protein digestion and amino acid appearance in humans after protein ingestion is currently unknown. This study examined the impact of adding BC30 to a 25-g dose of milk protein concentrate on post-prandial changes in blood amino acids concentrations.Methods14 males and 16 females (n = 30, 26.4 ± 6.5 years; 172.3 ± 10.8 cm; 78.2 ± 14.8 kg; 22.6 ± 7.2% fat) completed two supplementation protocols that each spanned two weeks separated by a washout period that lasted three weeks. Participants were instructed to track their dietary intake and ingest a daily 25-g dose of milk protein concentrate with (MPCBC30) or without (MPC) the addition of BC30. Body composition and demographics were assessed upon arrival to the laboratory. Upon ingestion of their final assigned supplemental dose, blood samples were taken at 0 (baseline), 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 240 min post-consumption and analyzed for amino acid concentrations.ResultsArginine (p = 0.03) and Isoleucine (p = 0.05) revealed greater area-under-the curve (AUC) in MPCBC30 group compared to MPC. In addition, Arginine (p = 0.02), Serine (p = 0.01), Ornithine (p = 0.02), Methionine (p = 0.04), Glutamic Acid (p = 0.01), Phenylalanine (p = 0.05), Isoleucine (p = 0.04), Tyrosine (p = 0.02), Essential Amino Acids (p = 0.02), and Total Amino Acids (p < 0.01) all revealed significantly greater concentration maximum (CMax) in MPCBC30 compared to MPC. Finally, time to reach CMax (TMax) was significantly faster for Glutamine (p < 0.01), Citrulline (p < 0.01), Threonine (p = 0.04), Alanine (p = 0.02) in MPCBC30 when compared to MPC. Greater mean differences between groups for AUC and CMax in women when compared to the mean differences in men were found for several amino acids.ConclusionIn concert with previous in vitro evidence of improved protein digestion and amino acid appearance, these results reveal that adding BC30 to protein sources such as milk protein concentrate can improve AUC, CMax, and faster TMax. Follow-up research should examine differences between gender and explore how aging can impact these outcomes. Retrospectively registered on June 11, 2020 at as NCT04427020.

Open Access
Probiotic Administration Increases Amino Acid Absorption from Plant Protein: a Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Crossover Study

The fate of dietary protein in the gut is determined by microbial and host digestion and utilization. Fermentation of proteins generates bioactive molecules that have wide-ranging health effects on the host. The type of protein can affect amino acid absorption, with animal proteins generally being more efficiently absorbed compared with plant proteins. In contrast to animal proteins, most plant proteins, such as pea protein, are incomplete proteins. Pea protein is low in methionine and contains lower amounts of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which play a crucial role in muscle health. We hypothesized that probiotic supplementation results in favorable changes in the gut microbiota, aiding the absorption of amino acids from plant proteins by the host. Fifteen physically active men (24.2 ± 5.0 years; 85.3 ± 12.9 kg; 178.0 ± 7.6 cm; 16.7 ± 5.8% body fat) co-ingested 20 g of pea protein with either AminoAlta™, a multi-strain probiotic (5 billion CFU L. paracasei LP-DG® (CNCM I-1572) plus 5 billion CFU L. paracasei LPC-S01 (DSM 26760), SOFAR S.p.A., Italy) or a placebo for 2 weeks in a randomized, double-blind, crossover design, separated by a 4-week washout period. Blood samples were taken at baseline and at 30-, 60-, 120-, and 180-min post-ingestion and analyzed for amino acid content. Probiotic administration significantly increased methionine, histidine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, total BCAA, and total EAA maximum concentrations (Cmax) and AUC without significantly changing the time to reach maximum concentrations. Probiotic supplementation can be an important nutritional strategy to improve post-prandial changes in blood amino acids and to overcome compositional shortcomings of plant proteins. Identifier: ISRCTN38903788

Open Access
Inotersen preserves or improves quality of life in hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis

ObjectiveTo examine the impact on quality of life (QOL) of patients with hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy treated with inotersen (Tegsedi™) versus placebo.MethodsData were from the NEURO-TTR trial ( Identifier: NCT01737398), a phase 3, multinational, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of inotersen in patients with hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. At baseline and week 66, QOL measures—the Norfolk-QOL-Diabetic Neuropathy (DN) questionnaire and SF-36v2® Health Survey (SF-36v2)—were assessed. Treatment differences in mean changes in QOL from baseline to week 66 were tested using mixed-effect models with repeated measures. Responder analyses compared the percentages of patients whose QOL meaningfully improved or worsened from baseline to week 66 in inotersen and placebo arms. Descriptive analysis of item responses examined treatment differences in specific activities and functions at week 66.ResultsStatistically significant mean differences between treatment arms were observed for three of five Norfolk-QOL-DN domains and five of eight SF-36v2 domains, with better outcomes for inotersen than placebo in physical functioning, activities of daily living, neuropathic symptoms, pain, role limitations due to health problems, and social functioning. A larger percentage of patients in the inotersen arm than the placebo arm showed preservation or improvement in Norfolk-QOL-DN and SF-36v2 scores from baseline to week 66. Responses at week 66 showed more substantial problems with daily activities and functioning for patients in the placebo arm than in the inotersen arm.ConclusionPatients with hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy treated with inotersen showed preserved or improved QOL at 66 weeks compared to those who received placebo.

Open Access
Using Bioprinting to Tissue Engineer Microvascularized Constructs for Skeletal Muscle Repair

IntroductionOne challenge in tissue engineering (TE) is designing a construct which ensures adequate oxygen diffusion and removal of waste throughout the implanted tissue. In native tissue, the maximum distance between any cell and capillary is limited to the diffusion distance of oxygen, or 100–200 μm1. Mimicking this dense microvasculature in TE constructs is critical to cell viability and function, particularly in thick implants, such as those for skeletal muscle repair2. There have been many recent advancements in using TE to develop skeletal muscle constructs for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss (VML) in injuries incurred by soldiers and civilians. We have developed a tissue engineered muscle repair (TEMR) technology which consists of myoblasts seeded onto a porcine bladder acellular matrix (BAM). While TEMR has previously been reported to result in 60–70% functional recovery in rodent models within 2 months after implantation3,4, we hypothesize that incorporating endothelial cells (ECs) and pericytes in the TEMR will accelerate the rate and magnitude of functional recovery by facilitating anastomosis with the recipient microcirculation and increasing perfusion into the construct.ObjectiveUse bioprinting to position endothelial cells and pericytes with myoblasts on the BAM to “pre‐vascularize” the TEMR construct.ResultsDecellularized microvasculature basement membrane remains intact in some areas of the BAM (Figure 1A). Using the Organovo NovoGen Bioprinter®, we have developed a novel bioprinting method to pattern ECs and myoblasts on the acellular bladder matrix (BAM). ECs seeded onto the BAM begin to form network‐like structures after just 24 hours (Figure 1B). EC viability was shown to be high (&gt;90%) for two bioprinting needle diameters (250 μm vs 500 μm). (Figure 1C).ConclusionsThe presence of ECM from microvasculature on the BAM suggests that the BAM is a promising scaffold for pre‐vascularization. This is further supported by the formation of endothelial network‐like formations on the BAM after just 24 hrs. It is also encouraging that the 250 μm bioprinting needle does not reduce cell viability, as a smaller diameter allows for more precise patterning of cells. Together, these preliminary results suggest that it is feasible to “pre‐vascularize” the TEMR construct by bioprinting.Future WorkWe will further investigate EC viability and network formation in co‐culture with myoblasts. We also plan to incorporate bioprinted pericytes to further encourage and support the formation of pre‐vascularized microvascular networks in TEMR.Support or Funding InformationNIH T32 GM008715, Organovo, Inc., and the UVA Center for Advanced BiomanufacturingThis abstract is from the Experimental Biology 2019 Meeting. There is no full text article associated with this abstract published in The FASEB Journal.

Bioprinted liver provides early insight into the role of Kupffer cells in TGF-β1 and methotrexate-induced fibrogenesis.

Hepatic fibrosis develops from a series of complex interactions among resident and recruited cells making it a challenge to replicate using standard in vitro approaches. While studies have demonstrated the importance of macrophages in fibrogenesis, the role of Kupffer cells (KCs) in modulating the initial response remains elusive. Previous work demonstrated utility of 3D bioprinted liver to recapitulate basic fibrogenic features following treatment with fibrosis-associated agents. In the present study, culture conditions were modified to recapitulate a gradual accumulation of collagen within the tissues over an extended exposure timeframe. Under these conditions, KCs were added to the model to examine their impact on the injury/fibrogenic response following cytokine and drug stimuli. A 28-day exposure to 10 ng/mL TGF-β1 and 0.209 μM methotrexate (MTX) resulted in sustained LDH release which was attenuated when KCs were incorporated in the model. Assessment of miR-122 confirmed early hepatocyte injury in response to TGF-β1 that appeared delayed in the presence of KCs, whereas MTX-induced increases in miR-122 were observed when KCs were incorporated in the model. Although the collagen responses were mild under the conditions tested to mimic early fibrotic injury, a global reduction in cytokines was observed in the KC-modified tissue model following treatment. Furthermore, gene expression profiling suggests KCs have a significant impact on baseline tissue function over time and an important modulatory role dependent on the context of injury. Although the number of differentially expressed genes across treatments was comparable, pathway enrichment suggests distinct, KC- and time-dependent changes in the transcriptome for each agent. As such, the incorporation of KCs and impact on baseline tissue homeostasis may be important in recapitulating temporal dynamics of the fibrogenic response to different agents.

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