A new quaternary intermetallic borocarbideTmCo2B2C has been synthesized via rapid-quench of an arc-melted ingot. Elementaland powder-diffraction analyses established its correct stoichiometry andsingle-phase character. The crystal structure is isomorphous with that ofTmNi2B2C (I4/mmm) and is stable over the studied temperature range. Above 7 K,the paramagnetic state follows modified Curie–Weiss behavior(χ = C/(T−θ)+χ0)wherein χ0 = 0.008(1) emu mol−1 with the temperature-dependent term reflecting the paramagnetism of the Tm subsystem:μeff = 7.6(2) μB (in agreement with the expected value for a freeTm3+ ion)and θ = −4.5(3) K. Long-range ferromagnetic order of the Tm sublattice is observed to develop around∼1 K. No superconductivityis detected in TmCo2B2C down to 20 mK, a feature which is consistent with the general trend in theRCo2B2C series. Finally, the influence of the rapid-quench process on the magnetism (and superconductivity) ofTmNi2B2C will be discussed andcompared to that of TmCo2B2C.
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