Previous articleNext article No AccessRevisions/ReportsClothing and Gender in America: Children's Fashions, 1890-1920Jo B. PaolettiJo B. Paoletti Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 13, Number 1Autumn, 1987Women and the Political Process in the United States Article DOI Views: 134Total views on this site Citations: 20Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1987 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Silvia De Simone, Jessica Pileri Resistance to gender education: a case study of a kindergarten in Italy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 41, no.88 (Jun 2022): 1243–1261. Sarı, Albert Ali Salah, Alkım Almıla Akdag Salah Automatic detection and visualization of garment color in Western portrait paintings, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34, no.Supplement_1Supplement_1 (Aug 2019): i156–i171. Grisard Pink boys: colouring gender, gendering affect, NORMA 13, no.3-43-4 (Apr 2017): 227–249. Ping Yeung, Wang Ivy Wong Gender Labels on Gender-Neutral Colors: Do they Affect Children’s Color Preferences and Play Performance?, Sex Roles 79, no.5-65-6 (Jan 2018): 260–272. Del Giudice Pink, Blue, and Gender: An Update, Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, no.66 (Jun 2017): 1555–1563. I. Wong, Melissa Hines Preferences for Pink and Blue: The Development of Color Preferences as a Distinct Gender-Typed Behavior in Toddlers, Archives of Sexual Behavior 44, no.55 (Feb 2015): 1243–1254. S. Al-Rasheed An experimental study of gender and cultural differences in hue preference, Frontiers in Psychology 6 (Jan 2015). Aspers, Frédéric Godart Sociology of Fashion: Order and Change, Annual Review of Sociology 39, no.11 (Jul 2013): 171–192. N. Cohen Children’s Gender and Parents’ Color Preferences, Archives of Sexual Behavior 42, no.33 (Mar 2012): 393–397. Del Giudice The Twentieth Century Reversal of Pink-Blue Gender Coding: A Scientific Urban Legend?, Archives of Sexual Behavior 41, no.66 (Jul 2012): 1321–1323. Adams “Josh Wears Pink Cleats”: Inclusive Masculinity on the Soccer Field, Journal of Homosexuality 58, no.55 (Apr 2011): 579–596. Naugler Wearing Pink as a Stand Against Bullying: Why We Need To Say More, Journal of Homosexuality 57, no.33 (Feb 2010): 347–363. W. Chiu, Shannon Gervan, Courtney Fairbrother, Laurel L. Johnson, Allison F. H. Owen-Anderson, Susan J. Bradley, Kenneth J. Zucker Sex-Dimorphic Color Preference in Children with Gender Identity Disorder: A Comparison to Clinical and Community Controls, Sex Roles 55, no.5-65-6 (Nov 2006): 385–395. J. Zucker Measurement of Psychosexual Differentiation, Archives of Sexual Behavior 34, no.44 (Aug 2005): 375–388. J Zucker Intersexuality and Gender Identity Differentiation, Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 15, no.11 (Feb 2002): 3–13. Huun, Susan B. Kaiser The Emergence of Modern Infantwear, 1896-1962: Traditional White Dresses Succumb to Fashion's Gender Obsession, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 19, no.33 (Jul 2016): 103–119. B. Arthur Dress and the Social Construction of Gender in Two Sororities, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 17, no.22 (Jul 2016): 84–93. J. Lennon Clothing and Changing Sex Roles: Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses, Home Economics Research Journal 18, no.33 (Jul 2009): 245–254. Eric Schmidt “A Church-going People are a Dress-loving People”: Clothes, Communication, and Religious Culture in Early America, Church History 58, no.11 (Jul 2009): 36–51. M. VOLPP, SHARRON J. LENNON PERCEIVED POLICE AUTHORITY AS A FUNCTION OF UNIFORM HAT AND SEX, Perceptual and Motor Skills 67, no.33 (Dec 1988): 815–824.
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